1,216 research outputs found

    Accurate Detection of Recombinant Breakpoints in Whole-Genome Alignments

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    We propose a novel method for detecting sites of molecular recombination in multiple alignments. Our approach is a compromise between previous extremes of computationally prohibitive but mathematically rigorous methods and imprecise heuristic methods. Using a combined algorithm for estimating tree structure and hidden Markov model parameters, our program detects changes in phylogenetic tree topology over a multiple sequence alignment. We evaluate our method on benchmark datasets from previous studies on two recombinant pathogens, Neisseria and HIV-1, as well as simulated data. We show that we are not only able to detect recombinant regions of vastly different sizes but also the location of breakpoints with great accuracy. We show that our method does well inferring recombination breakpoints while at the same time maintaining practicality for larger datasets. In all cases, we confirm the breakpoint predictions of previous studies, and in many cases we offer novel predictions

    A jumping profile Hidden Markov Model and applications to recombination sites in HIV and HCV genomes

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    BACKGROUND: Jumping alignments have recently been proposed as a strategy to search a given multiple sequence alignment A against a database. Instead of comparing a database sequence S to the multiple alignment or profile as a whole, S is compared and aligned to individual sequences from A. Within this alignment, S can jump between different sequences from A, so different parts of S can be aligned to different sequences from the input multiple alignment. This approach is particularly useful for dealing with recombination events. RESULTS: We developed a jumping profile Hidden Markov Model (jpHMM), a probabilistic generalization of the jumping-alignment approach. Given a partition of the aligned input sequence family into known sequence subtypes, our model can jump between states corresponding to these different subtypes, depending on which subtype is locally most similar to a database sequence. Jumps between different subtypes are indicative of intersubtype recombinations. We applied our method to a large set of genome sequences from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) as well as to simulated recombined genome sequences. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that jumps in our jumping profile HMM often correspond to recombination breakpoints; our approach can therefore be used to detect recombinations in genomic sequences. The recombination breakpoints identified by jpHMM were found to be significantly more accurate than breakpoints defined by traditional methods based on comparing single representative sequences

    Finding genomic differences from whole-genome assemblies using SyRI

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    Genomic differences can range from single nucleotide differences (SNPs) to large complex structural rearrangements. Current methods typically can annotate sequence differences like SNPs and large indels accurately but do not unravel the full complexity of structural rearrangements that include inversions, translocations, and duplications. Structural rearrangements involve changes in location, orientation, or copy-number between highly similar sequences and have been reported to be associated with several biological differences between organisms. However, they are still scantly studied with sequencing technologies as it is still challenging to identify them accurately. Here I present SyRI, a novel computational method for genome-wide identification of structural differences using the pairwise comparison of whole-genome chromosome-level assemblies. SyRI uses a unique approach where it first identifies all syntenic (structurally conserved) regions between two genomes. Since all non-syntenic regions are structural rearrangements by definition, this transforms the difficult problem of rearrangement identification to a comparatively easier problem of rearrangement classification. SyRI analyses the location, orientation, and copy-number of alignments between rearranged regions and selects alignments that best represent the putative rearrangements and result in the highest total alignment score between the genomes. Next, SyRI searches for sequence differences that are distinguished for residing in syntenic or rearranged regions. This distinction is important, as rearranged regions (and sequence differences within them) do not follow Mendelian Law of Segregation and are therefore inherited differently compared to syntenic regions. Using SyRI, I successfully identified rearrangements in human, A. thaliana, yeast, fruit fly, and maize genomes. Further, I also experimentally validated 92% (108/117) of the predicted translocations in A. thaliana using a genetic approach

    Statistical analysis on detecting recombination sites in DNA-beta satellites associated with the old world geminiviruses

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    Although an exchange of genetic information by recombination plays an important role in the evolution of viruses, it is not clear how it generates diversity. {\it Geminiviruses} are plant viruses which have ambisense single-stranded circular DNA genomes and one of the most economically important plant viruses in agricultural production. Small circular single-stranded DNA satellites, termed DNA-Ξ²\beta, have recently been found associated with some geminivirus infections. In this paper we analyze a satellite molecule DNA-Ξ²\beta of geminiviruses for recombination events using phylogenetic and statistical analysis and we find that one strain from ToLCMaB has a recombination pattern and is possibly recombinant molecule between two strains from two species, PaLCuB-[IN:Chi:05] (major parent) and ToLCB-[IN:CP:04] (minor parent).Comment: 8 figures and 2 tables. To appear in Frontiers in Systems Biolog

