7 research outputs found

    Towards a Practical Pedestrian Distraction Detection Framework using Wearables

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    Pedestrian safety continues to be a significant concern in urban communities and pedestrian distraction is emerging as one of the main causes of grave and fatal accidents involving pedestrians. The advent of sophisticated mobile and wearable devices, equipped with high-precision on-board sensors capable of measuring fine-grained user movements and context, provides a tremendous opportunity for designing effective pedestrian safety systems and applications. Accurate and efficient recognition of pedestrian distractions in real-time given the memory, computation and communication limitations of these devices, however, remains the key technical challenge in the design of such systems. Earlier research efforts in pedestrian distraction detection using data available from mobile and wearable devices have primarily focused only on achieving high detection accuracy, resulting in designs that are either resource intensive and unsuitable for implementation on mainstream mobile devices, or computationally slow and not useful for real-time pedestrian safety applications, or require specialized hardware and less likely to be adopted by most users. In the quest for a pedestrian safety system that achieves a favorable balance between computational efficiency, detection accuracy, and energy consumption, this paper makes the following main contributions: (i) design of a novel complex activity recognition framework which employs motion data available from users' mobile and wearable devices and a lightweight frequency matching approach to accurately and efficiently recognize complex distraction related activities, and (ii) a comprehensive comparative evaluation of the proposed framework with well-known complex activity recognition techniques in the literature with the help of data collected from human subject pedestrians and prototype implementations on commercially-available mobile and wearable devices

    Roadside acoustic sensors to support vulnerable pedestrians via their smartphones

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    This paper proposes a smartphone-based warning system to evaluate the risk of a motor vehicle for vulnerable pedestrians (VP). The acoustic sensors are embedded in the roadside to receive vehicle sounds and they are classified into heavy vehicles, light vehicles with low speed, light vehicles with high speed, and no vehicle classes. For this aim, we extract new features by Mel-frequency Cepstrum Coefficients (MFCC) and Linear Predictive Coefficients (LPC) algorithms. We use different classification algorithms and show that MLP neural network achieves at least 96.7796.77% accuracy criterion. To install this system, directional microphones are embedded on the roadside and the risk is classified. Then, for every microphone, a danger area is defined and the warning alarms have been sent to every VPs’ smartphones covered in this danger area

    Acoustic hazard detection for pedestrians with obscured hearing

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    Pedestrians’ use of mp3 players or mobile phones can pose the risk of being hit by motor vehicles. We present an approach for detecting a crash risk level using the computing power and the microphone of mobile devices that can be used to alert the user in advance of an approaching vehicle so as to avoid a crash. A single feature extractor classifier is not usually able to deal with the diversity of risky acoustic scenarios. In this paper, we address the problem of detection of vehicles approaching a pedestrian by a novel, simple, non resource intensive acoustic method. The method uses a set of existing statistical tools to mine signal features. Audio features are adaptively thresholded for relevance and classified with a three component heuristic. The resulting Acoustic Hazard Detection (AHD) system has a very low false positive detection rate. The results of this study could help mobile device manufacturers to embed the presented features into future potable devices and contribute to road safety

