2,144 research outputs found

    Real time multiple camera person detection and tracking

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    As the amount of video data grows larger every day, the efforts to create intelligent systems able to perceive, understand and extrapolate useful information from this data grow larger, namely object detection and tracking systems have been a widely researched area in the past few years. In the present work we develop a real time, multiple camera, multiple person detection and tracking system prototype, using static, overlapped, sh-eye top view cameras. The goal is to create a system able to intelligently and automatically extrapolate object trajectories from surveillance footage. To solve these problems we employ different types of techniques, namely a combination of the representational power of deep neural networks, which have been yielding outstanding results in computer vision problems over the last few years, and more classical, already established object tracking algorithms in order to represent and track the target objects. In particular, we split the problem in two sub-problems: single camera multiple object tracking and multiple camera multiple object tracking, which we tackle in a modular manner. Our long-term motivation is to deploy this system in a commercial application, such as commercial areas or airports, so that we can build upon intelligent visual surveillance systems.À medida que a quantidade de dados de vídeo cresce, os esforços para criar sistemas inteligentes capazes de observar, entender e extrapolar informação útil destes dados intensifcam-se. Nomeadamente, sistemas de detecção e tracking de objectos têm sido uma àrea amplamente investigada nos últimos anos. No presente trabalho, desenvolvemos um protótipo de tracking multi-câmara, multi-objecto que corre em tempo real, e que usa várias câmaras fish-eye estáticas de topo, com sobreposição entre elas. O objetivo é criar um sistema capaz de extrapolar de modo inteligente e automático as trajetórias de pessoas a partir de imagens de vigilância. Para resolver estes problemas, utilizamos diferentes tipos de técnicas, nomeadamente, uma combinação do poder representacional das redes neurais, que têm produzido excelentes resultados em problemas de visão computacional nos últimos anos, e algoritmos de tracking mais clássicos e já estabelecidos, para representar e seguir o percurso dos objectos de interesse. Em particular, dividimos o problema maior em dois sub-problemas: tracking de objetos de uma única câmera e tracking de objetos de múltiplas câmeras, que abordamos de modo modular. A nossa motivação a longo prazo é implmentar este tipo de sistema em aplicações comerciais, como áreas comerciais ou aeroportos, para que possamos dar mais um passo em direcção a sistemas de vigilância visual inteligentes

    Semantically Guided Depth Upsampling

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    We present a novel method for accurate and efficient up- sampling of sparse depth data, guided by high-resolution imagery. Our approach goes beyond the use of intensity cues only and additionally exploits object boundary cues through structured edge detection and semantic scene labeling for guidance. Both cues are combined within a geodesic distance measure that allows for boundary-preserving depth in- terpolation while utilizing local context. We model the observed scene structure by locally planar elements and formulate the upsampling task as a global energy minimization problem. Our method determines glob- ally consistent solutions and preserves fine details and sharp depth bound- aries. In our experiments on several public datasets at different levels of application, we demonstrate superior performance of our approach over the state-of-the-art, even for very sparse measurements.Comment: German Conference on Pattern Recognition 2016 (Oral

    Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision

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    Convolutional networks are at the core of most state-of-the-art computer vision solutions for a wide variety of tasks. Since 2014 very deep convolutional networks started to become mainstream, yielding substantial gains in various benchmarks. Although increased model size and computational cost tend to translate to immediate quality gains for most tasks (as long as enough labeled data is provided for training), computational efficiency and low parameter count are still enabling factors for various use cases such as mobile vision and big-data scenarios. Here we explore ways to scale up networks in ways that aim at utilizing the added computation as efficiently as possible by suitably factorized convolutions and aggressive regularization. We benchmark our methods on the ILSVRC 2012 classification challenge validation set demonstrate substantial gains over the state of the art: 21.2% top-1 and 5.6% top-5 error for single frame evaluation using a network with a computational cost of 5 billion multiply-adds per inference and with using less than 25 million parameters. With an ensemble of 4 models and multi-crop evaluation, we report 3.5% top-5 error on the validation set (3.6% error on the test set) and 17.3% top-1 error on the validation set

    Object Tracking in Vary Lighting Conditions for Fog based Intelligent Surveillance of Public Spaces

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    With rapid development of computer vision and artificial intelligence, cities are becoming more and more intelligent. Recently, since intelligent surveillance was applied in all kind of smart city services, object tracking attracted more attention. However, two serious problems blocked development of visual tracking in real applications. The first problem is its lower performance under intense illumination variation while the second issue is its slow speed. This paper addressed these two problems by proposing a correlation filter based tracker. Fog computing platform was deployed to accelerate the proposed tracking approach. The tracker was constructed by multiple positions' detections and alternate templates (MPAT). The detection position was repositioned according to the estimated speed of target by optical flow method, and the alternate template was stored with a template update mechanism, which were all computed at the edge. Experimental results on large-scale public benchmark datasets showed the effectiveness of the proposed method in comparison with state-of-the-art methods