1,424 research outputs found

    A Self-adaptive Fireworks Algorithm for Classification Problems

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    his work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61403206 and 61771258, in part by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province under Grants BK20141005 and BK20160910, in part by the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China under Grant 14KJB520025, in part by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions, in part by the Open Research Fund of Jiangsu Engineering Research Center of Communication and Network Technology, NJUPT, under Grant JSGCZX17001, and in part by the Shaanxi Key Laboratory of Complex System Control and Intelligent Information Processing, Xi’an University of Technology, under Contract SKL2017CP01.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Denim-fabric-polishing robot size optimization based on global spatial dexterity

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    This paper presents a novel method to make denim-fabric-polishing robots perform their primary task flexibly and efficiently within a limited workspace. Link lengths are optimized based on an adaptive fireworks algorithm to improve the comprehensive dexterity index. A forward kinematics analysis of the denim-fabric-polishing robot is conducted via the D–H method; the workspace is analyzed according to the needs at hand to determine the range of motion of each joint. To solve the movement condition number of the Jacobian matrix, the concept of low-condition-number probability is established, and a comprehensive dexterity indicator is constructed. The influence of the robot's size on the condition number and comprehensive dexterity index is determined. Finally, the adaptive fireworks algorithm is used to establish the objective optimization function by integrating the dexterity index and other performance indicators. The optimization results show that when the comprehensive dexterity index is taken as the optimization objective, the dexterity comprehensive index and other performance indices of the robot are the lowest; that is, the robot is more flexible. Compared with the traditional genetic algorithm and particle swarm algorithm, the adaptive fireworks algorithm proposed in this paper has better solving speed and solving precision. The optimized workspace of the robot meets the requirements of the polishing task. The design also yields a sufficiently flexible, efficient, and effective robot.</p

    Intelligent Control of Solar LED Street Lamp Based on Adaptive Fuzzy PI Control

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    As road traffic develops, energy-saving and efficient street lights have become a key research field for relevant professionals. To reduce street lights energy consumption, a fireworks algorithm is used to optimize the membership function parameters of fuzzy control and the initial parameters of PI control. A fireworks algorithm improved adaptive fuzzy PI solar LED street light control system is designed. The results showed that in the calculation of Root-mean-square deviation and Mean absolute error, the Root-mean-square deviation of the adaptive fuzzy PI control system improved by the fireworks algorithm was 0.213, 0.258, 0.243, 0.220, and the Mean absolute error was 0.143, 0.152, 0.154, 0.139, respectively, which proved that the prediction accuracy was high and the stability was good. In the calculation of the 1-day power consumption of the solar LED intelligent control system, the average power consumption of the designed solar LED intelligent control system was about 2000W, which was 25.9%, 47.4%, and 42.9% lower than the other three control methods, respectively. This proves that its energy consumption is low, and its heat generation is low, and the battery service life is long. The research and design of an adaptive fuzzy PI control solar LED street light intelligent control system has good performance, which can effectively achieve intelligent management and energy conservation and emission reduction in smart cities

    Adaptive semi-supervised affinity propagation clustering algorithm based on structural similarity

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    Uzimajući u obzir nezadovoljavajuće djelovanje grupiranja srodnog širenja algoritma grupiranja, kada se radi o nizovima podataka složenih struktura, u ovom se radu predlaže prilagodljivi nadzirani algoritam grupiranja srodnog širenja utemeljen na strukturnoj sličnosti (SAAP-SS). Najprije se predlaže nova strukturna sličnost rješavanjem nelinearnog problema zastupljenosti niskoga ranga. Zatim slijedi srodno širenje na temelju podešavanja matrice sličnosti primjenom poznatih udvojenih ograničenja. Na kraju se u postupak algoritma uvodi ideja eksplozija kod vatrometa. Prilagodljivo pretražujući preferencijalni prostor u dva smjera, uravnotežuju se globalne i lokalne pretraživačke sposobnosti algoritma u cilju pronalaženja optimalne strukture grupiranja. Rezultati eksperimenata i sa sintetičkim i s realnim nizovima podataka pokazuju poboljšanja u radu predloženog algoritma u usporedbi s AP, FEO-SAP i K-means metodama.In view of the unsatisfying clustering effect of affinity propagation (AP) clustering algorithm when dealing with data sets of complex structures, an adaptive semi-supervised affinity propagation clustering algorithm based on structural similarity (SAAP-SS) is proposed in this paper. First, a novel structural similarity is proposed by solving a non-linear, low-rank representation problem. Then we perform affinity propagation on the basis of adjusting the similarity matrix by utilizing the known pairwise constraints. Finally, the idea of fireworks explosion is introduced into the process of the algorithm. By adaptively searching the preference space bi-directionally, the algorithm’s global and local searching abilities are balanced in order to find the optimal clustering structure. The results of the experiments with both synthetic and real data sets show performance improvements of the proposed algorithm compared with AP, FEO-SAP and K-means methods

    Forecasting currency exchange rate time series with fireworks-algorithm-based higher order neural network with special attention to training data enrichment

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    Exchange rates are highly fluctuating by nature, thus difficult to forecast. Artificial neural networks (ANN) have proved to be better than statistical methods. Inadequate training data may lead the model to reach suboptimal solution resulting, poor accuracy as ANN-based forecasts are data driven. To enhance forecasting accuracy, we suggests a method of enriching training dataset through exploring and incorporating of virtual data points (VDPs) by an evolutionary method called as fireworks algorithm trained functional link artificial neural network (FWA-FLN). The model maintains the correlation between the current and past data, especially at the oscillation point on the time series. The exploring of a VDP and forecast of the succeeding term go consecutively by the FWA-FLN. Real exchange rate time series are used to train and validate the proposed model. The efficiency of the proposed technique is related to other models trained similarly and produces far better prediction accuracy

    Hierarchically Structured Reinforcement Learning for Topically Coherent Visual Story Generation

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    We propose a hierarchically structured reinforcement learning approach to address the challenges of planning for generating coherent multi-sentence stories for the visual storytelling task. Within our framework, the task of generating a story given a sequence of images is divided across a two-level hierarchical decoder. The high-level decoder constructs a plan by generating a semantic concept (i.e., topic) for each image in sequence. The low-level decoder generates a sentence for each image using a semantic compositional network, which effectively grounds the sentence generation conditioned on the topic. The two decoders are jointly trained end-to-end using reinforcement learning. We evaluate our model on the visual storytelling (VIST) dataset. Empirical results from both automatic and human evaluations demonstrate that the proposed hierarchically structured reinforced training achieves significantly better performance compared to a strong flat deep reinforcement learning baseline.Comment: Accepted to AAAI 201