221,991 research outputs found

    Hybrid propulsion technology program: Phase 1, volume 1

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    A number of booster propulsion system concepts are being considered for the next generation of manned and unmanned space launch vehicles. The one propulsion system concept that has potential for reducing costs with increased safety, reliability, and performance is hybrid propulsion (HP). A HP system may be thought of as a liquid propulsion system with solid fuel or a solid propulsion system with a liquid oxidizer. The liquid propulsion features that are most attractive are the higher specific impulse, clean exhaust, separated propellants, and oxidizer loading just prior to launch. The most attractive solid propulsion features includes low life cycle costs, no rotating machinery, compact size, and a robust case. In addition, a HP system has a robust LO2 tank; provides thrust control for ignition, to alleviate flight loads, and for thrust termination; and uses an inert grain that is not sensitive to anomalies such as cracks, voids, and separations. The object is to develop the technology to enable the application of HP to manned and unmanned space launch vehicles. This program will identify the necessary technology, acquire that technology, and demonstrate that technology. This volume is the executive summary

    Effects of Compensation Systems on Job Search Decisions: An Application of Person-Organization Fit

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    Past research has demonstrated the importance of pay level in job search and choice processes. Compensation policies other than pay level may have important effects on applicant attraction, yet there has been little research examining this possibility. The role of person-organization fit in job search and job choice decisions has also been supported. Because pay systems define an organization\u27s expectations and culture, they may be an important organizational attribute for individuals to compare with their needs and values; thus the corresponding level of fit between compensation policies and individuals\u27 dispositions may affect subsequent job search and choice decisions. Using several research methods and a sample of individuals currently involved in the interviewing process, this stugy examines both the main and interactive effects of various pay system attributes on job search. Resulting analyses primarily supported the hypotheses, suggesting that many facets of pay systems may have important effects on individuals\u27 job search and choice decisions

    Vertical Merger Enforcement Actions: 1994–April 2020

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    We have revised our earlier listing of vertical merger enforcement actions by the Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission since 1994. This revised listing includes 66 vertical matters beginning in 1994 through April 2020. It includes challenges and certain proposed transactions that were abandoned in the face of Agency concerns. This listing can be treated as an Appendix to Steven C. Salop and Daniel P. Culley, Revising the Vertical Merger Guidelines: Policy Issues and an Interim Guide for Practitioners, 4 JOURNAL OF ANTITRUST ENFORCEMENT 1 (2016)

    The victorious English language: hegemonic practices in the management academy

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    This study explores hegemonic linguistic processes, that is, the dominant and unreflective use of the English language in the production of textual knowledge accounts. The authors see the production of management knowledge as situated in central or peripheral locations, which they examine from an English language perspective. Their inquiry is based on an empirical study based on the perspectives of 33 management academics (not English language speakers) in (semi) peripheral locations, who have to generate and disseminate knowledge in and through the English language. Although the hegemony of the center in the knowledge production process has long been acknowledged, the specific contribution of this study is to explore how the English language operates as part of the “ideological complex” that produces and maintains this hegemony, as well as how this hegemony is manifested at the local level of publication practices in peripherally located business and management schools

    Distance, speed and high-intensity characteristics of 0 to 24-goal, mixed and women’s polo

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    This dataset presents information pertaining to the spatiotemporal characteristics of Polo play from a 0 to 24-goal level. Data were collected by player worn GPS units, across a New Zealand Polo season. The dataset comprises observations from 466 chukkas of Polo, across mixed and women’s only Polo and is curated by cumulative player handicap. Data are presented for distance, speed and high intensity metrics, which have further ategorised into five equine-based speed zones. The purpose of this dataset is to provide a detailed quantification of a range of Polo performance levels, advancing the scope and size of previous Polo literature that has employed GPS technology. This dataset may be of value to equine scientists and trainers, veterinary practitioners and sports scientists

    Evaluating a human-robot interface for exploration missions

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    The research reported in this paper concerns the design, implementation, and experimental evaluation of a Human-Robot Interface for stationary remote operators, implemented for a PC computer. The GUI design and functionality is described. An Autonomy Management Model has been implemented and explained. We have conducted user evaluation, making two set of experiments, that will be described and the resulting data analyzed. The conclusions give an insight on the most important usability concerns, regarding the operator situational awareness. The scalability of the interface is also experimentally studied

    Distance, speed and high intensity characteristics of 0 to 24-goal, mixed and women’s polo

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    This dataset presents information pertaining to the spatiotemporal characteristics of Polo play from a 0 to 24-goal level. Data were collected by player worn GPS units, across a New Zealand Polo season. The dataset comprises observations from 466 chukkas of Polo, across mixed and women’s only Polo and is curated by cumulative player handicap. Data are presented for distance, speed and high intensity metrics, which have further categorised into five equine-based speed zones. The purpose of this dataset is to provide a detailed quantification of a range of Polo performance levels, advancing the scope and size of previous Polo literature that has employed GPS technology. This dataset may be of value to equine scientists and trainers, veterinary practitioners and sports scientists

    Simulation, modelling and development of the metris RCA

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    In partnership with Metris UK we discuss the utilisation of modelling and simulation methods in the development of a revolutionary 7-axis Robot CMM Arm (RCA). An offline virtual model is described, facilitating pre-emptive collision avoidance and assessment of optimal placement of the RCA relative to scan specimens. Workspace accessibility of the RCA is examined under a range of geometrical assumptions and we discuss the effects of arbitrary offsets resulting from manufacturing tolerances. Degeneracy is identified in the number of ways a given pose may be attained and it is demonstrated how a simplified model may be exploited to solve the inverse kinematics problem of finding the “correct” set of joint angles. We demonstrate how the seventh axis may be utilised to avoid obstacles or otherwise awkward poses, giving the unit greater dexterity than traditional CMMs. The results of finite element analysis and static force modelling on the RCA are presented which provide an estimate of the forces exerted on the internal measurement arm in a range of poses
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