177 research outputs found

    Adaptation strategies for high order discontinuous Galerkin methods based on Tau-estimation

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    In this paper three p-adaptation strategies based on the minimization of the truncation error are presented for high order discontinuous Galerkin methods. The truncation error is approximated by means of a ? -estimation procedure and enables the identification of mesh regions that require adaptation. Three adaptation strategies are developed and termed a posteriori, quasi-a priori and quasi-a priori corrected. All strategies require fine solutions, which are obtained by enriching the polynomial order, but while the former needs time converged solutions, the last two rely on non-converged solutions, which lead to faster computations. In addition, the high order method permits the spatial decoupling for the estimated errors and enables anisotropic p-adaptation. These strategies are verified and compared in terms of accuracy and computational cost for the Euler and the compressible Navier?Stokes equations. It is shown that the two quasi- a priori methods achieve a significant reduction in computational cost when compared to a uniform polynomial enrichment. Namely, for a viscous boundary layer flow, we obtain a speedup of 6.6 and 7.6 for the quasi-a priori and quasi-a priori corrected approaches, respectively

    Truncation Error-Based Anisotropic pp-Adaptation for Unsteady Flows for High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods

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    In this work, we extend the Ď„\tau-estimation method to unsteady problems and use it to adapt the polynomial degree for high-order discontinuous Galerkin simulations of unsteady flows. The adaptation is local and anisotropic and allows capturing relevant unsteady flow features while enhancing the accuracy of time evolving functionals (e.g., lift, drag). To achieve an efficient and unsteady truncation error-based pp-adaptation scheme, we first revisit the definition of the truncation error, studying the effect of the treatment of the mass matrix arising from the temporal term. Secondly, we extend the Ď„\tau-estimation strategy to unsteady problems. Finally, we present and compare two adaptation strategies for unsteady problems: the dynamic and static pp-adaptation methods. In the first one (dynamic) the error is measured periodically during a simulation and the polynomial degree is adapted immediately after every estimation procedure. In the second one (static) the error is also measured periodically, but only one pp-adaptation process is performed after several estimation stages, using a combination of the periodic error measures. The static pp-adaptation strategy is suitable for time-periodic flows, while the dynamic one can be generalized to any flow evolution. We consider two test cases to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed pp-adaptation strategies. The first one considers the compressible Euler equations to simulate the advection of a density pulse. The second one solves the compressible Navier-Stokes equations to simulate the flow around a cylinder at Re=100. The local and anisotropic adaptation enables significant reductions in the number of degrees of freedom with respect to uniform refinement, leading to speed-ups of up to Ă—4.5\times4.5 for the Euler test case and Ă—2.2\times2.2 for the Navier-Stokes test case

    Mesh adaptation strategies for compressible flows using a high-order spectral/hp element discretisation

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    An accurate calculation of aerodynamic force coe cients for a given geometry is of fundamental importance for aircraft design. High-order spectral/hp element methods, which use a discontinuous Galerkin discretisation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, are now increasingly being used to improve the accuracy of flow simulations and thus the force coe cients. To reduce error in the calculated force coe cients whilst keeping computational cost minimal, I propose a p-adaptation method where the degree of the approximating polynomial is locally increased in the regions of the flow where low resolution is identified using a goal-based error estimator. We initially calculate a steady-state solution to the governing equations using a low polynomial order and use a goal-based error indicator to identify parts of the computational domain that require improved solution accuracy and increase the approximation order there. We demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of our method across a range of polynomial orders by considering a number of examples in two- and three-dimensions and in subsonic and transonic flow regimes. Reductions in both the number of degrees of freedom required to resolve the force coe cients to a given error, as well as the computational cost, are both observed in using the p-adaptive technique. In addition to the adjoint-based p-adaptation strategy, I propose a mesh deformation strategy that relies on a thermo-elastic formulation. The thermal-elastic formulation is initially used to control mesh validity. Two mesh quality indicators are proposed and used to illustrate that by heating up (expanding) or cooling down (contracting) the appropriate elements, an improved robustness of the classical mesh deformation strategy is obtained. The idea is extended to perform shock wave r-adaptation (adaptation through redistribution) for high Mach number flows. The mesh deformation strategy keeps the mesh topology unchanged, contracts the elements that cover the shock wave, keeps the number of elements constant and the computation as e cient as the unrefined case. The suitability of r-adaptation for shock waves is illustrated using internal and external compressible flow problems.Open Acces