    Reconnaissance des sons de l'environnement dans un contexte domotique

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    Dans beaucoup de pays du monde, on observe une importante augmentation du nombre de personnes âgées vivant seules. Depuis quelques années, un nombre significatif de projets de recherche sur l assistance aux personnes âgées ont vu le jour. La plupart de ces projets utilisent plusieurs modalités (vidéo, son, détection de chute, etc.) pour surveiller l'activité de la personne et lui permettre de communiquer naturellement avec sa maison "intelligente", et, en cas de danger, lui venir en aide au plus vite. Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet ANR VERSO de recherche industrielle, Sweet-Home. Les objectifs du projet sont de proposer un système domotique permettant une interaction naturelle (par commande vocale et tactile) avec la maison, et procurant plus de sécurité à l'habitant par la détection des situations de détresse. Dans ce cadre, l'objectif de ce travail est de proposer des solutions pour la reconnaissance des sons de la vie courante dans un contexte réaliste. La reconnaissance du son fonctionnera en amont d'un système de Reconnaissance Automatique de la Parole. Les performances de celui-ci dépendent donc de la fiabilité de la séparation entre la parole et les autres sons. Par ailleurs, une bonne reconnaissance de certains sons, complétée par d'autres sources informations (détection de présence, détection de chute, etc.) permettrait de bien suivre les activités de la personne et de détecter ainsi les situations de danger. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes intéressés aux méthodes en provenance de la Reconnaissance et Vérification du Locuteur. Dans cet esprit, nous avons testé des méthodes basées sur GMM et SVM. Nous avons, en particulier, testé le noyau SVM-GSL (SVM GMM Supervector Linear Kernel) utilisé pour la classification de séquences. SVM-GSL est une combinaison de SVM et GMM et consiste à transformer une séquence de vecteurs de longueur arbitraire en un seul vecteur de très grande taille, appelé Super Vecteur, et utilisé en entrée d'un SVM. Les expérimentations ont été menées en utilisant une base de données créée localement (18 classes de sons, plus de 1000 enregistrements), puis le corpus du projet Sweet-Home, en intégrant notre système dans un système plus complet incluant la détection multi-canaux du son et la reconnaissance de la parole. Ces premières expérimentations ont toutes été réalisées en utilisant un seul type de coefficients acoustiques, les MFCC. Par la suite, nous nous sommes penchés sur l'étude d'autres familles de coefficients en vue d'en évaluer l'utilisabilité en reconnaissance des sons de l'environnement. Notre motivation fut de trouver des représentations plus simples et/ou plus efficaces que les MFCC. En utilisant 15 familles différentes de coefficients, nous avons également expérimenté deux approches pour transformer une séquence de vecteurs en un seul vecteur, à utiliser avec un SVM linéaire. Dans le première approche, on calcule un nombre fixe de coefficients statistiques qui remplaceront toute la séquence de vecteurs. La seconde approche (une des contributions de ce travail) utilise une méthode de discrétisation pour trouver, pour chaque caractéristique d'un vecteur acoustique, les meilleurs points de découpage permettant d'associer une classe donnée à un ou plusieurs intervalles de valeurs. La probabilité de la séquence est estimée par rapport à chaque intervalle. Les probabilités obtenues ainsi sont utilisées pour construire un seul vecteur qui remplacera la séquence de vecteurs acoustiques. Les résultats obtenus montrent que certaines familles de coefficients sont effectivement plus adaptées pour reconnaître certaines classes de sons. En effet, pour la plupart des classes, les meilleurs taux de reconnaissance ont été observés avec une ou plusieurs familles de coefficients différentes des MFCC. Certaines familles sont, de surcroît, moins complexes et comptent une seule caractéristique par fenêtre d'analyse contre 16 caractéristiques pour les MFCCIn many countries around the world, the number of elderly people living alone has been increasing. In the last few years, a significant number of research projects on elderly people monitoring have been launched. Most of them make use of several modalities such as video streams, sound, fall detection and so on, in order to monitor the activities of an elderly person, to supply them with a natural way to communicate with their smart-home , and to render assistance in case of an emergency. This work is part of the Industrial Research ANR VERSO project, Sweet-Home. The goals of the project are to propose a domotic system that enables a natural interaction (using touch and voice command) between an elderly person and their house and to provide them a higher safety level through the detection of distress situations. Thus, the goal of this work is to come up with solutions for sound recognition of daily life in a realistic context. Sound recognition will run prior to an Automatic Speech Recognition system. Therefore, the speech recognition s performances rely on the reliability of the speech/non-speech separation. Furthermore, a good recognition of a few kinds of sounds, complemented by other sources of information (presence detection, fall detection, etc.) could allow for a better monitoring of the person's activities that leads to a better detection of dangerous situations. We first had been interested in methods from the Speaker Recognition and Verification field. As part of this, we have experimented methods based on GMM and SVM. We had particularly tested a Sequence Discriminant SVM kernel called SVM-GSL (SVM GMM Super Vector Linear Kernel). SVM-GSL is a combination of GMM and SVM whose basic idea is to map a sequence of vectors of an arbitrary length into one high dimensional vector called a Super Vector and used as an input of an SVM. Experiments had been carried out using a locally created sound database (containing 18 sound classes for over 1000 records), then using the Sweet-Home project's corpus. Our daily sounds recognition system was integrated into a more complete system that also performs a multi-channel sound detection and speech recognition. These first experiments had all been performed using one kind of acoustical coefficients, MFCC coefficients. Thereafter, we focused on the study of other families of acoustical coefficients. The aim of this study was to assess the usability of other acoustical coefficients for environmental sounds recognition. Our motivation was to find a few representations that are simpler and/or more effective than the MFCC coefficients. Using 15 different acoustical coefficients families, we have also experimented two approaches to map a sequence of vectors into one vector, usable with a linear SVM. The first approach consists of computing a set of a fixed number of statistical coefficients and use them instead of the whole sequence. The second one, which is one of the novel contributions of this work, makes use of a discretization method to find, for each feature within an acoustical vector, the best cut points that associates a given class with one or many intervals of values. The likelihood of the sequence is estimated for each interval. The obtained likelihood values are used to build one single vector that replaces the sequence of acoustical vectors. The obtained results show that a few families of coefficients are actually more appropriate to the recognition of some sound classes. For most sound classes, we noticed that the best recognition performances were obtained with one or many families other than MFCC. Moreover, a number of these families are less complex than MFCC. They are actually a one-feature per frame acoustical families, whereas MFCC coefficients contain 16 features per frameEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Bimodal sound source tracking applied to road traffic monitoring

