117,567 research outputs found

    Accurate real-time tracking using mutual information

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    Bentuk organisasi pengrajin tas dan koper sampai sekarang masih sederhana, bersifat tradisional, belum berbadan hukum kecuali INTAKO yang sudah berbentuk koperasi Belum ada pembagian yang jelas mengenai pelaksanaan tugas sehari-hari, dimana pemilik dari usaha kerajinan ini selain bertindak sebagai majikan juga sekaligus menjadi buruh bagi usahanya. Proses produksi masih dilakukan dengan cara-cara yang s~ derhana karena terbatasnya peralatan dan modal yang dimiliki. Disamping itu adanya katerbatasan pada kemampuan dan pe~ ngetahuan dalam teknik yroduksi karena rendahnya tingkat pendidikan. Adanya p~ningkatan yang cukup baik dalam jumlah produksi dari tahun ke tahun, akan tetapi hanyc pada cuLan-jnrLen Mei, Juni, Juli, Aqustus dan Septemb~r saja produksi mencapai saat yang maksimum, sedangkQn pada bulan-bulan yang lain proauksi mengalami penurunan. Hal ini disebabkan karena volume produksi masih tergantung pada pihak ketiga (pemesan/tengkulak). Kebutuhan akan modal belurn dapat dicukupi oleh para pengrajin sendiri dan pengetahuan tontang pemasaran sangat minim, tidak adanya kcmampuan di pihak p~ngrajin di dalam penyediaan sarnna pemasaran (seperti toko-toke, kiosk ~ll.)

    Comparison of fusion methods for thermo-visual surveillance tracking

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    In this paper, we evaluate the appearance tracking performance of multiple fusion schemes that combine information from standard CCTV and thermal infrared spectrum video for the tracking of surveillance objects, such as people, faces, bicycles and vehicles. We show results on numerous real world multimodal surveillance sequences, tracking challenging objects whose appearance changes rapidly. Based on these results we can determine the most promising fusion scheme

    Model of Coordination Flow in Remote Collaborative Interaction

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    © 2015 IEEEWe present an information-theoretic approach for modelling coordination in human-human interaction and measuring coordination flows in a remote collaborative tracking task. Building on Shannon's mutual information, coordination flow measures, for stochastic collaborative systems, how much influence, the environment has on the joint control of collaborating parties. We demonstrate the application of the approach on interactive human data recorded in a user study and reveal the amount of effort required for creating rigorous models. Our initial results suggest the potential coordination flow has - as an objective, task-independent measure - in supporting designers of human collaborative systems and in providing better theoretical foundations for the science of Human-Computer Interaction

    Measurements by A LEAP-Based Virtual Glove for the hand rehabilitation

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    Hand rehabilitation is fundamental after stroke or surgery. Traditional rehabilitation requires a therapist and implies high costs, stress for the patient, and subjective evaluation of the therapy effectiveness. Alternative approaches, based on mechanical and tracking-based gloves, can be really effective when used in virtual reality (VR) environments. Mechanical devices are often expensive, cumbersome, patient specific and hand specific, while tracking-based devices are not affected by these limitations but, especially if based on a single tracking sensor, could suffer from occlusions. In this paper, the implementation of a multi-sensors approach, the Virtual Glove (VG), based on the simultaneous use of two orthogonal LEAP motion controllers, is described. The VG is calibrated and static positioning measurements are compared with those collected with an accurate spatial positioning system. The positioning error is lower than 6 mm in a cylindrical region of interest of radius 10 cm and height 21 cm. Real-time hand tracking measurements are also performed, analysed and reported. Hand tracking measurements show that VG operated in real-time (60 fps), reduced occlusions, and managed two LEAP sensors correctly, without any temporal and spatial discontinuity when skipping from one sensor to the other. A video demonstrating the good performance of VG is also collected and presented in the Supplementary Materials. Results are promising but further work must be done to allow the calculation of the forces exerted by each finger when constrained by mechanical tools (e.g., peg-boards) and for reducing occlusions when grasping these tools. Although the VG is proposed for rehabilitation purposes, it could also be used for tele-operation of tools and robots, and for other VR applications

    Speckle statistics in adaptive optics images at visible wavelengths

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    Residual speckles in adaptive optics (AO) images represent a well-known limitation on the achievement of the contrast needed for faint source detection. Speckles in AO imagery can be the result of either residual atmospheric aberrations, not corrected by the AO, or slowly evolving aberrations induced by the optical system. We take advantage of the high temporal cadence (1 ms) of the data acquired by the System for Coronagraphy with High-order Adaptive Optics from R to K bands-VIS forerunner experiment at the Large Binocular Telescope to characterize the AO residual speckles at visible wavelengths. An accurate knowledge of the speckle pattern and its dynamics is of paramount importance for the application of methods aimed at their mitigation. By means of both an automatic identification software and information theory, we study the main statistical properties of AO residuals and their dynamics. We therefore provide a speckle characterization that can be incorporated into numerical simulations to increase their realism and to optimize the performances of both real-time and postprocessing techniques aimed at the reduction of the speckle noise