8,907 research outputs found


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    The demand for natural foods has been growing steadily over the past decade. As more mainstream grocers and investor-owned, natural food chains respond to this increased demand, the viability of local, independent natural food co-ops (TCNFCs) was used to assess organizational options. The study employed a customer survey to determine characteristics and preferences of co-op shoppers. The survey results were used in conjunction with a schema that analyzed the interaction among market forces, store differences, and customer factors to make recommendations to the TCNFCs. This analysis suggests that in the short run, these stores should employ a federated cooperative structure to accommodate a city-wide co-op membership and increase joint ventures among the co-ops. In the long run, the scale and scope of the federated co-op should be increased to enter new markets as a centralized co-op.Agribusiness, Consumer/Household Economics, Industrial Organization,

    Using Transaction Utility Approach for Retail Format Decision

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    Transaction Utility theory was propounded by Thaler to explain that the value derived by a customer from an exchange consists of two drivers: Acquisition Utilities and Transaction utilities. Acquisition utility represents the economic gain or loss from the transaction. Where as transaction utility is associated with purchase or (sale) and represents the pleasure (or displeasure) of the financial deal per se and is a function of the difference between the selling price and the reference price. Choice of a format has been studied from several dimensions including the cost and effort as well as the non-monetary values. However, the studies that present the complete picture and combine the aspects of the tangible as well as intangible values derived out of the shopping process are limited. Most of the studies, all of them from the developed economies, have focussed on the selection of a store. They represent a scenario where formats have stabilised. However, in Indian scenario formats have been found to be influencing the choice of store as well as orientation of the shoppers. Also, retailers are experimenting with alternate format with differing success rates. The author has also not found a study that has applied this theory. It is felt that the Transactional Utility Theory may provide a suitable approach for making format decisions.

    E-CRM and CMS systems: potential for more dynamic businesses

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    Any change in customer’s behaviour affects the customer’s value. In addition, profitability and economic viability also change. Most companies still do not know entirely their customer base characteristics. They find difficult to define criteria that segment their customer base to find high-value customers. They need to focus on target selections to carry on with marketing campaigns which involve high investments. Given the potential of e-CRM and CMS as powerful tools to guide customer-oriented understanding and analysis, greater attention is required. Several companies, operating within the same business and having access to the same information and technology, differ in e-CRM performance. Without sufficient evidence, managers are prone to making investment decisions that are neither efficient nor effective. So it is imperative to base the decision of e-CRM and CMS adoption, on not only their analytical power, but also on economic viability criteria for sustainable business dynamic

    An Empirical Approach to Determine the Relationship Strength between Internet Media and Online Readership

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    İnternet gazeteciliğinin gelişimiyle birlikte Web üzerindeki içerik sürekli artmakta, medya hizmetlerinin odağı medyatör ile hızlı biçimde kendisini ilgilendiren haberlere erişmek isteyen okur arasındaki ilişkiye kaymaktadır. Bu isteğin gerçekleştirilmesi, daha önce okurun düzensiz davranışlarına göre kişiselleştirilmiş Web içeriğinin oluşturulmasına dayalıdır. Bu çalışmada İnternet gazetesi okurlarının kendi istedikleri tür haber yazılarına hızlı ulaşımında elverişli sonuçlar elde edebilmek amacıyla kişiselleştirmede daha ileri gidebilmek için okurların tercihleri incelenmektedir. Tercih davranışlarını saptayabilmek amacıyla ilişki yönetimi ölçüm teknikleri, özellikle de RFM yaklaşımı, CRM çalışmalarından ödünç alınmış ve okur ile içerik türleri arasındaki ilişkiye uyarlanmıştır.Web content in the context of online news is growing at a rapid speed where traditional news reading habits shift in favour of the Internet version. At the same time readership behaviour also changes from print paper readers to more selective online users, who expect news services follow general trends of the online media such as dynamic customised content and personalisation. In an environment where users are often reluctant to fill forms or reveal their preferences in news content, this entails that the online news Web site has to track the behaviour of the reader and serve the reader the content that fits his or her requirements. In this study online readership preferences are observed to produce personalised content, types of news articles that are more relevant to the reader’s preferred categories. The problem is then reduced to determining the strength of the relationship between the reader node and the news category nodes, at which a relationship metric is borrowed from Customer Relationship Management studies

    Accounting practices in the recorded and printed music industry; Exposure draft (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants), 1976, Feb. 4

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    TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL BACKGROUND: Record Manufacturing— General description The record master Marketing Recording artist contracts Music Publishing-General description Royalties REVENUE RECOGNITION: Industry Practice The Division\u27s Conclusion INVENTORY VALUATION: Industry Practice The Division\u27s Conclusion COMPENSATION OF ARTISTS: Industry Practice The Division\u27s Conclusion COSTS OF RECORD MASTERS: Industry Practice The Division\u27s Conclusion LICENSOR INCOME/LICENSEE COST: Industry Practice The Division\u27s Conclusion INTANGIBLE ASSETS ACQUIRED IN A BUSINESS COMBINATION MUSIC PUBLISHERShttps://egrove.olemiss.edu/aicpa_sop/1356/thumbnail.jp

    An investigation of training needs of prospective employees in retail selling in the city of Quincy

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston University, 1947. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Meaningful Organizing with Structural Complexity

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    In this paper, we look upon meaningful organizing as a question of creating and using structural complexity, and present an approach to meaningful organizing based on so-called social systems theory. It follows from social systems theory that the main objective of meaningful organizing in complex environments is to deal effectively with environmental complexity and uncertainty to secure coordination of collective efforts. In the paper, we present a set of research questions and a research strategy for planning and implementing a set of structuring interventions. Following the presentation of our interventions, we then discuss the results, and conclude with some remarks on the extent to which we can generalize our results to be valid for other types of organizations