14,992 research outputs found

    Mandate-driven networking eco-system : a paradigm shift in end-to-end communications

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    The wireless industry is driven by key stakeholders that follow a holistic approach of "one-system-fits-all" that leads to moving network functionality of meeting stringent End-to-End (E2E) communication requirements towards the core and cloud infrastructures. This trend is limiting smaller and new players for bringing in new and novel solutions. For meeting these E2E requirements, tenants and end-users need to be active players for bringing their needs and innovations. Driving E2E communication not only in terms of quality of service (QoS) but also overall carbon footprint and spectrum efficiency from one specific community may lead to undesirable simplifications and a higher level of abstraction of other network segments may lead to sub-optimal operations. Based on this, the paper presents a paradigm shift that will enlarge the role of wireless innovation at academia, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME)'s, industries and start-ups while taking into account decentralized mandate-driven intelligence in E2E communications

    Impact of regulatory aspects on 5G mobile communication systems

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    The fifth generation of mobile communication networks generally known as 5G is a technology that, if we read anything about it we can arrive to the conclusion that it can be a revolution in many aspects. Starting with the great change that the telephone introduced, followed by the great improvements that the mobile phones carried along with them and finally internet and broadband access from any part of the world with a pocket device, we arrive to a time where 5G not only will it improve the existing technologies but it will allow the development of new inventions such as Internet of Things (IoT) that up to the date is reduced to various experiments and trials. The fifth generation of mobile communication systems will allow the development of applications, data models, data analysis at very high speeds, sensor measurements, and data transmissions instantly and a very long list of other things that will result in a revolution in one hand for the people’s lives and in the other to the markets and the way the companies carry out their business models and their internal and external general management. People’s quality of life will be affected substantially thanks to the establishment of 5G. This will be achieved thanks to the high speeds and the characteristics that 5G includes, and it will allow, for example, that a refrigerator can inform its owner about what products are needed or about what food is about to expire. This simple example is only one of many others that we can find when talking about 5G. Nonetheless, in order to be able to enjoy these advantages that 5G incorporates, it is necessary to conduct a development and deployment in an agreed upon way between all the different organisms and bearing in mind the regulatory aspects and the legislation valid and that needs to be developed in order to have a correct deployment. To do this, the regulatory organisms, and the commissions of the different countries have to agree between them and investigate what is the best way to provide the best standards, and to ease and speed up the deployments and start-ups of this new technology. After developing a detail study of the current requirements, objectives and the legislation and standardization, as well as the state of art of the technologies that provide us with the services that we enjoy nowadays, I have studied the barriers and drivers for the deployment of 5G. Finally, and after this previous study, I have analysed the possible deployments for this technology and how will it affect to the economic and social environment the use of these types of mobile communications. At the same time I have arrived to the final conclusions that 5G will be a complete revolution and anything that enables and eases the implementation has to be welcome.La quinta generación de redes de telecomunicaciones móviles comúnmente conocida como 5G es una tecnología de la que, si leemos cualquier información, llegaremos a la conclusión de que puede suponer una revolución en muchos aspectos. Comenzando por el gran cambio que supuso la invención del teléfono, seguida por la evidente y alta mejora que introdujo el teléfono móvil y finalmente la conexión a internet y el acceso de banda ancha desde cualquier parte del mundo con un dispositivo de bolsillo, llegamos a un momento en el que el 5G no solo mejorará las tecnologías ya existentes sino que permitirá desarrollar ideas tales como el internet de las cosas que, a día de hoy, se reducen a, varios experimentos y pruebas. El 5G permitirá el desarrollo de aplicaciones, modelos de datos, análisis de datos a altas velocidades, lecturas de sensores y transmisión de datos de forma instantánea y una larga lista de mejoras más que resultará en una revolución por una parte de la vida de las personas y por otra de los mercados y de la forma en la que las empresas llevarán a cabo sus modelos de negocio y en general su gestión externa e interna. La calidad de vida de las personas se verá afectada de forma sustancial gracias a la implantación del 5G. Esto se conseguirá debido a que las altas velocidades y las características que incorpora el 5G permitirán que, por ejemplo, una nevera avise a su dueño de aquello que falte en su interior, o que le informe de aquellos productos que están a punto de caducar. Este simple ejemplo solo es uno de todos los posibles que se pueden encontrar a la hora de hablar del 5G. Sin embargo, para poder llegar a disfrutar de todas las ventajas que el 5G aporta, es necesario llevar a cabo un desarrollo y un despliegue de forma conjunta entre los diferentes organismos, y teniendo en cuenta la normativa y legislación vigente y que se necesita desarrollar, para que este despliegue sea correcto. Para ello, los organismos regulatorios y las comisiones de diferentes países, deben ponerse de acuerdo e investigar cuál será la mejor forma de proporcionar los mejores estándares y facilitar y acelerar los despliegues y puestas en marcha de esta nueva tecnología. Después de llevar a cabo un estudio detallado sobre los requisitos, objetivos y la normativa y estandarización actual, así como el estado del arte de las tecnologías que hoy nos proporcionan los servicios de los que disfrutamos, se han estudiado las barreras y los aspectos favorecedores para la implantación del 5G. Finalmente, y tras este previo estudio, se han detallado los posibles despliegues para esta tecnología y se ha estudiado como afectará al entorno económico y social la utilización de este tipo de redes de comunicaciones móviles. A su vez, se han llegado a las conclusiones finales de que el 5G supondrá toda una revolución, y que todo aquello que favorezca su despliegue e implantación, debe ser bienvenido.Ingeniería Telemátic

    Augmenting CCAM Infrastructure for Creating Smart Roads and Enabling Autonomous Driving

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    Autonomous vehicles and smart roads are not new concepts and the undergoing development to empower the vehicles for higher levels of automation has achieved initial milestones. However, the transportation industry and relevant research communities still require making considerable efforts to create smart and intelligent roads for autonomous driving. To achieve the results of such efforts, the CCAM infrastructure is a game changer and plays a key role in achieving higher levels of autonomous driving. In this paper, we present a smart infrastructure and autonomous driving capabilities enhanced by CCAM infrastructure. Meaning thereby, we lay down the technical requirements of the CCAM infrastructure: identify the right set of the sensory infrastructure, their interfacing, integration platform, and necessary communication interfaces to be interconnected with upstream and downstream solution components. Then, we parameterize the road and network infrastructures (and automated vehicles) to be advanced and evaluated during the research work, under the very distinct scenarios and conditions. For validation, we demonstrate the machine learning algorithms in mobility applications such as traffic flow and mobile communication demands. Consequently, we train multiple linear regression models and achieve accuracy of over 94% for predicting aforementioned demands on a daily basis. This research therefore equips the readers with relevant technical information required for enhancing CCAM infrastructure. It also encourages and guides the relevant research communities to implement the CCAM infrastructure towards creating smart and intelligent roads for autonomous driving