11 research outputs found

    Accountable Tracing Signatures from Lattices

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    Group signatures allow users of a group to sign messages anonymously in the name of the group, while incorporating a tracing mechanism to revoke anonymity and identify the signer of any message. Since its introduction by Chaum and van Heyst (EUROCRYPT 1991), numerous proposals have been put forward, yielding various improvements on security, efficiency and functionality. However, a drawback of traditional group signatures is that the opening authority is given too much power, i.e., he can indiscriminately revoke anonymity and there is no mechanism to keep him accountable. To overcome this problem, Kohlweiss and Miers (PoPET 2015) introduced the notion of accountable tracing signatures (ATS) - an enhanced group signature variant in which the opening authority is kept accountable for his actions. Kohlweiss and Miers demonstrated a generic construction of ATS and put forward a concrete instantiation based on number-theoretic assumptions. To the best of our knowledge, no other ATS scheme has been known, and the problem of instantiating ATS under post-quantum assumptions, e.g., lattices, remains open to date. In this work, we provide the first lattice-based accountable tracing signature scheme. The scheme satisfies the security requirements suggested by Kohlweiss and Miers, assuming the hardness of the Ring Short Integer Solution (RSIS) and the Ring Learning With Errors (RLWE) problems. At the heart of our construction are a lattice-based key-oblivious encryption scheme and a zero-knowledge argument system allowing to prove that a given ciphertext is a valid RLWE encryption under some hidden yet certified key. These technical building blocks may be of independent interest, e.g., they can be useful for the design of other lattice-based privacy-preserving protocols.Comment: CT-RSA 201

    Accountable Tracing Signatures

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    Demands for lawful access to encrypted data are a long standing obstacle to integrating cryptographic protections into communication systems. A common approach is to allow a trusted third party (TTP) to gain access to private data. However, there is no way to verify that this trust is well place as the TTP may open all messages indiscriminately. Moreover, existing approaches do not scale well when, in addition to the content of the conversation, one wishes to hide ones identity. Given the importance of metadata this is a major problem. We propose a new signature scheme as an accountable replacement for group signatures, accountable forward and backward tracing signatures

    Key-Oblivious Encryption from isogenies and its application to Accountable Tracing Signatures.

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    Key-oblivious encryption (KOE) is a newly developed cryptographic primitive that randomizes the public keys of an encryption scheme in an oblivious manner. It has applications in designing accountable tracing signature (ATS) that facilitates the group manager to revoke the anonymity of traceable users in a group signature while preserving the anonymity of non-traceable users. Despite of its importance and strong application, KOE has not received much attention in the literature. In this work, we introduce the first isogeny-based KOE scheme. Isogeny is a fairly young post-quantum cryptographic field with sophisticated algebraic structures and unique security properties. Our KOE scheme is resistant to quantum attacks and derives its security from Commutative Supersingular Decisional Diffie-Hellman (CSSDDH), which is an isogeny based hard problem. More concretely, we have shown that our construction exhibits key randomizability, plaintext indistinguishability under key randomization and key privacy under key randomization in the standard model adapting the security framework of [KM15]. Furthermore, we have manifested instantiation of our scheme from cryptosystem based on Commutative Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (CSIDH-512) [BKV19]. Additionally, we demonstrate the utility of our KOE scheme by leveraging it to construct an isogeny-based ATS scheme preserving anonymity under tracing, traceability, non-frameability, anonymity with accountability and trace obliviousness in the random oracle model following the security framework of [LNWX19]

    Report and Trace Ring Signatures

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    We introduce report and trace ring signature schemes, balancing the desire for signer anonymity with the ability to report malicious behaviour and subsequently revoke anonymity. We contribute a formal security model for report and trace ring signatures that incorporates established properties of anonymity, unforgeability and traceability, and captures a new notion of reporter anonymity. We present a construction of a report and trace ring signature scheme, proving its security and analysing its efficiency, comparing with the state of the art in the accountable ring signatures literature. Our analysis demonstrates that our report and trace scheme is efficient, particularly for the choice of cryptographic primitives that we use to instantiate our construction. We contextualise our new primitive with respect to related work, and highlight, in particular, that report and trace ring signature schemes protect the identity of the reporter even after tracing is complete

