11 research outputs found

    Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian One-Step WENO Finite Volume Schemes on Unstructured Triangular Meshes

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    In this article we present a new class of high order accurate Arbitrary-Eulerian-Lagrangian (ALE) one-step WENO finite volume schemes for solving nonlinear hyperbolic systems of conservation laws on moving two dimensional unstructured triangular meshes. A WENO reconstruction algorithm is used to achieve high order accuracy in space and a high order one-step time discretization is achieved by using the local space-time Galerkin predictor. For that purpose, a new element--local weak formulation of the governing PDE is adopted on moving space--time elements. The space-time basis and test functions are obtained considering Lagrange interpolation polynomials passing through a predefined set of nodes. Moreover, a polynomial mapping defined by the same local space-time basis functions as the weak solution of the PDE is used to map the moving physical space-time element onto a space-time reference element. To maintain algorithmic simplicity, the final ALE one-step finite volume scheme uses moving triangular meshes with straight edges. This is possible in the ALE framework, which allows a local mesh velocity that is different from the local fluid velocity. We present numerical convergence rates for the schemes presented in this paper up to sixth order of accuracy in space and time and show some classical numerical test problems for the two-dimensional Euler equations of compressible gas dynamics.Comment: Accepted by "Communications in Computational Physics

    High Order Cell-Centered Lagrangian-Type Finite Volume Schemes with Time-Accurate Local Time Stepping on Unstructured Triangular Meshes

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    We present a novel cell-centered direct Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) finite volume scheme on unstructured triangular meshes that is high order accurate in space and time and that also allows for time-accurate local time stepping (LTS). The new scheme uses the following basic ingredients: a high order WENO reconstruction in space on unstructured meshes, an element-local high-order accurate space-time Galerkin predictor that performs the time evolution of the reconstructed polynomials within each element, the computation of numerical ALE fluxes at the moving element interfaces through approximate Riemann solvers, and a one-step finite volume scheme for the time update which is directly based on the integral form of the conservation equations in space-time. The inclusion of the LTS algorithm requires a number of crucial extensions, such as a proper scheduling criterion for the time update of each element and for each node; a virtual projection of the elements contained in the reconstruction stencils of the element that has to perform the WENO reconstruction; and the proper computation of the fluxes through the space-time boundary surfaces that will inevitably contain hanging nodes in time due to the LTS algorithm. We have validated our new unstructured Lagrangian LTS approach over a wide sample of test cases solving the Euler equations of compressible gasdynamics in two space dimensions, including shock tube problems, cylindrical explosion problems, as well as specific tests typically adopted in Lagrangian calculations, such as the Kidder and the Saltzman problem. When compared to the traditional global time stepping (GTS) method, the newly proposed LTS algorithm allows to reduce the number of element updates in a given simulation by a factor that may depend on the complexity of the dynamics, but which can be as large as 4.7.Comment: 31 pages, 13 figure

    Lagrangian ADER-WENO Finite Volume Schemes on Unstructured Triangular Meshes Based On Genuinely Multidimensional HLL Riemann Solvers

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    In this paper we use the genuinely multidimensional HLL Riemann solvers recently developed by Balsara et al. to construct a new class of computationally efficient high order Lagrangian ADER-WENO one-step ALE finite volume schemes on unstructured triangular meshes. A nonlinear WENO reconstruction operator allows the algorithm to achieve high order of accuracy in space, while high order of accuracy in time is obtained by the use of an ADER time-stepping technique based on a local space-time Galerkin predictor. The multidimensional HLL and HLLC Riemann solvers operate at each vertex of the grid, considering the entire Voronoi neighborhood of each node and allows for larger time steps than conventional one-dimensional Riemann solvers. The results produced by the multidimensional Riemann solver are then used twice in our one-step ALE algorithm: first, as a node solver that assigns a unique velocity vector to each vertex, in order to preserve the continuity of the computational mesh; second, as a building block for genuinely multidimensional numerical flux evaluation that allows the scheme to run with larger time steps compared to conventional finite volume schemes that use classical one-dimensional Riemann solvers in normal direction. A rezoning step may be necessary in order to overcome element overlapping or crossing-over. We apply the method presented in this article to two systems of hyperbolic conservation laws, namely the Euler equations of compressible gas dynamics and the equations of ideal classical magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD). Convergence studies up to fourth order of accuracy in space and time have been carried out. Several numerical test problems have been solved to validate the new approach

    High-Order Unstructured Lagrangian One-Step WENO Finite Volume Schemes for Non-Conservative Hyperbolic Systems: Applications to Compressible Multi-Phase Flows

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    In this article we present the first better than second order accurate unstructured Lagrangian-type one-step WENO finite volume scheme for the solution of hyperbolic partial differential equations with non-conservative products. The method achieves high order of accuracy in space together with essentially non-oscillatory behavior using a nonlinear WENO reconstruction operator on unstructured triangular meshes. High order accuracy in time is obtained via a local Lagrangian space-time Galerkin predictor method that evolves the spatial reconstruction polynomials in time within each element. The final one-step finite volume scheme is derived by integration over a moving space-time control volume, where the non-conservative products are treated by a path-conservative approach that defines the jump terms on the element boundaries. The entire method is formulated as an Arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method, where the mesh velocity can be chosen independently of the fluid velocity. The new scheme is applied to the full seven-equation Baer-Nunziato model of compressible multi-phase flows in two space dimensions. The use of a Lagrangian approach allows an excellent resolution of the solid contact and the resolution of jumps in the volume fraction. The high order of accuracy of the scheme in space and time is confirmed via a numerical convergence study. Finally, the proposed method is also applied to a reduced version of the compressible Baer-Nunziato model for the simulation of free surface water waves in moving domains. In particular, the phenomenon of sloshing is studied in a moving water tank and comparisons with experimental data are provided

    An analysis of electrical impedance tomography with applications to Tikhonov regularization

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    This paper analyzes the continuum model/complete electrode model in the electrical impedance tomography inverse problem of determining the conductivity parameter from boundary measurements. The continuity and differentiability of the forward operator with respect to the conductivity parameter in Lp-norms are proved. These analytical results are applied to several popular regularization formulations, which incorporate a priori information of smoothness/sparsity on the inhomogeneity through Tikhonov regularization, for both linearized and nonlinear models. Some important properties, e.g., existence, stability, consistency and convergence rates, are established. This provides some theoretical justifications of their practical usage

    Piecewise Tensor Product Wavelet Bases by Extensions and Approximation Rates

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    Following [Studia Math., 76(2) (1983), pp. 1-58 and 95-136] by Z. Ciesielski and T. Figiel and [SIAM J. Math. Anal., 31 (1999), pp. 184-230] by W. Dahmen and R. Schneider, by the application of extension operators we construct a basis for a range of Sobolev spaces on a domain Ω \Omega from corresponding bases on subdomains that form a non-overlapping decomposition. As subdomains, we take hypercubes, or smooth parametric images of those, and equip them with tensor product wavelet bases. We prove approximation rates from the resulting piecewise tensor product basis that are independent of the spatial dimension of Ω \Omega . For two- and three-dimensional polytopes we show that the solution of Poisson type problems satisfies the required regularity condition. The dimension independent rates will be realized numerically in linear complexity by the application of the adaptive wavelet-Galerkin scheme

    Multilevel Monte Carlo Approximation of Distribution Functions and Densities

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