5 research outputs found

    Lightweight verification of functional programs

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    We have built several tools to help with testing and verifying functional programs. All three tools are based on QuickCheck properties. Our goal is to allow programmers to do more with QuickCheck properties than just test them.The first tool is QuickSpec, which finds equational specifications, and can be used to help with writing a specification or for program understanding. On top of QuickSpec, we have built HipSpec, which proves properties about Haskell programs, and uses QuickSpec to prove the necessary lemmas. We also describe PULSE and eqc_par_statem, which together can be used to find race conditions in Erlang programs.We believe that testable properties are a good basis for reasoning and verification, and that they give many of the benefits of formal verification without the cost of proof. The chief reason is that they are formal specifications for which the programmer can always get a counterexample when they are false. Furthermore, using testable properties allows us to write better tools. None of our tools would be possible if our properties were not testable.We also present work on encoding types in first-order logic, an essential component when using first-order provers to reason about programs. Our encodings are simple but extremely efficient, as evidenced by benchmarks. We develop the theory behind sound type encodings, and have written tools that implement our ideas

    Lightweight verification of functional programs

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    We have built several tools to help with testing and verifying functional programs. All three tools are based on QuickCheck properties. Our goal is to allow programmers to do more with QuickCheck properties than just test them.The first tool is QuickSpec, which finds equational specifications, and can be used to help with writing a specification or for program understanding. On top of QuickSpec, we have built HipSpec, which proves properties about Haskell programs, and uses QuickSpec to prove the necessary lemmas. We also describe PULSE and eqc_par_statem, which together can be used to find race conditions in Erlang programs.We believe that testable properties are a good basis for reasoning and verification, and that they give many of the benefits of formal verification without the cost of proof. The chief reason is that they are formal specifications for which the programmer can always get a counterexample when they are false. Furthermore, using testable properties allows us to write better tools. None of our tools would be possible if our properties were not testable.We also present work on encoding types in first-order logic, an essential component when using first-order provers to reason about programs. Our encodings are simple but extremely efficient, as evidenced by benchmarks. We develop the theory behind sound type encodings, and have written tools that implement our ideas

    Lightweight verification of functional programs

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    We have built several tools to help with testing and verifying functional programs. All three tools are based on QuickCheck properties. Our goal is to allow programmers to do more with QuickCheck properties than just test them.The first tool is QuickSpec, which finds equational specifications, and can be used to help with writing a specification or for program understanding. On top of QuickSpec, we have built HipSpec, which proves properties about Haskell programs, and uses QuickSpec to prove the necessary lemmas. We also describe PULSE and eqc_par_statem, which together can be used to find race conditions in Erlang programs.We believe that testable properties are a good basis for reasoning and verification, and that they give many of the benefits of formal verification without the cost of proof. The chief reason is that they are formal specifications for which the programmer can always get a counterexample when they are false. Furthermore, using testable properties allows us to write better tools. None of our tools would be possible if our properties were not testable.We also present work on encoding types in first-order logic, an essential component when using first-order provers to reason about programs. Our encodings are simple but extremely efficient, as evidenced by benchmarks. We develop the theory behind sound type encodings, and have written tools that implement our ideas

    Revealing Behaviours of Concurrent Functional Programs by Systematic Testing

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    We aim to make it easier for programmers to write correct concurrent programs and to demonstrate that concurrency testing techniques, typically described in the context of simple core languages, can be successfully applied to languages with more complex concurrency. In pursuit of these goals, we develop three lines of work: Testing concurrent Haskell We develop a library for testing concurrent Haskell programs using a typeclass abstraction of concurrency, which we give a formal semantics. Our tool implements systematic concurrency testing, a family of techniques for deterministically testing concurrent programs. Along the way we also tackle how to soundly handle daemon threads, and how to usefully present complex execution traces to a user. We not only obtain a useful tool for Haskell programs, but we also show that these techniques work well in languages with rich concurrency abstractions. Randomised concurrency testing We propose a new algorithm for randomly testing concurrent programs. This approach is fundamentally incomplete, but can be suitable in cases where systematic concurrency testing is not. We show that our algorithm performs as well as a pre-existing popular algorithm for a standard set of benchmarks. This pre-existing algorithm requires the use of program-specific parameters, but our algorithm does not. We argue that this makes use and implementation of our algorithm simpler. Finding properties of programs We develop a tool for finding properties of sets of concurrency functions operating on some shared state, such as the API for a concurrent data type. Our tool enumerates Haskell expressions and discovers properties by comparing execution results for a variety of inputs. Unlike other property discovery tools, we support side effects. We do so by building on our tool for testing concurrent Haskell programs. We argue that this approach can lead to greater understanding of concurrency functions

    Accelerating race condition detection through procrastination

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    Race conditions are notoriously frustrating to find, and good tools can help. The main difficulty is reliably provoking the race condition. In previous work we presented a randomising scheduler for Erlang that helps with this task. In a language without pervasive shared mutable state, such as Erlang, performing scheduling decisions at random uncovers race conditions surprisingly well. However, it is not always enough. We describe a technique, procrastination, that aims to provoke race conditions more often than by random scheduling alone. It works by running the program and looking for pairs of events that might interfere, such as two message sends to the same process. Having found such a pair of events, we re-run the program but try to provoke a race condition by reversing the order of the two events. We apply our technique to a piece of industrial Erlang code. Compared to random scheduling alone, procrastination allows us to find minimal failing test cases more reliably and more quickly