2 research outputs found

    Achievable Rates of Buffer-Aided Full-Duplex Gaussian Relay Channels

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    We derive closed-form expressions for the achievable rates of a buffer-aided full-duplex (FD) multiple-input multiple-output Gaussian relay channel. The FD relay still suffers from residual self-interference (RSI) after the application of self-interference mitigation techniques. We investigate both cases of a slow-RSI channel where the RSI is fixed over the entire codeword, and a fast-RSI channel where the RSI changes from one symbol duration to another within the codeword. We show that the RSI can be completely eliminated in the slow-RSI case when the FD relay is equipped with a buffer while the fast RSI cannot be eliminated. For the fixed-rate data transmission scenario, we derive the optimal transmission strategy that should be adopted by the source node and relay node to maximize the system throughput. We verify our analytical findings through simulations. 1 2017 IEEE.The work of N. Al-Dhahir was supported by NPRP from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of Qatar Foundation) under Grant 8-627-2-260. The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors. The work of I. Krikidis was supported by the Research Promotion Foundation, Cyprus, through the Project COM-MED under Project KOINA/ERANETMED/1114/03.Scopu

    Achievable Rates of Buffer-Aided Full-Duplex Gaussian Relay Channels

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