    Accountable Privacy for Decentralized Anonymous Payments

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    Decentralized ledger-based currencies such as Bitcoin provide a means to construct payment systems without requiring a trusted bank. Removing this trust assumption comes at the significant cost of transaction privacy. A number of academic works have sought to improve the privacy offered by ledger-based currencies using anonymous electronic cash (e-cash) techniques. Unfortunately, this strong degree of privacy creates new regulatory concerns, since the new private transactions cannot be subject to the same controls used to prevent individuals from conducting illegal transactions such as money laundering. We propose an initial approach to addressing this issue by adding privacy preserving policy-enforcement mechanisms that guarantee regulatory compliance, allow selective user tracing, and admit tracing of tainted coins (e.g., ransom payments). To accomplish this new functionality we also provide improved definitions for Zerocash and, of independent interest, an efficient construction for simulation sound zk-SNARKs

    Accountable Metadata-Hiding Escrow: A Group Signature Case Study

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    Abstract A common approach to demands for lawful access to encrypted data is to allow a trusted third party (TTP) to gain access to private data. However, there is no way to verify that this trust is well placed as the TTP may open all messages indiscriminately. Moreover, existing approaches do not scale well when, in addition to the content of the conversation, one wishes to hide one’s identity. Given the importance of metadata this is a major problem. We propose a new approach in which users can retroactively verify cryptographically whether they were wiretapped. As a case study, we propose a new signature scheme that can act as an accountable replacement for group signatures, accountable forward and backward tracing signatures.</jats:p

    Fully Dynamic Attribute-Based Signatures for Circuits from Codes

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    Attribute-Based Signature (ABS), introduced by Maji et al. (CT-RSA\u2711), is an advanced privacy-preserving signature primitive that has gained a lot of attention. Research on ABS can be categorized into three main themes: expanding the expressiveness of signing policies, enabling new functionalities, and providing more diversity in terms of computational assumptions. We contribute to the development of ABS in all three dimensions, by providing a fully dynamic ABS scheme for arbitrary circuits from codes. The scheme is the first ABS from code-based assumptions and also the first ABS system offering the \texttt{full dynamicity} functionality (i.e., attributes can be enrolled and revoked simultaneously). Moreover, the scheme features much shorter signature size than a lattice-based counterpart proposed by El Kaafarani and Katsumata (PKC\u2718). In the construction process, we put forward a new theoretical abstraction of Stern-like zero-knowledge (ZK) protocols, which are the major tools for privacy-preserving cryptography from codes. Our main insight here actually lies in the questions we ask about the fundamental principles of Stern-like protocols that have remained unchallenged since their conception by Stern at CRYPTO\u2793. We demonstrate that these long-established principles are not essential, and then provide a refined framework generalizing existing Stern-like techniques and enabling enhanced constructions

    Revocable Hierarchical Attribute-based Signatures from Lattices

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    Attribute-based Signatures (ABS) allow users to obtain attributes from issuing authorities, and sign messages whilst simultaneously proving compliance of their attributes with a verification policy. ABS demands that both the signer and the set of attributes used to satisfy a policy remain hidden to the verifier. Hierarchical ABS (HABS) supporting roots of trust and delegation were recently proposed to alleviate scalability issues in centralised ABS schemes. An important yet challenging property for privacy-preserving ABS is revocation, which may be applied to signers or some of the attributes they possess. Existing ABS schemes lack efficient revocation of either signers or their attributes, relying on generic costly proofs.Moreover, in HABS there is a further need to support revocation of authorities on the delegation paths, which is not provided by existing HABS constructions. This paper proposes a direct HABS scheme with a Verifier-Local Revocation (VLR) property. We extend the original HABS security model to address revocation and develop a new attribute delegation technique with appropriate VLR mechanism for HABS, which also implies the first ABS scheme to support VLR. Moreover, our scheme supports inner-product signing policies, offering a wider class of attribute relations than previous HABS schemes, and is the first to be based on lattices, which are thought to offer post-quantum security