    Evaluation of methods for detecting conversion events in gene clusters

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    Background: Gene clusters are genetically important, but their analysis poses significant computational challenges. One of the major reasons for these difficulties is gene conversion among the duplicated regions of the cluster, which can obscure their true relationships. Many computational methods for detecting gene conversion events have been released, but their performance has not been assessed for wide deployment in evolutionary history studies due to a lack of accurate evaluation methods. Results: We designed a new method that simulates gene cluster evolution, including large-scale events of duplication, deletion, and conversion as well as small mutations. We used this simulation data to evaluate several different programs for detecting gene conversion events. Conclusions: Our evaluation identifies strengths and weaknesses of several methods for detecting gene conversion, which can contribute to more accurate analysis of gene cluster evolution

    jpHMM at GOBICS: a web server to detect genomic recombinations in HIV-1

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    Detecting recombinations in the genome sequence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) is crucial for epidemiological studies and for vaccine development. Herein, we present a web server for subtyping and localization of phylogenetic breakpoints in HIV-1. Our software is based on a jumping profile Hidden Markov Model (jpHMM), a probabilistic generalization of the jumping-alignment approach proposed by Spang et al. The input data for our server is a partial or complete genome sequence from HIV-1; our tool assigns regions of the input sequence to known subtypes of HIV-1 and predicts phylogenetic breakpoints. jpHMM is available online at

    Generation of Genic Diversity among Streptococcus pneumoniae Strains via Horizontal Gene Transfer during a Chronic Polyclonal Pediatric Infection

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    Although there is tremendous interest in understanding the evolutionary roles of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) processes that occur during chronic polyclonal infections, to date there have been few studies that directly address this topic. We have characterized multiple HGT events that most likely occurred during polyclonal infection among nasopharyngeal strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae recovered from a child suffering from chronic upper respiratory and middle-ear infections. Whole genome sequencing and comparative genomics were performed on six isolates collected during symptomatic episodes over a period of seven months. From these comparisons we determined that five of the isolates were genetically highly similar and likely represented a dominant lineage. We analyzed all genic and allelic differences among all six isolates and found that all differences tended to occur within contiguous genomic blocks, suggestive of strain evolution by homologous recombination. From these analyses we identified three strains (two of which were recovered on two different occasions) that appear to have been derived sequentially, one from the next, each by multiple recombination events. We also identified a fourth strain that contains many of the genomic segments that differentiate the three highly related strains from one another, and have hypothesized that this fourth strain may have served as a donor multiple times in the evolution of the dominant strain line. The variations among the parent, daughter, and grand-daughter recombinant strains collectively cover greater than seven percent of the genome and are grouped into 23 chromosomal clusters. While capturing in vivo HGT, these data support the distributed genome hypothesis and suggest that a single competence event in pneumococci can result in the replacement of DNA at multiple non-adjacent loci

    Classification of HIV-1 Sequences Using Profile Hidden Markov Models

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    Accurate classification of HIV-1 subtypes is essential for studying the dynamic spatial distribution pattern of HIV-1 subtypes and also for developing effective methods of treatment that can be targeted to attack specific subtypes. We propose a classification method based on profile Hidden Markov Model that can accurately identify an unknown strain. We show that a standard method that relies on the construction of a positive training set only, to capture unique features associated with a particular subtype, can accurately classify sequences belonging to all subtypes except B and D. We point out the drawbacks of the standard method; namely, an arbitrary choice of threshold to distinguish between true positives and true negatives, and the inability to discriminate between closely related subtypes. We then propose an improved classification method based on construction of a positive as well as a negative training set to improve discriminating ability between closely related subtypes like B and D. Finally, we show how the improved method can be used to accurately determine the subtype composition of Common Recombinant Forms of the virus that are made up of two or more subtypes. Our method provides a simple and highly accurate alternative to other classification methods and will be useful in accurately annotating newly sequenced HIV-1 strains
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