8 research outputs found

    Fully leakage-resilient signatures revisited: Graceful degradation, noisy leakage, and construction in the bounded-retrieval model

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    We construct new leakage-resilient signature schemes. Our schemes remain unforgeable against an adversary leaking arbitrary (yet bounded) information on the entire state of the signer (sometimes known as fully leakage resilience), including the random coin tosses of the signing algorithm. The main feature of our constructions is that they offer a graceful degradation of security in situations where standard existential unforgeability is impossible

    Augmented Black-Box Simulation and Zero Knowledge Argument for NP

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    The standard zero knowledge notion is formalized by requiring that for any probabilistic polynomial-time (PPT) verifier VV^*, there is a PPT algorithm (simulator) SVS_{V^*}, such that the outputs of SVS_{V^*} is indistinguishable from real protocol views. The simulator is not permitted to access the verifier VV^*\u27s private state. So the power of SVS_{V^*} is, in fact, inferior to that of VV^*. In this paper, a new simulation method, called augmented black-box simulation, is presented by permitting the simulator to have access to the verifier\u27s current private state in a special manner. The augmented black-box simulator only has the same computing power as the verifier although it is given access to the verifier\u27s current private state. Therefore, augmented black-box simulation is a reasonable method to prove zero knowledge property, and brings results that hard to obtain with previous simulation techniques. Zero knowledge property, proved by means of augmented black-box simulation, is called augmented black-box zero-knowledge. We present a 5-round statistical augmented black-box zero-knowledge argument for Exact Cover Problem under the Decision Multilinear No-Exact-Cover Assumption. In addition, we show a 2-round computational augmented black-box zero-knowledge argument protocol for Exact Cover problem under the Decision Multilinear No-Exact-Cover Assumption and the assumption of the existence of hash functions. It is well known that 2-round zero knowledge protocols does not exist under general zero knowledge notion. Besides, following [19], we consider leakage-resilient property of augmented black-box zero knowledge, and prove that the presented statistical zero-knowledge protocol has optimal leakage-resilient property

    Fully Leakage-Resilient Codes

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    Leakage resilient codes (LRCs) are probabilistic encoding schemes that guarantee message hiding even under some bounded leakage on the codeword. We introduce the notion of \emph{fully} leakage resilient codes (FLRCs), where the adversary can leak some λ0\lambda_0 bits from the encoding process, i.e., the message and the randomness involved during the encoding process. In addition the adversary can as usual leak from the codeword. We give a simulation-based definition requiring that the adversary\u27s leakage from the encoding process and the codework can be simulated given just λ0\lambda_0 bits of leakage from the message. For λ0=0\lambda_0 = 0 our new simulation-based notion is equivalent to the usual game-based definition. A FLRC would be interesting in its own right and would be useful in building other leakage-resilient primitives in a composable manner. We give a fairly general impossibility result for FLRCs in the popular split-state model, where the codeword is broken into independent parts and where the leakage occurs independently on the parts. We show that if the leakage is allowed to be any poly-time function of the secret and if collision-resistant hash functions exist, then there is no FLRC for the split-state model. The result holds only when the message length can be linear in the security parameter. However, we can extend the impossibility result to FLRCs for constant-length messages under assumptions related to differing-input obfuscation. These results show that it is highly unlikely that we can build FLRCs for the split-state model when the leakage can be any poly-time function of the secret state. We then give two feasibility results for weaker models. First, we show that for \NC^0-bounded leakage from the randomness and arbitrary poly-time leakage from the parts of the codeword the inner-product construction proposed by Daví \etal (SCN\u2710) and successively improved by Dziembowski and Faust (ASIACRYPT\u2711) is a FLRC for the split-state model. Second, we provide a compiler from any LRC to a FLRC in the common reference string model for any fixed leakage family of small cardinality. In particular, this compiler applies to the split-state model but also to many other models

    Achieving Constant Round Leakage-Resilient Zero-Knowledge

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    Recently there has been a huge emphasis on constructing cryptographic protocols that maintain their security guarantees even in the presence of side channel attacks. Such attacks exploit the physical characteristics of a cryptographic device to learn useful information about the internal state of the device. Designing protocols that deliver meaningful security even in the presence of such leakage attacks is a challenging task. The recent work of Garg, Jain, and Sahai formulates a meaningful notion of zero-knowledge in presence of leakage; and provides a construction which satisfies a weaker variant of this notion called (1 + ϵ)-leakage-resilient-zero-knowledge, for every constant ϵ> 0. In this weaker variant, roughly speaking, if the verifier learns ℓ bits of leakage during the interaction, then the simulator is allowed to access (1 + ϵ) · ℓ bits of leakage. The round complexity of their protocol is ⌈ n ϵ ⌉. In this work, we present the first construction of leakage-resilient zero-knowledge satisfying the ideal requirement of ϵ = 0. While our focus is on a feasibility result for ϵ = 0, our construction also enjoys a constant number of rounds. At the heart of our construction is a new “public-coin preamble ” which allows the simulator to recover arbitrary information from a (cheating) verifier in a “straight line. ” We use non-black-box simulation techniques to accomplish this goal.

