3 research outputs found

    Accurate Discovery of Co-derivative Documents Via Duplicate Text Detection

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    Documents are co-derivative if they share content: for two documents to be co-derived, some portion of one must be derived from the other, or some portion of both must be derived from a third document. An existing technique for concurrently detecting all co-derivatives in a collection is document fingerprinting, which matches documents based on the hash values of selected document subsequences, or chunks. Fingerprinting is hampered by an inability to accurately isolate information that is useful in identifying co-derivatives. In this paper we present SPEx, a novel hash-based algorithm for extracting duplicated chunks from a document collection. We discuss how information about shared chunks can be used for efficiently and reliably identifying co-derivative clusters, and describe DECO, a prototype package that combines the SPEX algorithm with other optimisations and compressed indexing to produce a flexible and scalable co-derivative discovery system. Our experiments with multi-gigabyte document collections demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach

    Detection and management of redundancy for information retrieval

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    The growth of the web, authoring software, and electronic publishing has led to the emergence of a new type of document collection that is decentralised, amorphous, dynamic, and anarchic. In such collections, redundancy is a significant issue. Documents can spread and propagate across such collections without any control or moderation. Redundancy can interfere with the information retrieval process, leading to decreased user amenity in accessing information from these collections, and thus must be effectively managed. The precise definition of redundancy varies with the application. We restrict ourselves to documents that are co-derivative: those that share a common heritage, and hence contain passages of common text. We explore document fingerprinting, a well-known technique for the detection of co-derivative document pairs. Our new lossless fingerprinting algorithm improves the effectiveness of a range of document fingerprinting approaches. We empirically show that our algorithm can be highly effective at discovering co-derivative document pairs in large collections. We study the occurrence and management of redundancy in a range of application domains. On the web, we find that document fingerprinting is able to identify widespread redundancy, and that this redundancy has a significant detrimental effect on the quality of search results. Based on user studies, we suggest that redundancy is most appropriately managed as a postprocessing step on the ranked list and explain how and why this should be done. In the genomic area of sequence homology search, we explain why the existing techniques for redundancy discovery are increasingly inefficient, and present a critique of the current approaches to redundancy management. We show how document fingerprinting with a modified version of our algorithm provides significant efficiency improvements, and propose a new approach to redundancy management based on wildcards. We demonstrate that our scheme provides the benefits of existing techniques but does not have their deficiencies. Redundancy in distributed information retrieval systems - where different parts of the collection are searched by autonomous servers - cannot be effectively managed using traditional fingerprinting techniques. We thus propose a new data structure, the grainy hash vector, for redundancy detection and management in this environment. We show in preliminary tests that the grainy hash vector is able to accurately detect a good proportion of redundant document pairs while maintaining low resource usage