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    The design of interaction and user interfaces is an element of a digital or computer-based information system. The development of user interface designs can attract users to feel comfortable in conducting online consulting activities. The purpose of this study is to find out the user's needs as a whole in the design of user interactions on the Elma mobile application with the GOMS model. The performance of the GOMS model is a systematic interrelated method that is interrelated with goals, and actions from the operator using the last method and process, namely selection that can reflect the purpose of the user interface design analysis in the application. Applying the GOMS method to the user interface design, it can be said that the application development must pay attention to the user's needs thoroughly, and the ease of user access by the application of the analysis using the "8 Golden Rules Interface" user interface design process. These rules make it easier for researchers as a whole to accommodate user needs, as well as share information on the display of the Ema application. The purpose of this study is to analyze the utilization of the Elma application interface design to increase user comfort in using the Elma application. The results of this study indicate that making an application must pay attention to the overall needs of the user, ease of access for users according to the application of analysis using the "8 Golden Rules Interface" user interface design process.Perancangan interaksi dan antarmuka pengguna merupakan elemen dari sistem informasi digital atau berbasis komputer. Pengembangan desain antarmuka pengguna dapat menarik pengguna untuk merasa nyaman dalam melakukan kegiatan konsultasi online. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebutuhan pengguna secara keseluruhan dalam perancangan interaksi pengguna pada aplikasi mobile Elma dengan model GOMS. Kinerja model GOMS merupakan metode yang saling terkait secara sistematis yang saling terkait dengan tujuan, dan tindakan dari operator menggunakan metode dan proses terakhir, yaitu pemilihan yang dapat mencerminkan tujuan dari analisis desain antarmuka pengguna dalam aplikasi. Menerapkan metode GOMS pada desain antarmuka pengguna, dapat dikatakan bahwa pengembangan aplikasi harus memperhatikan kebutuhan pengguna secara menyeluruh, dan kemudahan akses pengguna dengan aplikasi analisis menggunakan desain antarmuka pengguna "8 Golden Rules Interface" proses. Aturan tersebut memudahkan peneliti secara keseluruhan untuk mengakomodir kebutuhan pengguna, serta berbagi informasi pada tampilan aplikasi Elma. Tujuan dari penelitian ini menganalisis pemanfaatan desain antarmuka aplikasi Elma untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan pengguna dalam menggunakan aplikasi Elma. Hasil penelitian ini bahwasannya pembuatan aplikasi harus memperhatikan secara menyeluruh kebutuhan dari pengguna, kemudahan akses pengguna sesuai dengan penerapan analisa menggunakan proses mendesain user interface “8 Golden Rules Interface”

    Adapting Human-Computer Interfaces to Working Memory Limitations Using MATCHS

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    International audienceWe introduce MATCHS (Memory Adaptation Through Cognitive Handling Simulation), a new feature forhuman-computer interaction (HCI) that enables tasks to be more efficiently performed when they heavily depend on a user’sworking memory (WM) capacity. WM is the part of human cognition responsible for short-term information storage; it iskey to the proper completion of one’s current task(s). Known to have very limited capacity and a fast decaying time, inparticular with age or when Alzheimer-like diseases set in, WM is one of the strongest factors that explain individual differences in cognitive abilities, thus motivating the introduction of WMspecific parameters in personalized user interface design. Our MATCHS framework for HCI design builds upon a lowlevel model of the user’s WM to predict how much, and forhow long, an information can be expected to be stored there. Thus, the task at hand can, accordingly, be dynamically adjusted. We implemented our approach in a new memory game named Match2s, and tested our framework, including with a small set ofusers. Our results suggest that MATCHS is able to properly assess someone’s current WM characteristics and track its evolutionas users’ motivation or focus evolve over time, providing useful information to adapt simple interaction scenarii such as the one inMatch2s. Future work will include more testing and applications, in particular with users for whom such interfaces could be amajor asset, i.e., patients suffering from dementia