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    The constant increase of road traffic requires closer and closer road network monitoring. The awareness of traffic characteristics in real time as well as its historical trends, facilitates decision-making for flow regulation, triggering relief operations, ensuring the motorists’ safety and contribute to optimize transport infrastructures. Today, the heterogeneity of the available data makes their processing complex and expensive (multiple sensors with different technologies, placed in different locations, with their own data format, unsynchronized, etc.). This leads metrologists to develop “smarter” monitoring devices, i.e. capable of providing all the necessary data synchronized from a single measurement point, with no impact on the flow road itself and ideally without complex installation. This work contributes to achieve such an objective through the development of a passive, compact, non-intrusive, acoustic-based system composed of a microphone array with a few number of elements placed on the roadside. The proposed signal processing techniques enable vehicle detection, the estimation of their speed as well as the estimation of their wheelbase length as they pass by. Sound sources emitted by tyre/road interactions are localized using generalized cross-correlation functions between sensor pairs. These successive correlation measurements are filtered using a sequential Monte Carlo method (particle filter) enabling, on one hand, the simultaneous tracking of multiple vehicles (that follow or pass each other) and on the other hand, a discrimination between useful sound sources and interfering noises. This document focuses on two-axle road vehicles only. The two tyre/road interactions (front and rear) observed by a microphone array on the roadside are modeled as two stochastic, zero-mean and uncorrelated processes, spatially disjoint by the wheelbase length. This bimodal sound source model defines a specific particle filter, called bimodal particle filter, which is presented here. Compared to the classical (unimodal) particle filter, a better robustness for speed estimation is achieved especially in cases of harsh observation. Moreover the proposed algorithm enables the wheelbase length estimation through purely passive acoustic measurement. An innovative microphone array design methodology, based on a mathematical expression of the observation and the tracking methodology itself is also presented. The developed algorithms are validated and assessed through in-situ measurements. Estimates provided by the acoustical signal processing are compared with standard radar measurements and confronted to video monitoring images. Although presented in a purely road-related applied context, we feel that the developed methodologies can be, at least partly, applied to rail, aerial, underwater or industrial metrology