5,765 research outputs found

    Intelligent active force control of a three-link manipulator using fuzzy logic

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    The paper presents a novel approach to estimate the inertia matrix of a robot arm using a fuzzy logic (FL) mechanism in order to trigger the active force control (AFC) strategy. A comprehensive study is performed on a rigid three-link manipulator subjected to a number of external disturbances. The robustness and effectiveness of the proposed control scheme are investigated considering the trajectory track performance of the robotic arm taking into account the application of external disturbances and that the arm is commanded to describe a reference trajectory given a number of initial and operating conditions. The results show that the FL mechanism used in the study successfully computes appropriate estimated inertia matrix value to execute the control action. The proposed scheme exhibits a high degree of robustness and accuracy as the track error is bounded within an acceptable range of value even under the influence of the introduced disturbances

    Microgravity manipulator demonstration

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    A test rig is being developed that will be used to demonstrate and evaluate approaches to limiting manipulator base reactions in microgravity environments. The demonstration will include a 4-degrees-of-freedom arm, control computing facilities, and a base reaction measurement system

    The telerobot testbed: An architecture for remote servicing

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    The NASA/OAST Telerobot Testbed will reach its next increment in development by the end of FY-89. The testbed will have the capability for: force reflection in teleoperation, shared control, traded control, operator designate and relative update. These five capabilities will be shown in a module release and exchange operation using mockups of Orbital Replacement Units (ORU). This development of the testbed shows examples of the technologies needed for remote servicing, particularly under conditions of delay in transmissions to the servicing site. Here, the following topics are presented: the system architecture of the testbed which incorporates these telerobotic technologies for servicing, the implementation of the five capabilities and the operation of the ORU mockups

    An intelligent, free-flying robot

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    The ground based demonstration of the extensive extravehicular activity (EVA) Retriever, a voice-supervised, intelligent, free flying robot, is designed to evaluate the capability to retrieve objects (astronauts, equipment, and tools) which have accidentally separated from the Space Station. The major objective of the EVA Retriever Project is to design, develop, and evaluate an integrated robotic hardware and on-board software system which autonomously: (1) performs system activation and check-out; (2) searches for and acquires the target; (3) plans and executes a rendezvous while continuously tracking the target; (4) avoids stationary and moving obstacles; (5) reaches for and grapples the target; (6) returns to transfer the object; and (7) returns to base

    Experimental investigation of feedforward control schemes of a flexible robot manipulator system

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    This paper presents experimental investigations into the applications of feedforward control schemes for vibration control of a flexible manipulator system. Feedforward control schemes based on input shaping and filtering techniques are to be examined. A constrained planar single-link flexible manipulator is considered in this experimental work. An unshaped bang-bang torque input is used to determine the characteristic parameters of the system for design and evaluation of the input shaping control techniques. The input shapers and filtering techniques are designed based on the properties of the system. Simulation results of the response of the manipulator to the shaped and filtered inputs are presented in time and frequency domains. Performances of the shapers are examined in terms of level of vibration reduction and time response specifications. The effects of derivative order of the input shaper on the performance of the system are investigated. Finally, a comparative assessment of the control strategies is presented and discusse

    Stanford Aerospace Research Laboratory research overview

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    Over the last ten years, the Stanford Aerospace Robotics Laboratory (ARL) has developed a hardware facility in which a number of space robotics issues have been, and continue to be, addressed. This paper reviews two of the current ARL research areas: navigation and control of free flying space robots, and modelling and control of extremely flexible space structures. The ARL has designed and built several semi-autonomous free-flying robots that perform numerous tasks in a zero-gravity, drag-free, two-dimensional environment. It is envisioned that future generations of these robots will be part of a human-robot team, in which the robots will operate under the task-level commands of astronauts. To make this possible, the ARL has developed a graphical user interface (GUI) with an intuitive object-level motion-direction capability. Using this interface, the ARL has demonstrated autonomous navigation, intercept and capture of moving and spinning objects, object transport, multiple-robot cooperative manipulation, and simple assemblies from both free-flying and fixed bases. The ARL has also built a number of experimental test beds on which the modelling and control of flexible manipulators has been studied. Early ARL experiments in this arena demonstrated for the first time the capability to control the end-point position of both single-link and multi-link flexible manipulators using end-point sensing. Building on these accomplishments, the ARL has been able to control payloads with unknown dynamics at the end of a flexible manipulator, and to achieve high-performance control of a multi-link flexible manipulator

    Advancing automation and robotics technology for the Space Station Freedom and for the US economy

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    The progress made by levels 1, 2, and 3 of the Office of Space Station in developing and applying advanced automation and robotics technology is described. Emphasis is placed upon the Space Station Freedom Program responses to specific recommendations made in the Advanced Technology Advisory Committee (ATAC) progress report 10, the flight telerobotic servicer, and the Advanced Development Program. Assessments are presented for these and other areas as they apply to the advancement of automation and robotics technology for the Space Station Freedom

    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 324)

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    This bibliography lists 200 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during May, 1989. Subject coverage includes: aerospace medicine and psychology, life support systems and controlled environments, safety equipment, exobiology and extraterrestrial life, and flight crew behavior and performance