76,567 research outputs found

    How to monitor sustainable mobility in cities? Literature review in the frame of creating a set of sustainable mobility indicators

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    The role of sustainable mobility and its impact on society and the environment is evident and recognized worldwide. Nevertheless, although there is a growing number of measures and projects that deal with sustainable mobility issues, it is not so easy to compare their results and, so far, there is no globally applicable set of tools and indicators that ensure holistic evaluation and facilitate replicability of the best practices. In this paper, based on the extensive literature review, we give a systematic overview of relevant and scientifically sound indicators that cover different aspects of sustainable mobility that are applicable in different social and economic contexts around the world. Overall, 22 sustainable mobility indicators have been selected and an overview of the applied measures described across the literature review has been presented

    Place Marketing in Hungary: The Case of Debrecen

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    After the political transformations in East-Central Europe local authorities were forced to realise that they have to employ more active policy, and consequently, the use of place marketing became more popular. The study examines one particular city in Hungary, Debrecen, and concentrates on two areas. First, it presents what methods were employed in an attempt to attract economic players and tourists, and to increase the satisfaction of existing target groups. Secondly, it evaluates the steps taken: how characteristic were the tools used in Debrecen in other Hungarian cities, and what positive and negative features of marketing activity can be identified

    Consumer Spending on Traveling for Pleasure

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    America is a Nation of travelers. In 1997, consumers made over 443 million pleasure trips, an increase of more than 7 percent since 1995, and nearly 23 percent more than in 1990. According to results of the Consumer Expenditure Survey, nearly 41 percent of all consumer units interviewed in 1997 reported some expenditure for non-business travel. Pleasure trips and vacations are a major expenditure for many consumers, and accounted for nearly 7 percent of total quarterly outlays for those who report such expenditures, or almost as much as the average consumer unit spent on food at home

    The effects of store atmosphere on shopping behaviour - A literature review.

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    This paper provides an insight into how the atmospherics of a retail environment influence shopping behaviour. Its objective is to support researchers and practitioners by summarizing the current state of knowledge and identifying gaps and avenues for future research. The scope covers studies in retail marketing and environmental psychology published during the last 35 years. It has been shown that environmental cues (music, scent etc.) have an effect on the emotional state of the consumer, which in turn causes behavioural changes, both positive (approach, buy more, stay longer etc.) and negative (not approach, buy less, leave earlier etc.). Most studies make reference to the PAD model, which proposes that the relevant emotions in this process can be measured along three dimensions Pleasure, Arousal and Dominance (Mehrabian, A. & Russell, J.A.,1974, An approach to environmental psychology, Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press). Since then, significant advances have been made to understand the effect of individual cues, their interaction, as well as the role of moderators, such as gender, age, or shopping motivation. However, there are a number of opportunities for further research. Too little is known about the moderating effects of Arousal and Dominance and how they interact with each other and with Pleasure dimension. Also a number of other moderators, such as gender and culture, should be integrated into the model

    Book review: Behind the veil of vice: the business andculture of sex in the Middle East

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    In Behind the Veil of Vice, Middle East expert John R. Bradley sets out to uncover the truth about the place of sex in countries including Egypt, Syria, Morocco and Yemen. Bradley reports on how “temporary” Islamic marriages allow for illicit sex in the theocracies of Iran and Saudi Arabia; “child brides” that are sold off to older Arab men according to ancient tribal traditions; and the hypocrisy that undermines publicized crackdowns on the thriving sex industry in the Persian Gulf. Emma Smith recommends the book for its accessibility, wealth of detailed content, and its potential appeal for scholars working in the fields of sex work and Middle East studies

    Tourism Products Characteristics and Forms

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    The tourism product has to be packaged and priced keeping in mind the target customer. Without any doubt, tourism is the main sector that can play a significant part in achieving rapid economic growth and drastically reducing unemployment in our country. Currently, it is the largest foreign exchange earner for our country. The development of the tourism industry on a priority basis is the need of the hour.tourism product, attraction, accessibility, accommodation

    Conceptual Foundations: Walton and McKersie\u27s Subprocesses of Negotiations

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    [Excerpt] Walton and McKersie\u27s 1965 book, A Behavioral Theory of Labor Negotiations, provides much of the conceptual underpinnings of what grew into the modern-day teaching of negotiations in business, public policy, law, and other professional schools. We therefore believe that it is useful to outline the basic concepts and ideas introduced by these authors. We do so, however, with a word of caution. There is no substitute for the original. Every student should have the pleasure of struggling (as we did the first time it was assigned to us as students) with the tongue twisters like attitudinal structuring and the many other new terms and theoretical ideas introduced in the book

    Progress in information technology and tourism management: 20 years on and 10 years after the Internet—The state of eTourism research

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    This paper reviews the published articles on eTourism in the past 20 years. Using a wide variety of sources, mainly in the tourism literature, this paper comprehensively reviews and analyzes prior studies in the context of Internet applications to Tourism. The paper also projects future developments in eTourism and demonstrates critical changes that will influence the tourism industry structure. A major contribution of this paper is its overview of the research and development efforts that have been endeavoured in the field, and the challenges that tourism researchers are, and will be, facing