1,897 research outputs found

    Time domain analysis of switching transient fields in high voltage substations

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    Switching operations of circuit breakers and disconnect switches generate transient currents propagating along the substation busbars. At the moment of switching, the busbars temporarily acts as antennae radiating transient electromagnetic fields within the substations. The radiated fields may interfere and disrupt normal operations of electronic equipment used within the substation for measurement, control and communication purposes. Hence there is the need to fully characterise the substation electromagnetic environment as early as the design stage of substation planning and operation to ensure safe operations of the electronic equipment. This paper deals with the computation of transient electromagnetic fields due to switching within a high voltage air-insulated substation (AIS) using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) metho

    Optimized hybrid YOLOu-Quasi-ProtoPNet for insulators classification

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    To ensure the electrical power supply, inspections are frequently performed in the power grid. Nowadays, several inspections are conducted considering the use of aerial images since the grids might be in places that are difficult to access. The classification of the insulators' conditions recorded in inspections through computer vision is challenging, as object identification methods can have low performance because they are typically pre-trained for a generalized task. Here, a hybrid method called YOLOu-Quasi-ProtoPNet is proposed for the detection and classification of failed insulators. This model is trained from scratch, using a personalized ultra-large version of YOLOv5 for insulator detection and the optimized Quasi-ProtoPNet model for classification. For the optimization of the Quasi-ProtoPNet structure, the backbones VGG-16, VGG-19, ResNet-34, ResNet-152, DenseNet-121, and DenseNet-161 are evaluated. The F1-score of 0.95165 was achieved using the proposed approach (based on DenseNet-161) which outperforms models of the same class such as the Semi-ProtoPNet, Ps-ProtoPNet, Gen-ProtoPNet, NP-ProtoPNet, and the standard ProtoPNet for the classification task

    Optimized EWT-Seq2Seq-LSTM with Attention Mechanism to Insulators Fault Prediction

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    Insulators installed outdoors are vulnerable to the accumulation of contaminants on their surface, which raise their conductivity and increase leakage current until a flashover occurs. To improve the reliability of the electrical power system, it is possible to evaluate the development of the fault in relation to the increase in leakage current and thus predict a shutdown might occur. This paper proposes the use of empirical wavelet transform (EWT) to reduce the influence of non-representative variations and combines the attention mechanism with long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent network for prediction. The Optuna framework has been applied for hyperparameter optimization, resulting in a method called Optimized EWT-Seq2Seq-LSTM with Attention. The proposed model had a 10.17% lower mean square error (MSE) than the standard LSTM and a 5.36% lower MSE than the model without optimization, showing that the attention mechanism and hyperparameter optimization is a promising strategy

    Group Method of Data Handling Using Christiano–Fitzgerald Random Walk Filter for Insulator Fault Prediction

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    Disruptive failures threaten the reliability of electric supply in power branches, often indicated by the rise of leakage current in distribution insulators. This paper presents a novel, hybrid method for fault prediction based on the time series of the leakage current of contaminated insulators. In a controlled high-voltage laboratory simulation, 15 kV-class insulators from an electrical power distribution network were exposed to increasing contamination in a salt chamber. The leakage current was recorded over 28 h of effective exposure, culminating in a flashover in all considered insulators. This flashover event served as the prediction mark that this paper proposes to evaluate. The proposed method applies the Christiano–Fitzgerald random walk (CFRW) filter for trend decomposition and the group data-handling (GMDH) method for time series prediction. The CFRW filter, with its versatility, proved to be more effective than the seasonal decomposition using moving averages in reducing non-linearities. The CFRW-GMDH method, with a root-mean-squared error of 3.44×10−12, outperformed both the standard GMDH and long short-term memory models in fault prediction. This superior performance suggested that the CFRW-GMDH method is a promising tool for predicting faults in power grid insulators based on leakage current data. This approach can provide power utilities with a reliable tool for monitoring insulator health and predicting failures, thereby enhancing the reliability of the power supply

    A Survey on Audio-Video based Defect Detection through Deep Learning in Railway Maintenance

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    Within Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning (DL) represents a paradigm that has been showing unprecedented performance in image and audio processing by supporting or even replacing humans in defect and anomaly detection. The Railway sector is expected to benefit from DL applications, especially in predictive maintenance applications, where smart audio and video sensors can be leveraged yet kept distinct from safety-critical functions. Such separation is crucial, as it allows for improving system dependability with no impact on its safety certification. This is further supported by the development of DL in other transportation domains, such as automotive and avionics, opening for knowledge transfer opportunities and highlighting the potential of such a paradigm in railways. In order to summarize the recent state-of-the-art while inquiring about future opportunities, this paper reviews DL approaches for the analysis of data generated by acoustic and visual sensors in railway maintenance applications that have been published until August 31st, 2021. In this paper, the current state of the research is investigated and evaluated using a structured and systematic method, in order to highlight promising approaches and successful applications, as well as to identify available datasets, current limitations, open issues, challenges, and recommendations about future research directions

    Fault Prediction Based on Leakage Current in Contaminated Insulators Using Enhanced Time Series Forecasting Models

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    To improve the monitoring of the electrical power grid, it is necessary to evaluate the influence of contamination in relation to leakage current and its progression to a disruptive discharge. In this paper, insulators were tested in a saline chamber to simulate the increase of salt contamination on their surface. From the time series forecasting of the leakage current, it is possible to evaluate the development of the fault before a flashover occurs. In this paper, for a complete evaluation, the long short-term memory (LSTM), group method of data handling (GMDH), adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), bootstrap aggregation (bagging), sequential learning (boosting), random subspace, and stacked generalization (stacking) ensemble learning models are analyzed. From the results of the best structure of the models, the hyperparameters are evaluated and the wavelet transform is used to obtain an enhanced model. The contribution of this paper is related to the improvement of well-established models using the wavelet transform, thus obtaining hybrid models that can be used for several applications. The results showed that using the wavelet transform leads to an improvement in all the used models, especially the wavelet ANFIS model, which had a mean RMSE of 1.58 × 10−3, being the model that had the best result. Furthermore, the results for the standard deviation were 2.18 × 10−19, showing that the model is stable and robust for the application under study. Future work can be performed using other components of the distribution power grid susceptible to contamination because they are installed outdoors.N/

    UHF diagnostic monitoring techniques for power transformers

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    This paper initially gives an introduction to ultra-high frequency (UHF) partial discharge monitoring techniques and their application to gas insulated substations. Recent advances in the technique, covering its application to power transformers, are then discussed and illustrated by means of four site trials. Mounting and installation of the UHF sensors is described and measurements of electrical discharges inside transformers are presented in a range of formats, demonstrating the potential of the UHF method. A procedure for locating sources of electrical discharge is described and demonstrated by means of a practical example where a source of sparking on a tap changer lead was located to within 15 cm. Progress with the development of a prototype on-line monitoring and diagnostic system is reviewed and possible approaches to its utilization are discussed. New concepts for enhancing the capabilities of the UHF technique are presented, including the possibility of monitoring the internal mechanical integrity of plant. The research presented provides sufficient evidence to justify the installation of robust UHF sensors on transformer tanks to facilitate their monitoring if and when required during the service lifetime
