389 research outputs found

    An immersed interface method for the 2D vorticity-velocity Navier-Stokes equations with multiple bodies

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    We present an immersed interface method for the vorticity-velocity form of the 2D Navier Stokes equations that directly addresses challenges posed by multiply connected domains, nonconvex obstacles, and the calculation of force distributions on immersed surfaces. The immersed interface method is re-interpreted as a polynomial extrapolation of flow quantities and boundary conditions into the obstacle, reducing its computational and implementation complexity. In the flow, the vorticity transport equation is discretized using a conservative finite difference scheme and explicit Runge-Kutta time integration. The velocity reconstruction problem is transformed to a scalar Poisson equation that is discretized with conservative finite differences, and solved using an FFT-accelerated iterative algorithm. The use of conservative differencing throughout leads to exact enforcement of a discrete Kelvin's theorem, which provides the key to simulations with multiply connected domains and outflow boundaries. The method achieves second order spatial accuracy and third order temporal accuracy, and is validated on a variety of 2D flows in internal and free-space domains

    Pseudo transient continuation and time marching methods for Monge-Ampere type equations

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    We present two numerical methods for the fully nonlinear elliptic Monge-Ampere equation. The first is a pseudo transient continuation method and the second is a pure pseudo time marching method. The methods are proven to converge to a strictly convex solution of a natural discrete variational formulation with C1C^1 conforming approximations. The assumption of existence of a strictly convex solution to the discrete problem is proven for smooth solutions of the continuous problem and supported by numerical evidence for non smooth solutions

    Singular function mortar finite element methods

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    This is the published version, also available here: http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/cmam-2003-0014.We consider the Poisson equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions on a polygonal domain with one reentrant corner. We introduce new nonconforming finite element discretizations based on mortar techniques and singular functions. The main idea introduced in this paper is the replacement of cut-off functions by mortar element techniques on the boundary of the domain. As advantages, the new discretizations do not require costly numerical integrations and have smaller a priori error estimates and condition numbers. Based on such an approach, we prove optimal accuracy error bounds for the discrete solution. Based on such techniques, we also derive new extraction formulas for the stress intensive factor. We establish optimal accuracy for the computed stress intensive factor. Numerical examples are presented to support our theory

    Handling congestion in crowd motion modeling

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    We address here the issue of congestion in the modeling of crowd motion, in the non-smooth framework: contacts between people are not anticipated and avoided, they actually occur, and they are explicitly taken into account in the model. We limit our approach to very basic principles in terms of behavior, to focus on the particular problems raised by the non-smooth character of the models. We consider that individuals tend to move according to a desired, or spontanous, velocity. We account for congestion by assuming that the evolution realizes at each time an instantaneous balance between individual tendencies and global constraints (overlapping is forbidden): the actual velocity is defined as the closest to the desired velocity among all admissible ones, in a least square sense. We develop those principles in the microscopic and macroscopic settings, and we present how the framework of Wasserstein distance between measures allows to recover the sweeping process nature of the problem on the macroscopic level, which makes it possible to obtain existence results in spite of the non-smooth character of the evolution process. Micro and macro approaches are compared, and we investigate the similarities together with deep differences of those two levels of description

    Second-order Shape Optimization for Geometric Inverse Problems in Vision

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    We develop a method for optimization in shape spaces, i.e., sets of surfaces modulo re-parametrization. Unlike previously proposed gradient flows, we achieve superlinear convergence rates through a subtle approximation of the shape Hessian, which is generally hard to compute and suffers from a series of degeneracies. Our analysis highlights the role of mean curvature motion in comparison with first-order schemes: instead of surface area, our approach penalizes deformation, either by its Dirichlet energy or total variation. Latter regularizer sparks the development of an alternating direction method of multipliers on triangular meshes. Therein, a conjugate-gradients solver enables us to bypass formation of the Gaussian normal equations appearing in the course of the overall optimization. We combine all of the aforementioned ideas in a versatile geometric variation-regularized Levenberg-Marquardt-type method applicable to a variety of shape functionals, depending on intrinsic properties of the surface such as normal field and curvature as well as its embedding into space. Promising experimental results are reported
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