6,557 research outputs found

    Adaptive Channel Recommendation For Opportunistic Spectrum Access

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    We propose a dynamic spectrum access scheme where secondary users recommend "good" channels to each other and access accordingly. We formulate the problem as an average reward based Markov decision process. We show the existence of the optimal stationary spectrum access policy, and explore its structure properties in two asymptotic cases. Since the action space of the Markov decision process is continuous, it is difficult to find the optimal policy by simply discretizing the action space and use the policy iteration, value iteration, or Q-learning methods. Instead, we propose a new algorithm based on the Model Reference Adaptive Search method, and prove its convergence to the optimal policy. Numerical results show that the proposed algorithms achieve up to 18% and 100% performance improvement than the static channel recommendation scheme in homogeneous and heterogeneous channel environments, respectively, and is more robust to channel dynamics

    Enforcement and Spectrum Sharing: Case Studies of Federal-Commercial Sharing

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    To promote economic growth and unleash the potential of wireless broadband, there is a need to introduce more spectrally efficient technologies and spectrum management regimes. That led to an environment where commercial wireless broadband need to share spectrum with the federal and non-federal operations. Implementing sharing regimes on a non-opportunistic basis means that sharing agreements must be implemented. To have meaning, those agreements must be enforceable.\ud \ud With the significant exception of license-free wireless systems, commercial wireless services are based on exclusive use. With the policy change facilitating spectrum sharing, it becomes necessary to consider how sharing might take place in practice. Beyond the technical aspects of sharing, that must be resolved lie questions about how usage rights are appropriately determined and enforced. This paper is reasoning about enforcement in a particular spectrum bands (1695-1710 MHz and 3.5 GHz) that are currently being proposed for sharing between commercial services and incumbent spectrum users in the US. We examine three enforcement approaches, exclusion zones, protection zones and pure ex post and consider their implications in terms of cost elements, opportunity cost, and their adaptability

    Cognitive Radio for Emergency Networks

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    In the scope of the Adaptive Ad-hoc Freeband (AAF) project, an emergency network built on top of Cognitive Radio is proposed to alleviate the spectrum shortage problem which is the major limitation for emergency networks. Cognitive Radio has been proposed as a promising technology to solve todayâ?~B??~D?s spectrum scarcity problem by allowing a secondary user in the non-used parts of the spectrum that aactully are assigned to primary services. Cognitive Radio has to work in different frequency bands and various wireless channels and supports multimedia services. A heterogenous reconfigurable System-on-Chip (SoC) architecture is proposed to enable the evolution from the traditional software defined radio to Cognitive Radio