12,977 research outputs found

    Cognitive Wyner Networks with Clustered Decoding

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    We study an interference network where equally-numbered transmitters and receivers lie on two parallel lines, each transmitter opposite its intended receiver. We consider two short-range interference models: the "asymmetric network," where the signal sent by each transmitter is interfered only by the signal sent by its left neighbor (if present), and a "symmetric network," where it is interfered by both its left and its right neighbors. Each transmitter is cognizant of its own message, the messages of the tℓt_\ell transmitters to its left, and the messages of the trt_r transmitters to its right. Each receiver decodes its message based on the signals received at its own antenna, at the rℓr_\ell receive antennas to its left, and the rrr_r receive antennas to its right. For such networks we provide upper and lower bounds on the multiplexing gain, i.e., on the high-SNR asymptotic logarithmic growth of the sum-rate capacity. In some cases our bounds meet, e.g., for the asymmetric network. Our results exhibit an equivalence between the transmitter side-information parameters tℓ,trt_\ell, t_r and the receiver side-information parameters rℓ,rrr_\ell, r_r in the sense that increasing/decreasing tℓt_\ell or trt_r by a positive integer δ\delta has the same effect on the multiplexing gain as increasing/decreasing rℓr_\ell or rrr_r by δ\delta. Moreover---even in asymmetric networks---there is an equivalence between the left side-information parameters tℓ,rℓt_\ell, r_\ell and the right side-information parameters tr,rrt_r, r_r.Comment: Second revision submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    In situ method for power re-equalization of wavelength pulses inside of OCDMA codes

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    A simple in-situ method to equalize power among individual wavelengths pulses representing two-dimensional wavelength-hopping time-spreading OCDMA code originally generated by a fibre Bragg grating-based OCDMA encoder is presented. Experimental data obtained in a field-based multiuser OCDMA testbed shows that applying this method results in system performance enhancements which was demonstrated by observing improved bit error rate (BER) during the field trials

    Cross-Sender Bit-Mixing Coding

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    Scheduling to avoid packet collisions is a long-standing challenge in networking, and has become even trickier in wireless networks with multiple senders and multiple receivers. In fact, researchers have proved that even {\em perfect} scheduling can only achieve R=O(1ln⁥N)\mathbf{R} = O(\frac{1}{\ln N}). Here NN is the number of nodes in the network, and R\mathbf{R} is the {\em medium utilization rate}. Ideally, one would hope to achieve R=Θ(1)\mathbf{R} = \Theta(1), while avoiding all the complexities in scheduling. To this end, this paper proposes {\em cross-sender bit-mixing coding} ({\em BMC}), which does not rely on scheduling. Instead, users transmit simultaneously on suitably-chosen slots, and the amount of overlap in different user's slots is controlled via coding. We prove that in all possible network topologies, using BMC enables us to achieve R=Θ(1)\mathbf{R}=\Theta(1). We also prove that the space and time complexities of BMC encoding/decoding are all low-order polynomials.Comment: Published in the International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), 201

    Constellation Shaping for WDM systems using 256QAM/1024QAM with Probabilistic Optimization

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    In this paper, probabilistic shaping is numerically and experimentally investigated for increasing the transmission reach of wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) optical communication system employing quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). An optimized probability mass function (PMF) of the QAM symbols is first found from a modified Blahut-Arimoto algorithm for the optical channel. A turbo coded bit interleaved coded modulation system is then applied, which relies on many-to-one labeling to achieve the desired PMF, thereby achieving shaping gain. Pilot symbols at rate at most 2% are used for synchronization and equalization, making it possible to receive input constellations as large as 1024QAM. The system is evaluated experimentally on a 10 GBaud, 5 channels WDM setup. The maximum system reach is increased w.r.t. standard 1024QAM by 20% at input data rate of 4.65 bits/symbol and up to 75% at 5.46 bits/symbol. It is shown that rate adaptation does not require changing of the modulation format. The performance of the proposed 1024QAM shaped system is validated on all 5 channels of the WDM signal for selected distances and rates. Finally, it was shown via EXIT charts and BER analysis that iterative demapping, while generally beneficial to the system, is not a requirement for achieving the shaping gain.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 201

    Maximum Euclidean distance network coded modulation for asymmetric decode-and-forward two-way relaying

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    Network coding (NC) compresses two traffic flows with the aid of low-complexity algebraic operations, hence holds the potential of significantly improving both the efficiency of wireless two-way relaying, where each receiver is collocated with a transmitter and hence has prior knowledge of the message intended for the distant receiver. In this contribution, network coded modulation (NCM) is proposed for jointly performing NC and modulation. As in classic coded modulation, the Euclidean distance between the symbols is maximised, hence the symbol error probability is minimised. Specifically, the authors first propose set-partitioning-based NCM as an universal concept which can be combined with arbitrary constellations. Then the authors conceive practical phase-shift keying/quadrature amplitude modulation (PSK/QAM) NCM schemes, referred to as network coded PSK/QAM, based on modulo addition of the normalised phase/amplitude. To achieve a spatial diversity gain at a low complexity, a NC oriented maximum ratio combining scheme is proposed for combining the network coded signal and the original signal of the source. An adaptive NCM is also proposed to maximise the throughput while guaranteeing a target bit error probability (BEP). Both theoretical performance analysis and simulations demonstrate that the proposed NCM can achieve at least 3 dB signal-to-noise ratio gain and two times diversity gain

    Reliable Physical Layer Network Coding

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    When two or more users in a wireless network transmit simultaneously, their electromagnetic signals are linearly superimposed on the channel. As a result, a receiver that is interested in one of these signals sees the others as unwanted interference. This property of the wireless medium is typically viewed as a hindrance to reliable communication over a network. However, using a recently developed coding strategy, interference can in fact be harnessed for network coding. In a wired network, (linear) network coding refers to each intermediate node taking its received packets, computing a linear combination over a finite field, and forwarding the outcome towards the destinations. Then, given an appropriate set of linear combinations, a destination can solve for its desired packets. For certain topologies, this strategy can attain significantly higher throughputs over routing-based strategies. Reliable physical layer network coding takes this idea one step further: using judiciously chosen linear error-correcting codes, intermediate nodes in a wireless network can directly recover linear combinations of the packets from the observed noisy superpositions of transmitted signals. Starting with some simple examples, this survey explores the core ideas behind this new technique and the possibilities it offers for communication over interference-limited wireless networks.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, survey paper to appear in Proceedings of the IEE

    Wi-Fi Teeter-Totter: Overclocking OFDM for Internet of Things

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    The conventional high-speed Wi-Fi has recently become a contender for low-power Internet-of-Things (IoT) communications. OFDM continues its adoption in the new IoT Wi-Fi standard due to its spectrum efficiency that can support the demand of massive IoT connectivity. While the IoT Wi-Fi standard offers many new features to improve power and spectrum efficiency, the basic physical layer (PHY) structure of transceiver design still conforms to its conventional design rationale where access points (AP) and clients employ the same OFDM PHY. In this paper, we argue that current Wi-Fi PHY design does not take full advantage of the inherent asymmetry between AP and IoT. To fill the gap, we propose an asymmetric design where IoT devices transmit uplink packets using the lowest power while pushing all the decoding burdens to the AP side. Such a design utilizes the sufficient power and computational resources at AP to trade for the transmission (TX) power of IoT devices. The core technique enabling this asymmetric design is that the AP takes full power of its high clock rate to boost the decoding ability. We provide an implementation of our design and show that it can reduce the IoT's TX power by boosting the decoding capability at the receivers
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