3 research outputs found

    Injecting Intermittent Faults for the Dependability Assessment of a Fault-Tolerant Microcomputer System

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    © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.As scaling is more and more aggressive, intermittent faults are increasing their importance in current deep submicron complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technologies. This work shows the dependability assessment of a fault-tol- erant computer system against intermittent faults. The applied methodology lies in VHDL-based fault injection, which allows the assessment in early design phases, together with a high level of observability and controllability. The evaluated system is a duplex microcontroller system with cold stand-by sparing. A wide set of intermittent fault models have been injected, and from the simulation traces, coverages and latencies have been measured. Markov models for this system have been generated and some dependability functions, such as reliability and safety, have been calculated. From these results, some enhancements of detection and recovery mechanisms have been suggested. The methodology presented is general to any fault-tolerant computer system.This work was supported in part by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia under the Research Project SP20120806, and in part by the Spanish Government under the Research Project TIN2012-38308-C02-01. Associate Editor: J. Shortle.Gil Tomás, DA.; Gracia Morán, J.; Baraza Calvo, JC.; Saiz Adalid, LJ.; Gil Vicente, PJ. (2016). Injecting Intermittent Faults for the Dependability Assessment of a Fault-Tolerant Microcomputer System. IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 65(2):648-661. https://doi.org/10.1109/TR.2015.2484058S64866165

    Cross-layer fault tolerance in networks-on-chip

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    The design of Networks-on-Chip follows the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model. The OSI model defines strictly separated network abstraction layers and specifies their functionality. Each layer has layer-specific information about the network that can be exclusively accessed by the methods of the layer. Adhering to the strict layer boundaries, however, leads to methods of the individual layers working in isolation from each other. This lack of interaction between methods is disadvantageous for fault diagnosis and fault tolerance in Networks-on-Chip as it results in solutions that have a high effort in terms of the time and implementation costs required to deal with faults. For Networks-on-Chip cross-layer design is considered as a promising method to remedy these shortcomings. It removes the strict layer boundaries by the exchange of information between layers. This interaction enables methods of different layers to cooperate, and thus, deal with faults more efficiently. Furthermore, providing lower layer information to the software allows hardware methods to be implemented as software tasks resulting in a reduction of the hardware complexity. The goal of this dissertation is the investigation of cross-layer design for fault diagnosis and fault tolerance in Networks-on-Chip. For fault diagnosis a scheme is proposed that allows the interaction of protocol-based diagnosis of the transport layer with functional diagnosis of the network layer and structural diagnosis of the physical layer by exchanging diagnostic information. The techniques use this information for optimizing their own diagnosis process. For protocol-based diagnosis on the transport layer, a diagnosis protocol is proposed that is able to locate faulty links, switches, and crossbar connections. For this purpose, the technique utilizes available information of lower layers. As proof of concept for the proposed interaction scheme, the diagnosis protocol is combined with a functional and a structural diagnosis approach and the performance and diagnosis quality of the resulting combinations is investigated. The results show that the combinations of the diagnosis protocol with one of the lower layer techniques have a considerably reduced fault localization latency compared to the functional and the structural standalone techniques. This reduction, however, comes at the expense of a reduced diagnosis quality. In terms of fault tolerance, the focus of this dissertation is on the design and implementation of cross-layer approaches utilizing software methods to provide fault tolerance for network layer routings. Two approaches for different routings are presented. The requirements to provide information of lower layers to the software using the available Network-on-Chip resources and interfaces for data communication are discussed. The concepts of two mechanisms of the data link layer are presented for converting status information into communicable units and for preventing communication resources from being blocked. In the first approach, software-based packet rerouting is proposed. By incorporating information from different layers, this approach provides fault tolerance for deterministic network layer routings. As specialization of software-based rerouting, dimension-order XY rerouting is presented. In the second approach, a reconfigurable routing for Networks-on-Chip with logical hierarchy is proposed in which cross-layer interaction is used to enable hierarchical units to manage themselves autonomously and to reconfigure the routing. Both approaches are evaluated regarding their performance as well as their implementation costs. In a final study, the cross-layer diagnosis technique and cross-layer fault tolerance approaches are combined. The information obtained by the diagnosis technique is used by the fault tolerance approaches for packet rerouting or for routing reconfiguration. The combinations are evaluated regarding their impact on Networks-on-Chip performance. The results show that the crosslayer information exchange with software has a considerable impact on performance when the amount of information becomes too large. In case of crosslayer diagnosis, however, the impact on Networks-on-Chip performance is significantly lower compared to functional and structural diagnosis