86 research outputs found

    Automated Analysis of Corpora Callosa

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    Abstract. This report describes and evaluates the steps needed to perform modern model-based interpretation of the corpus callosum in MRI. The process is discussed from the initial landmark-free contours to fullfledged statistical models based on the Active Appearance Models framework. Topics treated include landmark placement, background modelling and multi-resolution analysis. Preliminary quantitative and qualitative validation in a cross-sectional study show that fully automated analysis and segmentation of the corpus callosum are feasible.

    A Comprehensive Corpus Callosum Segmentation Tool for Detecting Callosal Abnormalities and Genetic Associations from Multi Contrast MRIs

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    Structural alterations of the midsagittal corpus callosum (midCC) have been associated with a wide range of brain disorders. The midCC is visible on most MRI contrasts and in many acquisitions with a limited field-of-view. Here, we present an automated tool for segmenting and assessing the shape of the midCC from T1w, T2w, and FLAIR images. We train a UNet on images from multiple public datasets to obtain midCC segmentations. A quality control algorithm is also built-in, trained on the midCC shape features. We calculate intraclass correlations (ICC) and average Dice scores in a test-retest dataset to assess segmentation reliability. We test our segmentation on poor quality and partial brain scans. We highlight the biological significance of our extracted features using data from over 40,000 individuals from the UK Biobank; we classify clinically defined shape abnormalities and perform genetic analyses

    Computer-aided detection of interstitial lung diseases: A texture approach

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    We have developed the flexible scheme for computer-aided detection (CAD) of interstitial lung diseases on chest radiographs. These schemes enable us to perform diagnostics in the broad circumstances of pneumonia and other interstitial lung diseases. It is applied in the case of children pneumonia when conditions are difficult to standardize. In the adults' case the schemes of CAD are more adaptive, as there are more characteristic interstitial lung tissue's changes to all kinds of pathological conditions. Even in the norm of drawing there are more visible and more highlighted features, leading to better results. The CAD scheme works as follows. For the first of all, we are using adopted algorithms of active contours to select the area of lungs, and then to divide this area into subareas - regions of interest (40 different ROI). Then ROIs were subjected to the 2-dimensional Daubechies wavelet transform, and only main transformation was used. For every transformation 12 texture measures were calculated. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to extract 2 main components for each ROI, and these components were compared to predictive component region

    Liver Segmentation from CT Images Using a Modified Distance Regularized Level Set Model Based on a Novel Balloon Force

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    Organ segmentation from medical images is still an open problem and liver segmentation is a much more challenging task among other organ segmentations. This paper presents a liver egmentation method from a sequence of computer tomography images.We propose a novel balloon force that controls the direction of the evolution process and slows down the evolving contour in regions with weak or without edges and discourages the evolving contour from going far away from the liver boundary or from leaking at a region that has a weak edge, or does not have an edge. The model is implemented using a modified Distance Regularized Level Set (DRLS) model. The experimental results show that the method can achieve a satisfactory result. Comparing with the original DRLS model, our model is more effective in dealing with over segmentation problems
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