753 research outputs found

    Acyclic Chromatic Index of Chordless Graphs

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    An acyclic edge coloring of a graph is a proper edge coloring in which there are no bichromatic cycles. The acyclic chromatic index of a graph GG denoted by a(G)a'(G), is the minimum positive integer kk such that GG has an acyclic edge coloring with kk colors. It has been conjectured by Fiam\v{c}\'{\i}k that a(G)Δ+2a'(G) \le \Delta+2 for any graph GG with maximum degree Δ\Delta. Linear arboricity of a graph GG, denoted by la(G)la(G), is the minimum number of linear forests into which the edges of GG can be partitioned. A graph is said to be chordless if no cycle in the graph contains a chord. Every 22-connected chordless graph is a minimally 22-connected graph. It was shown by Basavaraju and Chandran that if GG is 22-degenerate, then a(G)Δ+1a'(G) \le \Delta+1. Since chordless graphs are also 22-degenerate, we have a(G)Δ+1a'(G) \le \Delta+1 for any chordless graph GG. Machado, de Figueiredo and Trotignon proved that the chromatic index of a chordless graph is Δ\Delta when Δ3\Delta \ge 3. They also obtained a polynomial time algorithm to color a chordless graph optimally. We improve this result by proving that the acyclic chromatic index of a chordless graph is Δ\Delta, except when Δ=2\Delta=2 and the graph has a cycle, in which case it is Δ+1\Delta+1. We also provide the sketch of a polynomial time algorithm for an optimal acyclic edge coloring of a chordless graph. As a byproduct, we also prove that la(G)=Δ2la(G) = \lceil \frac{\Delta }{2} \rceil, unless GG has a cycle with Δ=2\Delta=2, in which case la(G)=Δ+12=2la(G) = \lceil \frac{\Delta+1}{2} \rceil = 2. To obtain the result on acyclic chromatic index, we prove a structural result on chordless graphs which is a refinement of the structure given by Machado, de Figueiredo and Trotignon for this class of graphs. This might be of independent interest

    Equitable partition of graphs into induced forests

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    An equitable partition of a graph GG is a partition of the vertex-set of GG such that the sizes of any two parts differ by at most one. We show that every graph with an acyclic coloring with at most kk colors can be equitably partitioned into k1k-1 induced forests. We also prove that for any integers d1d\ge 1 and k3d1k\ge 3^{d-1}, any dd-degenerate graph can be equitably partitioned into kk induced forests. Each of these results implies the existence of a constant cc such that for any kck \ge c, any planar graph has an equitable partition into kk induced forests. This was conjectured by Wu, Zhang, and Li in 2013.Comment: 4 pages, final versio

    Inside-Out Polytopes

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    We present a common generalization of counting lattice points in rational polytopes and the enumeration of proper graph colorings, nowhere-zero flows on graphs, magic squares and graphs, antimagic squares and graphs, compositions of an integer whose parts are partially distinct, and generalized latin squares. Our method is to generalize Ehrhart's theory of lattice-point counting to a convex polytope dissected by a hyperplane arrangement. We particularly develop the applications to graph and signed-graph coloring, compositions of an integer, and antimagic labellings.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Adv. Mat

    Boxicity and topological invariants

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    The boxicity of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is the smallest integer kk for which there exist kk interval graphs Gi=(V,Ei)G_i=(V,E_i), 1ik1 \le i \le k, such that E=E1EkE=E_1 \cap \cdots \cap E_k. In the first part of this note, we prove that every graph on mm edges has boxicity O(mlogm)O(\sqrt{m \log m}), which is asymptotically best possible. We use this result to study the connection between the boxicity of graphs and their Colin de Verdi\`ere invariant, which share many similarities. Known results concerning the two parameters suggest that for any graph GG, the boxicity of GG is at most the Colin de Verdi\`ere invariant of GG, denoted by μ(G)\mu(G). We observe that every graph GG has boxicity O(μ(G)4(logμ(G))2)O(\mu(G)^4(\log \mu(G))^2), while there are graphs GG with boxicity Ω(μ(G)logμ(G))\Omega(\mu(G)\sqrt{\log \mu(G)}). In the second part of this note, we focus on graphs embeddable on a surface of Euler genus gg. We prove that these graphs have boxicity O(glogg)O(\sqrt{g}\log g), while some of these graphs have boxicity Ω(glogg)\Omega(\sqrt{g \log g}). This improves the previously best known upper and lower bounds. These results directly imply a nearly optimal bound on the dimension of the adjacency poset of graphs on surfaces.Comment: 6 page