23,771 research outputs found

    ALT-C 2010 Programme Guide

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    Designing Internet Reservation and Management Software Systems for Small Peripheral Hospitality Organizations: The HotMot Solution

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    Anckar, B., and Walden, P. (2000), ”Designing Internet Reservation and Management Software Systems for Small Peripheral Hospitality Organizations: The HotMot Solution”. IAMSR Research Report 5/2000. Institute for Advanced Management Systems Research,

    Analysis of business processes for the detection of improvements

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    Treball Final de Grau en Administració d'Empreses. Codi: AE1049. Curs 2022/202

    Department of Education, Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services Performance Plan, FY 2004

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    Agency Performance Plan, Department of Education, Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Service

    Information integration – an essential pillar in e-government development

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    The purpose of this paper is to explain and promote the need for ERP implementation in the public sector, to support the growing request for effective information systems, from the e-government viewpoint and under its influence. The paper also debates the major challenges in ERP implementation issued from research of published case studies. The challenges analysis turns out four major issues to address in order to overcome the integration obstacles and create a solid infrastructure for e-government.integration, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), e-government, public sector, business process reengineering (BPR)

    Development of a web-based system for supporting sales in a mineral water manufacturing firm : a case study

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    Author name used in this publication: E. W. T. NgaiAuthor name used in this publication: T. C. E. Cheng2002-2003 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    Reference service effectiveness

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    Design and modeling of processes through eTOM, ITIL and ISO 27001 for a telecommunications company

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    This project deals with the design and modeling of the processes that make up a company in order to achieve the proposed objectives of quality improvement and organization, in the most efficient way possible, thus demonstrating the importance of carrying out this modeling. Specifically, in this thesis we will analyze how this is carried out at AFR-IX telecom, a telecommunications company that offers data and advanced managed solutions to telecommunications companies and operators in Africa. To achieve this objective, different theoretical frameworks that are relevant today in the business world have been studied, specifically BPMN, eTOM, ITIL and ISO 27001. All modeling must be based on these concepts in order to implement the model obtained using different tools. In this project you will be able to see how some of the most used today have been used in a practical way, such as Signavio, Visio, Odoo and Service Desk Plus.Aquest projecte tracta el disseny i el modelatge dels processos que formen una empresa per poder assolir els objectius proposats, de millora de qualitat i organització, de la forma més eficaç possible, demostrant així la importància de realitzar aquest modelatge. Concretament, en aquest TFG analitzarem com es porta això a terme en AFR-IX telecom, una empresa de telecomunicacions que ofereix dades i solucions gestionades avançades a empreses i operadors de telecomunicacions a l'Àfrica. Per assolir aquest objectiu, s'han estudiat diferents marcs teòrics que avui en dia són rellevants en el món empresarial, concretament BPMN, eTOM, ITIL i ISO 27001. Tot modelatge s'ha de basar en aquests conceptes per arribar a implementar el model obtingut fent ús de diferents eines. En aquest projecte es podrà veure com s'han usat de forma pràctica algunes de les més utilitzades avui en dia com són Signavio, Visio, Odoo i Service Desk Plus.Este proyecto trata el diseño y el modelado de los procesos que forman a una empresa para poder alcanzar los objetivos propuestos, de mejora de calidad y organización, de la forma más eficaz posible, demostrando así la importancia de realizar este modelado. Concretamente, en este TFG analizaremos como se lleva esto a cabo en AFR-IX telecom, una empresa de telecomunicaciones que ofrece datos y soluciones gestionadas avanzadas a empresas y operadores de telecomunicaciones en África. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se han estudiado distintos marcos teóricos que hoy en día son relevantes en el mundo empresarial, concretamente BPMN, eTOM, ITIL e ISO 27001. Todo modelado se debe basar en estos conceptos para llegar a implementar el modelo obtenido haciendo uso de distintas herramientas. En este proyecto se podrá ver como se han usado de forma práctica algunas de las más utilizadas hoy en día como son Signavio, Visio, Odoo y Service Desk Plus