294,860 research outputs found

    Action Contraction

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    The question we consider in this paper is: “When can a combination of fine-grain execution steps be contracted into an atomic action execution”? Our answer is basically: “When no observer can see the difference.” This is worked out in detail by defining a notion of coupled split/atomic simulation refinement between systems which differ in the atomicity of their actions, and proving that this collapses to Parrow and Sjödin’s coupled similarity when the systems are composed with an observer

    A Comparative Study Of The Double Motor Innervation In Marine Crustaceans

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    A double motor innervation has been shown for several muscles of marine crustaceans. The adductors of the claws of Randallia and Blepharipoda and the adductor of the dactylopodite of the walking leg of Cancer were studied physiologically. The two motor axons which innervate these muscles have a different diameter (ratio 1.4:1). Stimulation of the thick fibre causes a response, which, though it is not always faster than the response of the thin fibre, must be considered as a "fast" contraction. In Randallia and in Blepharipoda the slow contraction is higher than the fast with frequencies of less than ± 50 per sec., in Cancer with frequencies less than 100 per sec. The action currents of the two kinds of contraction are different. Both show facilitation, but under the same conditions of stimulation the fast-action currents are higher. The first stimulus of the thick fibre causes an action current top which is clearly distinguishable, the action currents of the slow contraction show up only after a number of stimuli. Even when the mechanical reaction on stimulation of the thick fibre is smaller than on similar stimulation of the thin fibre, the action currents are higher in the first case. A single impulse in the thick fibre does not cause a contraction, but sets up a muscle-action current. The chronaxie of this action current in Blepharipoda and Randallia is 0.8{sigma} and is about the same as that found for the action current of the nerve. Two impulses in the thick fibre may cause a mechanical response, as is shown by summation experiments. The pseudo-chronaxie of this contraction was measured as 3.5 {sigma}. The second action current shows facilitation, when it follows the first within 1 sec.; a mechanical reaction results with summation intervals of two stimuli of less than 10{sigma}. The facilitation of the action current increases with decrease of the time interval between the two impulses; with the shortest intervals that give summation the resulting action current is a smooth high spike

    AdS Carroll Chern-Simons supergravity in 2+1 dimensions and its flat limit

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    Carroll symmetries arise when the velocity of light is sent to zero (ultra-relativistic limit). In this paper, we present the construction of the three-dimensional Chern-Simons supergravity theory invariant under the so-called AdS Carroll superalgebra, which was obtained in the literature as a contraction of the AdS superalgebra. The action is characterized by two coupling constants. Subsequently, we study its flat limit, obtaining the three-dimensional Chern-Simons supergravity theory invariant under the super-Carroll algebra, which is a contraction of the Poincar\'e superalgebra. We apply the flat limit at the level of the superalgebra, Chern-Simons action, supersymmetry transformation laws, and field equations.Comment: V2, 17 pages, version accepted for publication in Physics Letters

    Chemical changes in the adductor muscle of the cheliped of the crayfish in relation to the double motor innervation

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    Work from this laboratory has shown that a number of the striated muscles of the legs of the crayfish show a typical motor innervation (1). Such muscles are innervated by two motor fibers only, each causing a different type of contraction. One of these, resulting from stimulation of the thicker fiber, is termed the "fast" contraction, while the other is called the "slow." Both anatomical evidence and physiological experiments indicate that each muscle fiber is innervated by these two axons and that both contractions occur in the same muscle fibers (2, 3). The most striking difference between the two contractions is found in the adductor muscle of the cheliped of the crayfish. In this case, a single impulse in the thicker motor fiber causes a twitch-like contraction, and the system behaves in almost all respects as does a single motor unit of a vertebrate muscle: single shocks of different strengths give twitches of a considerable strength and a constant height, and during tetanic contraction the action currents are all of the same magnitude. In contrast to this, single shocks given to the thinner fiber produce no visible response in the muscle, but faradic stimulation causes action currents which grow in height and a contraction with a long latent period. The action currents in this case are always much smaller than those of the fast contraction. The chemical changes occurring in the adductor muscle of the cheliped of the crayfish Cambarus clarkii during these two types of contraction were investigated in order to obtain evidence on two possible mechanisms by which the two contractions might occur in the same muscle fiber. In the first place, two contractile substances might be present, a "phasic" and a "tonic" one, analogous to those supposed by Botazzi (4) in the vertebrate striated muscle, or the same substance might contract in both cases, the difference between the contractions being due solely to differences in the transmission mechanism between the nerve impulse and the contractile substance. Methods were devised for the rapid removal of the stimulated cheliped to liquid air and for the analysis of the frozen muscle tissue. The changes in phosphate and in lactic acid content were used as indices of the chemical changes occurring

    Resilient clamp holds fuel cell stack through resilient clamp holds fuel cell stack through thermal cycle

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    Resilient clamping device holds a stack of fuel cells during thermal expansion and contraction periods. The clamp has torsion bar action which maintains seal integrity over a wide stress range

    Altered excitation-contraction coupling in human chronic atrial fibrillation

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    This review focuses on the (mal)adaptive processes in atrial excitation-contraction coupling occurring in patients with chronic atrial fibrillation. Cellular remodeling includes shortening of the atrial action potential duration and effective refractory period, depressed intracellular Ca<sup>2+</sup> transient, and reduced myocyte contractility. Here we summarize the current knowledge of the ionic bases underlying these changes. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of excitation-contraction-coupling remodeling in the fibrillating human atria is important to identify new potential targets for AF therapy