4 research outputs found

    Accessible Interface for Multimedia Presentation in Inclusive Education

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    [Poster] 12th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE'07), 25-27th June, 2007, Dundee (Scotland)Among the technological solutions to achieve an inclusive education, the educative electronic accessible resources providing content adaptability is an alternative which reduces discrimination. It also favors the inclusion with right equalities which can be used by students regardless of their specific need and use contexts. Following this line of adaptability of contents on the web, a practical case [1] has been launched: an accessible interface of a multimedia resource with caption and audiodescription that offers the user the control over the decision of which sound and/or visual alternatives he wants to be introduced to. This resource has been designed with Universal Design criteria which are found in the Inclusive Design methodological frameworkPublicad

    Using accessible digital resources for teaching database design: towards an inclusive distance learning proposal

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    [Proceedings of] 13th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE'08), Madrid, Spain, June 30-July 2, 2008This paper introduces a pilot experience in teaching database using accessible digital resources in 3er course of Computer Science degree at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. A platform containing learning material in different formats (video, audio, slides presentation) has been designed allowing students accessing resources as well as to be evaluated by means of tests. Preliminary results show that 46.81% of the students have already interacted with the system and 97.12% of the students passed the tests.Publicad

    Accessible interface for multimedia presentation in inclusive education

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    [Poster] 12th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE'07), 25-27th June, 2007, Dundee (Scotland)Among the technological solutions to achieve an inclusive education, the educative electronic accessible resources providing content adaptability is an alternative which reduces discrimination. It also favors the inclusion with right equalities which can be used by students regardless of their specific need and use contexts. Following this line of adaptability of contents on the web, a practical case [1] has been launched: an accessible interface of a multimedia resource with caption and audio description that offers the user the control over the decision of which sound and/or visual alternatives he wants to be introduced to. This resource has been designed with Universal Design criteria which are found in the Inclusive Design methodological frameworkPublicad

    AWA, marco metodológico específico en el dominio de la accesibilidad para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web

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    La Web es la herramienta principal para poder ejercer como ciudadanos en la Sociedad de la Información en la que estamos inmersos. A través de ella se accede a múltiples servicios y sin embargo, muchos de estos servicios no son accesibles a todas las personas. Las barreras de accesibilidad afectan en mayor grado a las personas con discapacidad, pero hay otros muchos grupos de usuarios en riesgo de exclusión. El uso equitativo de la Web es un derecho para todas las personas. A pesar de que en muchos países este derecho está regulado por ley, los datos indican que hay muchos sitios y aplicaciones web no accesibles. Existen importantes iniciativas, a distintos niveles, con el objetivo de que se diseñe una Web universal y accesible, pero se han detectado obstáculos en el camino para conseguirlo, que se revelan en este trabajo. Como propuesta de solución a esta situación, desde la perspectiva de la Ingeniería, se presenta el soporte metodológico AWA (Accessibility for Web Applications). AWA proporciona un espacio de trabajo para incluir el requisito de la accesibilidad en las organizaciones dedicadas al desarrollo web. AWA proporciona guías a los profesionales de la ingeniería para incorporar requisitos de accesibilidad desde distintas perspectivas: (a) en las organizaciones y empresas, integrando políticas de accesibilidad y calidad; (b) en el proceso de desarrollo siguiendo un enfoque metodológico, que aporte sistematización en la integración de la accesibilidad desde el inicio y, por último, (c) siguiendo un enfoque de Diseño Centrado en el Usuario (DCU) que sitúe al usuario como protagonista y le haga participar del proceso de diseño. Todo ello en un marco de Diseño Inclusivo, para contemplar a los usuarios con discapacidad, contextos de uso desfavorables, en definitiva, teniendo en mente toda la diversidad funcional existente. Como resultado de aplicar el enfoque AWA las páginas web finales y la interfaz de usuario de la aplicación serán accesibles siguiendo las Pautas de Accesibilidad al Contenido en la Web (WCAG) de la Iniciativa de la Accesibilidad Web (WAI). Los requisitos de accesibilidad se han obtenido mediante una abstracción de las WCAG en el contexto del proceso de desarrollo de software. De igual manera, se han acomodado en el proceso de desarrollo las actividades del DCU a través de la integración de diversos mecanismos de accesibilidad, resultado de utilizar de manera combinada un conjunto de técnicas de usabilidad con inclusión. Distintas partes del marco metodológico AWA se han aplicado en tres escenarios reales: en el diseño e implementación de un sitio web, utilizando un Content Management System (CMS) de código abierto; en el desarrollo de una plataforma personalizable de acceso público a Internet para personas con discapacidad, llevado a cabo en una empresa de desarrollo de software, siguiendo un enfoque ágil de generación dinámica de páginas web y, por último, se ha llevado a cabo una propuesta de integración de AWA sobre el Método de Ingeniería Web OOWS (Object Oriented Web Solutions) siguiendo una estrategia MDA (Model Driven Architecture).------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Web is the main tool for being able to act as citizens in the Information Society in which we are immersed. Through it you access to multiple services, yet many of these services are not accessible to everyone. The accessibility barriers affect in a higher degree to people with disabilities, but there are many other user groups at risk of exclusion. The equitable use of the Web is a right for all people. Although in many countries this right is regulated by law, the data indicate that there are many web sites and applications that are not accessible. There are important initiatives, at different levels, with the goal of designing a universal and accessible Web, but obstacles have been detected in the path to obtain this goal, which are revealed in this work. As a proposed solution to this situation, from the engineering perspective, the methodological support AWA (Accessibility for Web Applications) is presented in this thesis. AWA provides a workspace in order to include the accessibility requirement in the organizations devoted to web application development. AWA provides guidance to engineering professionals to incorporate accessibility requirements from different perspectives: (a) in organizations and businesses, integrating accessibility and quality policies, (b) in the development process following a methodological approach that provides systemization in the integration of accessibility from the outset and, finally, (c) following a User-Centered Design (UCD) approach that places the user as a the main figure and makes him/she participate in the design process. All this is considered in a framework of Inclusive Design, for contemplating the disabled users, unfavorable contexts of use, in short, keeping in mind all the existing functional diversity. As a result of applying the AWA approach the final web pages and the user interface of the application will be accessible following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). Accessibility requirements have been obtained by means of an abstraction of the WCAG in the context of the software development process. Similarly, the activities of the UCD have been adapted in the development process through the integration of various accessibility mechanisms, being the result of using in a combined way a set of techniques of usability with inclusion. Different parts of the AWA methodological framework have been applied in three real scenarios: in the design and implementation of a web site using a open source Content Management System (CMS); in the development of a customizable platform for public Internet access for people with disabilities, conducted in a software development company, following an agile approach to create dynamic web pages and, finally, carrying out a proposal of integration of AWA on the Web Engineering method OOWS (Object Oriented Web Solutions) following an MDA (Model Driven Architecture) strategy