8 research outputs found

    Semi-supervised and Active Image Clustering with Pairwise Constraints from Humans

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    Clustering images has been an interesting problem for computer vision and machine learning researchers for many years. However as the number of categories increases, image clustering becomes extremely hard and is not possible to use for many practical applications. Researchers have proposed several methods that use semi-supervision from humans to improve clustering. Constrained clustering, where users indicate whether an image pair belong to the same category or not, is a well-known paradigm for semi-supervision. Past research has shown that pairwise constraints have the potential to significantly improve clustering performance. There are two major components to constrained clustering research: how pairwise constraints can be used to improve clustering (e.g: constrained clustering algorithms, distance or metric learning methods) and determining which constraints are most useful for improving clustering (e.g.: active or interactive clustering methods). In this thesis we propose three different approaches to improve pairwise constrained clustering spanning both of these components. First, we propose a distance learning method in non-vector spaces, where the triangle inequality is used to propagate the pairwise constraints to the unsupervised image pairs. This approach can work with any pairwise distance and does not require any vector representation of images. Second, we propose an algorithm for active image pair selection. A novel method is developed to choose the most useful pairs to show a person, obtaining constraints that improve clustering. Third, we study how pairwise constraints can effectively be used to cluster large image datasets. Complete clustering of large datasets requires an extremely large number of pairwise constraints and may not be feasible in practice. We propose a new algorithm to cluster a subset of the images only (we call this subclustering), which will produce a few examples from each class. Subclustering will produce smaller but purer clusters and can be used for summarization, category discovery, browsing, image search, etc.... Finally, we make use of human input in an active subclustering algorithm to further improve results. We perform experiments on several real world datasets such as faces, leaves, videos and scenes and empirically show that our approaches can advance the state-of-the-art in clustering

    Sensing Structured Signals with Active and Ensemble Methods

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    Modern problems in signal processing and machine learning involve the analysis of data that is high-volume, high-dimensional, or both. In one example, scientists studying the environment must choose their set of measurements from an infinite set of possible sample locations. In another, performing inference on high-resolution images involves operating on vectors whose dimensionality is on the order of tens of thousands. To combat the challenges presented by these and other applications, researchers rely on two key features intrinsic to many large datasets. First, large volumes of data can often be accurately represented by a few key points, allowing for efficient processing, summary, and collection of data. Second, high-dimensional data often has low-dimensional intrinsic structure that can be leveraged for processing and storage. This thesis leverages these facts to develop and analyze algorithms capable of handling the challenges presented by modern data. The first scenario considered in this thesis is that of monitoring regions of low oxygen concentration (hypoxia) in lakes via an autonomous robot. Tracking the spatial extent of such hypoxic regions is of great interest and importance to scientists studying the Great Lakes, but current systems rely heavily on hydrodynamic models and a very small number of measurements at predefined sample locations. Existing active learning algorithms minimize the samples required to determine the spatial extent but do not consider the distance traveled during the estimation procedure. We propose a novel active learning algorithm for tracking such regions that balances both the number of measurements taken and the distance traveled in estimating the boundary of the hypoxic zone. The second scenario considered is learning a union of subspaces (UoS) model that best fits a given collection of points. This model can be viewed as a generalization of principal components analysis (PCA) in which data vectors are drawn from one of several low-dimensional linear subspaces of the ambient space and has applications in image segmentation and object recognition. The problem of automatically sorting the data according to nearest subspace is known as subspace clustering, and existing unsupervised algorithms perform this task well in many situations. However, state-of-the-art algorithms do not fully leverage the problem geometry, and the resulting clustering errors are far from the best possible using the UoS model. We present two novel means of bridging this gap. We first present a method of incorporating semi-supervised information into existing unsupervised subspace clustering algorithms in the form of pairwise constraints between items. We next study an ensemble algorithm for unsupervised subspace clustering that functions by combining the outputs from many efficient but inaccurate base clusterings to achieve state-of- the-art performance. Finally, we perform the first principled study of model selection for subspace clustering, in which we define clustering quality metrics that do not rely on the ground truth and evaluate their ability to reliably predict clustering accuracy. The contributions of this thesis demonstrate the applicability of tools from signal processing and machine learning to problems ranging from scientific exploration to computer vision. By utilizing inherent structure in the data, we develop algorithms that are efficient in terms of computational complexity and other realistic costs, making them truly practical for modern problems in data science.PHDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140795/1/lipor_1.pd

    Int J Comput Vis DOI 10.1007/s11263-013-0680-6 Active Image Clustering with Pairwise Constraints from Humans

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    Abstract We propose a method of clustering images that combines algorithmic and human input. An algorithm provides us with pairwise image similarities. We then actively obtain selected, more accurate pairwise similarities from humans. A novel method is developed to choose the most useful pairs to show a person, obtaining constraints that improve clustering. In a clustering assignment, elements in each data pair are either in the same cluster or in different clusters. We simulate inverting these pairwise relations and see how that affects the overall clustering. We choose a pair that maximizes the expected change in the clustering. The proposed algorithm has high time complexity, so we also propose a version of this algorithm that is much faster and exactly replicates our original algorithm. We further improve run-time by adding two heuristics, and show that these do not significantly impact the effectiveness of our method. We have run experiments in three different domains, namely leaf, face and scene images, and show that the proposed method improves clustering performance significantly