    Deterministic Public-Key Encryption under Continual Leakage

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    Deterministic public-key encryption, introduced by Bellare, Boldyreva, and O’Neill (CRYPTO 2007), is an important technique for searchable encryption; it allows quick, logarithmic-time, search over encrypted data items. The technique is most effective in scenarios where frequent search queries are performed over a huge database of unpredictable data items. We initiate the study of deterministic public-key encryption (D-PKE) in the presence of leakage. We formulate appropriate security notions for leakage-resilient D-PKE, and present constructions that achieve them in the standard model. We work in the continual leakage model, where the secret-key is updated at regular intervals and an attacker can learn arbitrary but bounded leakage on the secret key during each time interval. We, however, do not consider leakage during the updates. Our main construction is based on the (standard) linear assumption in bilinear groups, tolerat- ing up to 0.5 - o(1) fraction of arbitrary leakage. The leakage rate can be improved to 1 - o(1) by relying on the SXDH assumption. At a technical level, we propose and construct a “continual leakage resilient” version of the all-but-one lossy trapdoor functions, introduced by Peikert and Waters (STOC 2008). Our formulation and construction of leakage-resilient lossy-TDFs is of independent general interest for leakage-resilient cryptography

    Constant-round Leakage-resilient Zero-knowledge from Collision Resistance

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    In this paper, we present a constant-round leakage-resilient zero-knowledge argument system for NP under the assumption of the existence of collision-resistant hash function family. That is, using collision-resistant hash functions, we construct a constant-round zero-knowledge argument system that has the following zero-knowledge property: Even against any cheating verifier that obtains arbitrary amount of leakage on the prover\u27s internal secret state, a simulator can simulate the verifier\u27s view by obtaining the same amount of leakage on the witness. Previously, leakage-resilient zero-knowledge proofs/arguments for NP were constructed only under a relaxed security definition (Garg, Jain, and Sahai, CRYPTO\u2711) or under the DDH assumption (Pandey, TCC\u2714). Our leakage-resilient zero-knowledge argument system satisfies an additional property that it is simultaneously leakage-resilient zero-knowledge, meaning that both zero-knowledgeness and soundness hold in the presence of leakage

    Obfuscation-based Non-black-box Simulation and Four Message Concurrent Zero Knowledge for NP

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    As recent studies show, the notions of *program obfuscation* and *zero knowledge* are intimately connected. In this work, we explore this connection further, and prove the following general result. If there exists *differing input obfuscation* (diO) for the class of all polynomial time Turing machines, then there exists a *four message, fully concurrent zero-knowledge* proof system for all languages in NP with negligible soundness error. This result is constructive: given diO, our reduction yields an explicit protocol along with an *explicit* simulator that is ``straight line\u27\u27 and runs in strict polynomial time. Our reduction relies on a new non-black-box simulation technique which does not use the PCP theorem. In addition to assuming diO, our reduction also assumes (standard and polynomial time) cryptographic assumptions such as collision-resistant hash functions. The round complexity of our protocol also sheds new light on the *exact* round complexity of concurrent zero-knowledge. It shows, for the first time, that in the realm of non-black-box simulation, concurrent zero-knowledge may not necessarily require more rounds than *stand alone* zero-knowledge

    Interactive Proofs under Continual Memory Leakage

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    We consider the task of constructing interactive proofs for NP which can provide meaningful security for a prover even in the presence of continual memory leakage. We imagine a setting where an adversarial verifier participates in multiple sequential interactive proof executions for a fixed NP statement x. In every execution, the adversarial verifier is additionally allowed to leak a fraction of the (secret) memory of the prover. This is in contrast to the recently introduced notion of leakage-resilient zero-knowledge (Garg-Jain-Sahai\u2711) where there is only a single execution. Under multiple executions, in fact the entire prover witness might end up getting leaked thus leading to a complete compromise of prover security. Towards that end, we define the notion of non-transferable proofs for all languages in NP. In such proofs, instead of receiving w as input, the prover will receive an encoding\u27\u27 of the witness w such that the encoding is sufficient to prove the validity of x; further, this encoding can be updated\u27\u27 to a fresh new encoding for the next execution. We then require that if (x,w) are sampled from a hard\u27\u27 distribution, then no PPT adversary A* can gain the ability to prove x (on its own) to an honest verifier, even if A* has participated in polynomially many interactive proof executions (with leakage) with an honest prover whose input is (x,w). Non-transferability is a strong security guarantee which suffices for many cryptographic applications (and in particular, implies witness hiding). We show how to construct non-transferable proofs for all languages in NP which can tolerate leaking a constant fraction of prover\u27s secret-state during each execution. Our construction is in the common reference string (CRS) model. To obtain our results, we build a witness-encoding scheme which satisfies the following continual-leakage-resilient (CLR) properties: - The encodings can be randomized to yield a fresh new encoding, - There does not exist any efficient adversary, who receiving only a constant fraction of leakage on polynomially many fresh encodings of the same witness w, can output a valid encoding provided that the witness w along with its corresponding input instance x were sampled from a hard distribution. Our encoding schemes are essentially re-randomizable non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proofs for circuit satisfiability, with the aforementioned CLR properties. We believe that our CLR-encodings, as well as our techniques to build them, may be of independent interest