11 research outputs found

    Conceptual Modelling of Complex Production Systems

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    Complex system dynamics, structure and behaviour performances call for a wide range of methods, algorithms and tools to reach a model capable of finding optimal performing parameters. In the modelling process, it is up to the analyst to select the appropriate combination of methods, algorithms and tools to express significant system performances. Such a methodology for designing complex systems should be based upon conceptual modelling to perform a sensitive analysis of different system levels and views, allowing system representations for developing computer models.Complex systems, such as business systems with a continuous-discrete production process, require a well organised supply chain highly reactive to production assortment changes. Aligning two different production components distinctive in their behaviour is especially delicate at the production parameters transition point. Such system performances require distinctive designing methods that can follow the double nature of the production process behaviour in accordance with their entities dynamics caused by assortment changes. Consequently, such systems need different conceptual presentations for their purpose to be realized from different views and aspects

    Design Science in Action: Developing a Framework for Introducing IT Systems into Operational Practice

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    The paper presents an example of using design science research for solving a problem arising from local practice. The problem concerns adoption of new technology. The paper aims to integrate existing approaches and theories of technology acceptance and change management in a framework useful for practical purposes. It is based on the idea that the successful introduction of an IT-system requires a number of conditions to be satisfied as well as means for bringing about the satisfaction of these conditions. The level of satisfaction of the conditions can be measured by a set of parameters, such as the level of strategic, tactical and operational understanding of the system by the users. Means include various types of actions, tools and strategies. The introduction process is steered via periodically measuring the parameters, and applying means that help to change the level of satisfaction of the conditions

    Goal-Driven Multi-Process Analysis.

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    Extant process modeling techniques address different aspects of processes, such as activity sequencing, resource allocation, and organizational responsibilities. These techniques are usually based on graphic notation and are driven by practice rather than by theoretical foundations. The lack of theoretical principles hinders the ability to ascertain the correctness of a process model. A few techniques (notably Petri Nets) are formalized and apply verification mechanisms (mostly for activity sequencing and concurrency). However, these techniques do not deal with important aspects of process design such as process goals. As previously suggested, a formal process modeling framework, termed the Generic Process Model (GPM), has been used to define the notion of process model validity. In GPM, validity is based on the idea that the purpose of process design is to assure that an enacted process can reach its goal. In practice, often several processes work together to accomplish goals in an organizational domain. Accordingly, in this paper we extend the validity analysis of a single process to a cluster of processes related by the exchange of physical entities or information. We develop validity criteria and demonstrate their application to models taken from the Supply Chain Operations Reference-model (SCOR). We also use the formal concepts to analyze the role of an information system in inter-process communication and its possible effects on process cluster validity

    Structured Shared Spaces as a Basis for Building Business Process Support Systems: A Generic Model and Analysis of Examples

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    Though the concept of shared spaces had been known in Groupware and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) for quite a while, it did not become popular until the arrival of the Internet and social software. Implicitly, the concept of shared spaces has penetrated many IT-areas, including the area of Business Process Management. Though shared spaces are used in many systems and tools, like Google Drive and Projectplace, there is a lack of research investigating this usage in a generic way. The article aims to fill this gap by introducing a generic model of a Business Process Support (BPS) system based on shared space that supports the comparison, analysis and design of BPS systems. In addition, the article goes in more details on one design issue – the structuring of shared spaces. This is done by analyzing and comparing two different BPS systems that exploit the concept of shared spaces, though implicitly. These systems use different approaches to shared space structuring. The first one organizes the information by grouping similar types of items without regard to the flow of activities in a business process, while the other organizes the information around groups of activities that are usually completed as a block. Which model to choose in a particular situation depends on the characteristics of the business process and its participants. In order to facilitate this choice, the article offers a number of guidelines derived from the experience of using the two BPS systems in practice. The article also discusses in what circumstances BPS systems with shared spaces are preferable to traditional workflow BPS systems

    Towards a Business Process Modeling Technique for Agile Development of Case Management Systems

