124 research outputs found

    On (n,m)(n,m)-chromatic numbers of graphs having bounded sparsity parameters

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    An (n,m)(n,m)-graph is characterised by having nn types of arcs and mm types of edges. A homomorphism of an (n,m)(n,m)-graph GG to an (n,m)(n,m)-graph HH, is a vertex mapping that preserves adjacency, direction, and type. The (n,m)(n,m)-chromatic number of GG, denoted by χn,m(G)\chi_{n,m}(G), is the minimum value of V(H)|V(H)| such that there exists a homomorphism of GG to HH. The theory of homomorphisms of (n,m)(n,m)-graphs have connections with graph theoretic concepts like harmonious coloring, nowhere-zero flows; with other mathematical topics like binary predicate logic, Coxeter groups; and has application to the Query Evaluation Problem (QEP) in graph database. In this article, we show that the arboricity of GG is bounded by a function of χn,m(G)\chi_{n,m}(G) but not the other way around. Additionally, we show that the acyclic chromatic number of GG is bounded by a function of χn,m(G)\chi_{n,m}(G), a result already known in the reverse direction. Furthermore, we prove that the (n,m)(n,m)-chromatic number for the family of graphs with a maximum average degree less than 2+24(2n+m)12+ \frac{2}{4(2n+m)-1}, including the subfamily of planar graphs with girth at least 8(2n+m)8(2n+m), equals 2(2n+m)+12(2n+m)+1. This improves upon previous findings, which proved the (n,m)(n,m)-chromatic number for planar graphs with girth at least 10(2n+m)410(2n+m)-4 is 2(2n+m)+12(2n+m)+1. It is established that the (n,m)(n,m)-chromatic number for the family T2\mathcal{T}_2 of partial 22-trees is both bounded below and above by quadratic functions of (2n+m)(2n+m), with the lower bound being tight when (2n+m)=2(2n+m)=2. We prove 14χ(0,3)(T2)1514 \leq \chi_{(0,3)}(\mathcal{T}_2) \leq 15 and 14χ(1,1)(T2)2114 \leq \chi_{(1,1)}(\mathcal{T}_2) \leq 21 which improves both known lower bounds and the former upper bound. Moreover, for the latter upper bound, to the best of our knowledge we provide the first theoretical proof.Comment: 18 page

    Star Colouring of Bounded Degree Graphs and Regular Graphs

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    A kk-star colouring of a graph GG is a function f:V(G){0,1,,k1}f:V(G)\to\{0,1,\dots,k-1\} such that f(u)f(v)f(u)\neq f(v) for every edge uvuv of GG, and every bicoloured connected subgraph of GG is a star. The star chromatic number of GG, χs(G)\chi_s(G), is the least integer kk such that GG is kk-star colourable. We prove that χs(G)(d+4)/2\chi_s(G)\geq \lceil (d+4)/2\rceil for every dd-regular graph GG with d3d\geq 3. We reveal the structure and properties of even-degree regular graphs GG that attain this lower bound. The structure of such graphs GG is linked with a certain type of Eulerian orientations of GG. Moreover, this structure can be expressed in the LC-VSP framework of Telle and Proskurowski (SIDMA, 1997), and hence can be tested by an FPT algorithm with the parameter either treewidth, cliquewidth, or rankwidth. We prove that for p2p\geq 2, a 2p2p-regular graph GG is (p+2)(p+2)-star colourable only if n:=V(G)n:=|V(G)| is divisible by (p+1)(p+2)(p+1)(p+2). For each p2p\geq 2 and nn divisible by (p+1)(p+2)(p+1)(p+2), we construct a 2p2p-regular Hamiltonian graph on nn vertices which is (p+2)(p+2)-star colourable. The problem kk-STAR COLOURABILITY takes a graph GG as input and asks whether GG is kk-star colourable. We prove that 3-STAR COLOURABILITY is NP-complete for planar bipartite graphs of maximum degree three and arbitrarily large girth. Besides, it is coNP-hard to test whether a bipartite graph of maximum degree eight has a unique 3-star colouring up to colour swaps. For k3k\geq 3, kk-STAR COLOURABILITY of bipartite graphs of maximum degree kk is NP-complete, and does not even admit a 2o(n)2^{o(n)}-time algorithm unless ETH fails

    Chromatic roots are dense in the whole complex plane

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    I show that the zeros of the chromatic polynomials P-G(q) for the generalized theta graphs Theta((s.p)) are taken together, dense in the whole complex plane with the possible exception of the disc \q - l\ < l. The same holds for their dichromatic polynomials (alias Tutte polynomials, alias Potts-model partition functions) Z(G)(q,upsilon) outside the disc \q + upsilon\ < \upsilon\. An immediate corollary is that the chromatic roots of not-necessarily-planar graphs are dense in the whole complex plane. The main technical tool in the proof of these results is the Beraha-Kahane-Weiss theorem oil the limit sets of zeros for certain sequences of analytic functions, for which I give a new and simpler proof

    Chromatic roots are dense in the whole complex plane

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    I show that the zeros of the chromatic polynomials P_G(q) for the generalized theta graphs \Theta^{(s,p)} are, taken together, dense in the whole complex plane with the possible exception of the disc |q-1| < 1. The same holds for their dichromatic polynomials (alias Tutte polynomials, alias Potts-model partition functions) Z_G(q,v) outside the disc |q+v| < |v|. An immediate corollary is that the chromatic zeros of not-necessarily-planar graphs are dense in the whole complex plane. The main technical tool in the proof of these results is the Beraha-Kahane-Weiss theorem on the limit sets of zeros for certain sequences of analytic functions, for which I give a new and simpler proof.Comment: LaTeX2e, 53 pages. Version 2 includes a new Appendix B. Version 3 adds a new Theorem 1.4 and a new Section 5, and makes several small improvements. To appear in Combinatorics, Probability & Computin

    Acyclic list edge coloring of outerplanar graphs

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    AbstractAn acyclic list edge coloring of a graph G is a proper list edge coloring such that no bichromatic cycles are produced. In this paper, we prove that an outerplanar graph G with maximum degree Δ≥5 has the acyclic list edge chromatic number equal to Δ

    Connection Matrices and the Definability of Graph Parameters

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    In this paper we extend and prove in detail the Finite Rank Theorem for connection matrices of graph parameters definable in Monadic Second Order Logic with counting (CMSOL) from B. Godlin, T. Kotek and J.A. Makowsky (2008) and J.A. Makowsky (2009). We demonstrate its vast applicability in simplifying known and new non-definability results of graph properties and finding new non-definability results for graph parameters. We also prove a Feferman-Vaught Theorem for the logic CFOL, First Order Logic with the modular counting quantifiers