1,187 research outputs found

    A General Formula for the Mismatch Capacity

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    The fundamental limits of channels with mismatched decoding are addressed. A general formula is established for the mismatch capacity of a general channel, defined as a sequence of conditional distributions with a general decoding metrics sequence. We deduce an identity between the Verd\'{u}-Han general channel capacity formula, and the mismatch capacity formula applied to Maximum Likelihood decoding metric. Further, several upper bounds on the capacity are provided, and a simpler expression for a lower bound is derived for the case of a non-negative decoding metric. The general formula is specialized to the case of finite input and output alphabet channels with a type-dependent metric. The closely related problem of threshold mismatched decoding is also studied, and a general expression for the threshold mismatch capacity is obtained. As an example of threshold mismatch capacity, we state a general expression for the erasures-only capacity of the finite input and output alphabet channel. We observe that for every channel there exists a (matched) threshold decoder which is capacity achieving. Additionally, necessary and sufficient conditions are stated for a channel to have a strong converse. Csisz\'{a}r and Narayan's conjecture is proved for bounded metrics, providing a positive answer to the open problem introduced in [1], i.e., that the "product-space" improvement of the lower random coding bound, Cq(∞)(W)C_q^{(\infty)}(W), is indeed the mismatch capacity of the discrete memoryless channel WW. We conclude by presenting an identity between the threshold capacity and Cq(∞)(W)C_q^{(\infty)}(W) in the DMC case

    Short Packets over Block-Memoryless Fading Channels: Pilot-Assisted or Noncoherent Transmission?

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    We present nonasymptotic upper and lower bounds on the maximum coding rate achievable when transmitting short packets over a Rician memoryless block-fading channel for a given requirement on the packet error probability. We focus on the practically relevant scenario in which there is no \emph{a priori} channel state information available at the transmitter and at the receiver. An upper bound built upon the min-max converse is compared to two lower bounds: the first one relies on a noncoherent transmission strategy in which the fading channel is not estimated explicitly at the receiver; the second one employs pilot-assisted transmission (PAT) followed by maximum-likelihood channel estimation and scaled mismatched nearest-neighbor decoding at the receiver. Our bounds are tight enough to unveil the optimum number of diversity branches that a packet should span so that the energy per bit required to achieve a target packet error probability is minimized, for a given constraint on the code rate and the packet size. Furthermore, the bounds reveal that noncoherent transmission is more energy efficient than PAT, even when the number of pilot symbols and their power is optimized. For example, for the case when a coded packet of 168168 symbols is transmitted using a channel code of rate 0.480.48 bits/channel use, over a block-fading channel with block size equal to 88 symbols, PAT requires an additional 1.21.2 dB of energy per information bit to achieve a packet error probability of 10−310^{-3} compared to a suitably designed noncoherent transmission scheme. Finally, we devise a PAT scheme based on punctured tail-biting quasi-cyclic codes and ordered statistics decoding, whose performance are close (11 dB gap at 10−310^{-3} packet error probability) to the ones predicted by our PAT lower bound. This shows that the PAT lower bound provides useful guidelines on the design of actual PAT schemes.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, journa

    Short Codes with Mismatched Channel State Information: A Case Study

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    The rising interest in applications requiring the transmission of small amounts of data has recently lead to the development of accurate performance bounds and of powerful channel codes for the transmission of short-data packets over the AWGN channel. Much less is known about the interaction between error control coding and channel estimation at short blocks when transmitting over channels with states (e.g., fading channels, phase-noise channels, etc...) for the setup where no a priori channel state information (CSI) is available at the transmitter and the receiver. In this paper, we use the mismatched-decoding framework to characterize the fundamental tradeoff occurring in the transmission of short data packet over an AWGN channel with unknown gain that stays constant over the packet. Our analysis for this simplified setup aims at showing the potential of mismatched decoding as a tool to design and analyze transmission strategies for short blocks. We focus on a pragmatic approach where the transmission frame contains a codeword as well as a preamble that is used to estimate the channel (the codeword symbols are not used for channel estimation). Achievability and converse bounds on the block error probability achievable by this approach are provided and compared with simulation results for schemes employing short low-density parity-check codes. Our bounds turn out to predict accurately the optimal trade-off between the preamble length and the redundancy introduced by the channel code.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC 2017

    Low-Complexity Joint Channel Estimation and List Decoding of Short Codes

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    A pilot-assisted transmission (PAT) scheme is proposed for short blocklengths, where the pilots are used only to derive an initial channel estimate for the list construction step. The final decision of the message is obtained by applying a non-coherent decoding metric to the codewords composing the list. This allows one to use very few pilots, thus reducing the channel estimation overhead. The method is applied to an ordered statistics decoder for communication over a Rayleigh block-fading channel. Gains of up to 1.21.2 dB as compared to traditional PAT schemes are demonstrated for short codes with QPSK signaling. The approach can be generalized to other list decoders, e.g., to list decoding of polar codes.Comment: Accepted at the 12th International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding (SCC 2019), Rostock, German

    Finite-Blocklength Bounds for Wiretap Channels

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    This paper investigates the maximal secrecy rate over a wiretap channel subject to reliability and secrecy constraints at a given blocklength. New achievability and converse bounds are derived, which are shown to be tighter than existing bounds. The bounds also lead to the tightest second-order coding rate for discrete memoryless and Gaussian wiretap channels.Comment: extended version of a paper submitted to ISIT 201
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