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    A modern organization needs to adapt its behavior to changes in the business environment by changing its Business Processes (BP) and corresponding Business Process Support (BPS) systems. One way of achieving such adaptability is via separation of the system code from the process description/model by applying the concept of executable process models. Furthermore, to ease introduction of changes, such process model should separate different perspectives, for example, control-flow, human resources, and data perspectives, from each other. In addition, for developing a completely new process, it should be possible to start with a reduced process model to get a BPS system quickly running, and then continue to develop it in an agile manner. This article consists of two parts, the first sets requirements on modeling techniques that could be used in the tools that supports agile development of BPs and BPS systems. The second part suggests a business process modeling technique that allows to start modeling with the data/information perspective which would be appropriate for processes supported by Case or Adaptive Case Management (CM/ACM) systems. In a model produced by this technique, called data-centric business process model, a process instance/case is defined as sequence of states in a specially designed instance database, while the process model is defined as a set of rules that set restrictions on allowed states and transitions between them. The article details the background for the project of developing the data-centric process modeling technique, presents the outline of the structure of the model, and gives formal definitions for a substantial part of the model

    Formal semantics for refinement verification of entreprise models

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    In this dissertation we investigate how Business/IT alignment in enterprise models can be enhanced by using a software engineering stepwise refinement paradigm. To have an IT system that supports an enterprise and meets the enterprise business needs, management seeks to align business system with IT systems. Enterprise Architecture (EA) is the discipline that addresses the design of aligned business and IT systems. SEAM is an Enterprise Architecture method, developed in the Laboratory of Systemic Modeling (LAMS) at EPFL. SEAM defines a visual language for building an enterprise model of an organization. In this work, we develop a theory and propose a technique to validate an alignment between the system specifications expressed in the SEAM language. We base our reasoning on the idea that each system (an organization, a business system, or an IT system) can be modeled using a set of hierarchical specifications, explicitly related to each other. Considering these relations as refinement relations, we transform the problem of alignment validation into the problem of refinement verification for system specifications: we consider that two system specifications are aligned if one is correctly refines the other. Model-driven engineering (MDE) defines refinement as a transformation between two visual (or program) specifications, where a specification is gradually refined into an implementation. MDE, however, does not formalize refinement verification. Software engineering (SE) formalizes refinement for program specifications. It provides a theory and techniques for refinement verification. To benefit from the formal theories and the refinement verification techniques defined in SE, we extend the SEAM language with additional concepts (e.g. preconditions, postconditions, invariants, etc). This extension enables us to increase the precision of the SEAM visual specifications. Then we define a formal semantics for the extended SEAM modeling language. This semantics is based on first-order logic and set theory; it allows us to reduce the problem of refinement verification to the validation of a first-order logic formula. In software engineering, the tools for the automated analysis of program specifications are defined. To use these tools for refinement verification, we define a translation from SEAM visual specifications to formal specification languages. We apply, using case studies, our theory and technique in several problem areas to verify: (1) if a business process design and re-design correspond to high level business process specifications; (2) if a service implementation corresponds to its specifications. These case studies have been presented to a group of domain experts who practice business/IT alignment. This inquiry has shown that our research has a potential practical value

    Estudo comparativo de métodos de modelagem de processos de negócio: ARIS vs BPMN

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    O presente trabalho trata da modelagem de processos de negócio, na tentativa de resumir seus conceitos principais e comparar dois métodos de modelagem, ARIS e BPMN. Comparação em 3 dimensões: funcional, de indicadores de desempenho e de automação. Tomando-se como unidade de análise, da qual extrair a informação necessária para a criação dos modelos, a Coordenação de Relações Internacionais do Centro de Tecnologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Primeiro é realizada uma revisão bibliográfica preliminar do estado do arte do BPM a partir da qual se consegue definir a problemática, e os objetivos do presente trabalho. Feito isso, se prossegue com uma segunda revisão bibliográfica exaustiva da modelagem de processos de negócio. Depois segue a revisão dos principais conceitos dos dois métodos, ARIS e BPMN, com o intuito de conhecer suas características e criar a base necessária para a comparação de ambos na segunda etapa do estudo. Além disso, segue a revisão dos critérios de comparação, desta forma se consegue captar um grande abanico de fatores que permitem desenhar uma comparação posterior completa e integral. Finalmente se procede a realizar a comparação. Nesta fase se faz uso de uma unidade de análise da qual extrair a informação necessária para a criação dos modelos. Com isso, conclui-se o trabalho podendo identificar as limitações de cada método em cada uma das 3 dimensões estudadas, além de oferecer futuras linhas de pesquisa. O estudo aplica a ferramenta ARIS Business Architect 7.2 para a modelagem de processos de negócio da unidade de análise.Outgoin