5 research outputs found

    Fault location in CNC system software based on the architecture expansion

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    Trenutno ne postoje odgovarajuće metode kojima bi se pronašla greška u softveru CNC sustava i otklonile skrivene opasnosti. U svrhu poboljšanja pouzdanosti CNC sustava, u radu je predložena metoda lokacije greške u softveru CNC sustava zasnovana na širenju arhitekture. Analizirana je greška u softveru CNC sustava, predložena je metoda širenja arhitekture softvera CNC sustava i ustanovljena je komponenta širenja. Pratili su se i bilježili izvršna putanja i informacije o morfologiji podataka softvera, dobivena je putanja greške i prihvaćen algoritam slične putanje kako bi se generirala putanja slična putanji greške. Postavljen je model zasnovan na potpori vektora najmanjim kvadratima (Least Square Support Vector Machine - LS-SVM) kako bi se odredila naredba za grešku, eliminirale greške i greška softvera stavila u strukturu CNC sustava. Eksperimentiranje s lokacijom greške provedeno je u kartici za nadzor višeosnog gibanja PCI-7344. Rezultat eksperimenta pokazuje da se predloženom metodom izbjeglo ponovljeno testiranje i otklanjanje grešaka od strane programera. Neograničena umjetnim faktorima i nivoima, to je pouzdana metoda za lociranje greške u softveru CNC sustava.There are currently no appropriate methods to find CNC system software defects and eliminate hidden dangers. In order to improve CNC system reliability, the architecture expansion-based fault location method in CNC system software was proposed in this paper. The failure of CNC system software was 619 analysed, the expansion method of CNC system software architecture was proposed and the expansion component was established. The software data morphology information and running path were monitored and recorded, the failure pathway was obtained and a similar path set algorithm was adopted to generate the similar pathway set of the fault path. A least squares SVM-based suspicion model was established to determine the fault statement, eliminate faults and position the software fault in the level of the CNC system structure. Fault location experimentation was conducted in the multi-axis movement control card PCI-7344. The experiment’s result shows that the method proposed avoided the repeated testing and debugging by programmers. Without being limited by artificial factors and levels, it is a reliable method of CNC system software fault location

    Software Fault Localization Using N -gram Analysis

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    Abstract. A major portion of software development effort is spent in testing and debugging. Execution sequence collected in the testing phase can be a rich source of information for locating the fault in the program, but the exact execution sequence of a program, i.e., the actual order of execution of the statements in the program, is seldom used due to the huge volume. In this study, we apply data mining techniques on this data to reduce the debugging time by narrowing down the possible location of the fault. Our method applies N -gram analysis to rank the executable statements of a software by level of suspicion. We conducted three case studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. We also present comparison with other approaches, and illustrate the potential of our method

    DARWIN: An Approach for Debugging Evolving Programs

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    Fuzzy Logic Based Software Product Quality Model for Execution Tracing

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    This report presents the research carried out in the area of software product quality modelling. Its main endeavour is to consider software product quality with regard to maintainability. Supporting this aim, execution tracing quality, which is a neglected property of the software product quality at present in the quality frameworks under investigation, needs to be described by a model that offers possibilities to link to the overall software product quality frameworks. The report includes concise description of the research objectives: (1) the thorough investigation of software product quality frameworks from the point of view of the quality property analysability with regard to execution tracing; (2) moreover, extension possibilities of software product quality frameworks, and (3) a pilot quality model developed for execution tracing quality, which is capable to capture subjective uncertainty associated with the software quality measurement. The report closes with concluding remarks: (1) the present software quality frameworks do not exhibit any property to describe execution tracing quality, (2) execution tracing has a significant impact on the analysability of software systems that increases with the complexity, and (3) the uncertainty associated with execution tracing quality can adequately be expressed by type-1 fuzzy logic. The section potential future work outlines directions into which the research could be continued. Findings of the research were summarized in two research reports, which were also incorporated in the thesis, and submitted for publication: 1. Tamas Galli, Francisco Chiclana, Jenny Carter, Helge Janicke, “Towards Introducing Execution Tracing to Software Product Quality Frameworks,” Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 5-24, 2014. doi: 10.12700/APH.11.03.2014.03.1 2. Tamas Galli, Francisco Chiclana, Jenny Carter, Helge Janicke “Modelling Execution Tracing Quality by Means of Type-1 Fuzzy Logic,” Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 49-67, 2013. doi: 10.12700/APH.10.08.2013.8.