    Comparison of the ENATE approach and discontinuous Galerkin spectral element method in 1D nonlinear transport equations

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    In this paper a comparison of the performance of two ways of discretizing the nonlinear convection-diffusion equation in a one-dimensional (1D) domain is performed. The two approaches can be considered within the class of high-order methods. The first one is the discontinuous Galerkin method, which has been profusely used to solve general transport equations, either coupled as the Navier-Stokes equations, or on their own. On the other hand, the ENATE procedure (Enhanced Numerical Approximation of a Transport Equation), uses the exact solution to obtain an exact algebraic equation with integral coefficients that link nodal values with a three-point stencil. This paper is the first of thorough assessments of ENATE by comparing it with well-established high-order methods. Several test cases of the steady Burgers' equation with and without source have been chosen for comparison


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    Crack propagation in thin shell structures due to cutting is conveniently simulated using explicit finite element approaches, in view of the high nonlinearity of the problem. Solidshell elements are usually preferred for the discretization in the presence of complex material behavior and degradation phenomena such as delamination, since they allow for a correct representation of the thickness geometry. However, in solid-shell elements the small thickness leads to a very high maximum eigenfrequency, which imply very small stable time-steps. A new selective mass scaling technique is proposed to increase the time-step size without affecting accuracy. New ”directional” cohesive interface elements are used in conjunction with selective mass scaling to account for the interaction with a sharp blade in cutting processes of thin ductile shells

    Python framework for HP adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for two phase flow in porous media

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    In this paper we present a framework for solving two-phase flow problems in porous media. The discretization is based on a Discontinuous Galerkin method and includes local grid adaptivity and local choice of polynomial degree. The method is implemented using the new Python frontend Dune-FemPy to the open source framework Dune. The code used for the simulations is made available as Jupyter notebook and can be used through a Docker container. We present a number of time stepping approaches ranging from a classical IMPES method to a fully coupled implicit scheme. The implementation of the discretization is very flexible allowing to test different formulations of the two-phase flow model and adaptation strategies

    Python Framework for HP Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Two Phase Flow in Porous Media

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    In this paper we present a framework for solving two phase flow problems in porous media. The discretization is based on a Discontinuous Galerkin method and includes local grid adaptivity and local choice of polynomial degree. The method is implemented using the new Python frontend Dune-FemPy to the open source framework Dune. The code used for the simulations is made available as Jupyter notebook and can be used through a Docker container. We present a number of time stepping approaches ranging from a classical IMPES method to fully coupled implicit scheme. The implementation of the discretization is very flexible allowing for test different formulations of the two phase flow model and adaptation strategies.Comment: Keywords: DG, hp-adaptivity, Two-phase flow, IMPES, Fully implicit, Dune, Python, Porous media. 28 pages, 9 figures, various code snippet

    Accelerating high order discontinuous Galerkin solvers using neural networks: 3D compressible Navier-Stokes equations

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    We propose to accelerate a high order discontinuous Galerkin solver using neural networks. We include a corrective forcing to a low polynomial order simulation to enhance its accuracy. The forcing is obtained by training a deep fully connected neural network, using a high polynomial order simulation but only for a short time frame. With this corrective forcing, we can run the low polynomial order simulation faster (with large time steps and low cost per time step) while improving its accuracy. We explored this idea for a 1D Burgers' equation in (Marique and Ferrer, CAF 2022), and we have extended this work to the 3D Navier-Stokes equations, with and without a Large Eddy Simulation closure model. We test the methodology with the turbulent Taylor Green Vortex case and for various Reynolds numbers (30, 200 and 1600). In addition, the Taylor Green Vortex evolves with time and covers laminar, transitional, and turbulent regimes, as time progresses. The proposed methodology proves to be applicable to a variety of flows and regimes. The results show that the corrective forcing is effective in all Reynolds numbers and time frames (excluding the initial flow development). We can train the corrective forcing with a polynomial order of 8, to increase the accuracy of simulations from a polynomial order 3 to 6, when correcting outside the training time frame. The low order correct solution is 4 to 5 times faster than a simulation with comparable accuracy (polynomial order 6). Additionally, we explore changes in the hyperparameters and use transfer learning to speed up the training. We observe that it is not useful to train a corrective forcing using a different flow condition. However, an already trained corrective forcing can be used to initialise a new training (at the correct flow conditions) to obtain an effective forcing with only a few training iterations
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