12 research outputs found

    The Penetration of Mobile Technology and Its Implementation on Learning in Indonesian High School

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    The use of a smartphone as a mobile learning tool in schools is controversial. On the one hand, the teacher prohibits it because it would interfere with the learning process in the classroom; and on the other hand, the teacher saw a lot of potentials can be used from mobile technology. The goal of this study is to describe how the development of secondary schools in Indonesia can facilitate students through the use of mobile learning with the hope that it can be taken at the school level policies to strengthen the existing learning system so that students can achieve optimal learning competencies. This research used descriptive qualitative evaluations to make observations on the application of mobile learning in several secondary schools in several regions in Indonesia during 2015. The results of this study indicate that some of the schools that have implemented mobile learning have a tendency that mobile learning was not planned and structured as a school program; so that the advantages of mobile technology has not been effectively used. Two important things to solve this condition are the availability of government policy and improving teachers literacy in managing mobile learning application


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    : A mobile application, Tflat English Pronunciation, is proposed in the teaching of pronunciation for it possesses features that can assist students when learning how to enunciate English words and identify English phonemic symbols.  Thus, this study presents the results of the implementation of Tflat English Pronunciation mobile courseware to gain the ability of the first semester students of English Study Program Politeknik Negeri Jember in pronouncing English words. This study is a collaborative classroom action research. Thirty students enrolling in Pronunciation class at English Study Program Politeknik Negeri Jember were taken as the source of data. The result showed that the materials and practices in Tflat courseware could enrich students' pronunciation learning, improve their participation, and nurture a positive attitude toward technological learning. The findings of this study also depict the potential and power of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) to encourage students to engage in classroom activities and monitor their learning. Hence, it can be concluded that MALL is pivotal and can be one alternative to facilitate students’ pronunciation learning.

    The Development of Mobile Learning

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    Development of an interactive mobile application for information sharing between sccult, member cooperatives (saccos), and other stakeholders

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    A Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Embedded and Mobile Systems of the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and TechnologyThe use of mobile devices and their affiliated software has brought about a very immense change in communication. From a different angle, marketing of goods and services for business entities has been made easier and better. However, it has been discovered that, to know about a specific entity one would need to have prior knowledge about it. This makes it hard for unknown entities to become reached by potential buyers. This is the case for SACCOS and SCCULT in Tanzania. The two become invisible to the consumer community due to their infamous nature, making their marketing difficult and hence, stunting their growth. Savings and Credit Cooperative Unions (SACCOS) are financial groups that provide their members with different financial services, including loans, savings, and investments. By lending capital to Small and Medium Enterprises, SACCOS have been a source of close to 94.7% employments of their members. It as well contributes up to 40% of the national Gross Domestic Product (GDP). However, only less than 10% of the national population is beneficiary of the services offered by SACCOS in Tanzania. The purpose of this study was to bring to attention that most individuals do not engage with SACCOS and enjoy their easy and smooth services because they lack information. The study proved that with enough information and engagement of the SACCOS to society, many individuals could join SACCOS and enjoy their benefits. A mixed research method was used to gather information on the society’s awareness of SACCOS, their knowledge, and usage of social media, and whether they have ever encountered news about SACCOS in their social media exploration. It was discovered that more than 70% of individuals have poor or no knowledge at all about SACCOS. The study discovered that, due to a large number of content contexts in social media, SACCOS are not easily found in such a pool of information. This project resulted in the development of an interactive mobile application for information sharing between the Savings and Credit Cooperatives Union League of Tanzania (SCCULT), their member cooperatives (SACCOS), and other stakeholders including the Tanzanian society mass. This is a mobile application dedicated to sharing news with society in a broader and more relevant way. Allowing individuals to have ease of access to SACCOS’s basic information enough to help them build interest in joining them

    How does students' general academic achievement moderate the implications of social networking on specific levels of learning performance?

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    © 2019 This study examines to what extent the use of social networking sites impacts different levels of learning. In particular, we examine how post-secondary students' general academic achievement, reflected by grade point average scores, moderate these impacts. The impacts of social networking noted in the literature vary considerably, with positive and negative implications on student learning noted. Examining the moderating effects of students' general academic achievement may address the reasons for such inconsistency in impacts observed. To better understand the implications of social networking on student learning, we examine the implications of student time spent in total on Facebook and on different reasons for using Facebook through a series of ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions. The data on students' social networking use is collected via a survey and data retrieved from institution records on student performance. The context of this study is a first year equation and problem solving centric subject, consistent with the subject matter emphasised in business and STEM disciplines. The findings indicate social networking use puts students at risk who are generally lower academic achievers; in particular their performance is lower across the least difficult levels of learning performance with greater Facebook use. In contrast the performance of higher academic achievers is not significantly impacted. The findings highlight the importance of considering students' general academic achievement as a moderator of the relationship between social networking use and learning performance, and also the importance of considering the impact on specific levels of learning

    A Cognitive Knowledge-based Framework for Social and Metacognitive Support in Mobile Learning

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    Establecer la relación existente entre la eficiencia de los recursos TIC y la eficacia del uso de Mobile Learning en los estudiantes de posgrado de la FISI de la UNMSM

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    Determina si los Recursos TIC y sus dimensiones, tales como: Conectividad a Internet, Dispositivo Móvil, Contenidos Digitales, Herramientas Digitales, y Capacitación en el uso de recursos TIC estaban relacionados, afectaban o impactaban de manera positiva o negativa y en qué grado o nivel en el Uso del Mobile Learning. El enfoque de la investigación era Cuantitativo. La técnica usada para la recolección de datos fue la encuesta y como instrumento un cuestionario de 40 preguntas de respuesta única utilizando una escala Likert del 1 al 5. La población estuvo conformada por los estudiantes de los programas de Posgrado de la FISI de la UNMSM y la muestra de estudio estuvo constituida por 70 estudiantes. Finalmente, los resultados determinan que, si existe una relación estadísticamente significativa entre los Recursos TIC y el Uso del Mobile Learning, así como entre todas las dimensiones de los Recursos TIC y el Uso del Mobile Learning. En ambas variables los niveles de satisfacción fueron altos. El análisis de la regresión PLS determinó, que el orden de influencia o impacto de las dimensiones fuese el siguiente: Contenidos Digitales, Conectividad a Internet, Herramientas Digitales, Capacitación en el uso de los recursos TIC y Dispositivo Móvil