61 research outputs found

    Online Algorithms for Dynamic Matching Markets in Power Distribution Systems

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    This paper proposes online algorithms for dynamic matching markets in power distribution systems, which at any real-time operation instance decides about matching -- or delaying the supply of -- flexible loads with available renewable generation with the objective of maximizing the social welfare of the exchange in the system. More specifically, two online matching algorithms are proposed for the following generation-load scenarios: (i) when the mean of renewable generation is greater than the mean of the flexible load, and (ii) when the condition (i) is reversed. With the intuition that the performance of such algorithms degrades with increasing randomness of the supply and demand, two properties are proposed for assessing the performance of the algorithms. First property is convergence to optimality (CO) as the underlying randomness of renewable generation and customer loads goes to zero. The second property is deviation from optimality, is measured as a function of the standard deviation of the underlying randomness of renewable generation and customer loads. The algorithm proposed for the first scenario is shown to satisfy CO and a deviation from optimal that varies linearly with the variation in the standard deviation. But the same algorithm is shown to not satisfy CO for the second scenario. We then show that the algorithm proposed for the second scenario satisfies CO and a deviation from optimal that varies linearly with the variation in standard deviation plus an offset

    Issues and Challenges in Advertising on the Web

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    One of the big surprises of the 21st century has been the ability of all sorts of interesting Web applications to support themselves through advertising, rather than subscription. While radio and television have managed to use advertising as their primary revenue source, most media – newspapers and magazines, for example – have had to use a hybrid approach, combining revenue from advertising and subscriptions.  A venue for on-line advertising has been search, and much of the effectiveness of search advertising came from the “adwords” model of matching search queries to advertisements. This paper presents the algorithms for optimizing the way of matching search queries to advertisements is done. The algorithms discussed are of unusual type; they are greedy and they are on-line which are used to tackle the adwords problem.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i5.662

    Planning-based Approach for Optimizing the Display of Online Advertising Campaigns

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    In a realistic context, the online advertisements have constraints such as a certain number of clicks to draw, as well as a lifetime. Furthermore, receiving a click is usually a very rare event. Thus, the problem of choosing which advertisement to display on a web page is inherently dynamic, and intimately combines combinato- rial and statistical issues. We introduce a planning based algorithm for optimizing the display of advertisements and investigate its performance through simulations on a realistic model designed with an important commercial web actor
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