14 research outputs found

    The Use of MPI and OpenMP Technologies for Subsequence Similarity Search in Very Large Time Series on Computer Cluster System with Nodes Based on the Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing Many-core Processor

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    Nowadays, subsequence similarity search is required in a wide range of time series mining applications: climate modeling, financial forecasts, medical research, etc. In most of these applications, the Dynamic TimeWarping (DTW) similarity measure is used since DTW is empirically confirmed as one of the best similarity measure for most subject domains. Since the DTW measure has a quadratic computational complexity w.r.t. the length of query subsequence, a number of parallel algorithms for various many-core architectures have been developed, namely FPGA, GPU, and Intel MIC. In this article, we propose a new parallel algorithm for subsequence similarity search in very large time series on computer cluster systems with nodes based on Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing (KNL) many-core processors. Computations are parallelized on two levels as follows: through MPI at the level of all cluster nodes, and through OpenMP within one cluster node. The algorithm involves additional data structures and redundant computations, which make it possible to effectively use the capabilities of vector computations on Phi KNL. Experimental evaluation of the algorithm on real-world and synthetic datasets shows that it is highly scalable.Comment: Accepted for publication in the "Numerical Methods and Programming" journal (http://num-meth.srcc.msu.ru/english/, in Russian "Vychislitelnye Metody i Programmirovanie"), in Russia

    Optymalizacja zapytań w środowisku heterogenicznym CPU/GPU dla baz danych szeregów czasowych

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    In recent years, processing and exploration of time series has experienced a noticeable interest. Growing volumes of data and needs of efficient processing pushed the research in new directions, including hardware based solutions. Graphics Processing Units (GPU) have significantly more applications than just rendering images. They are also used in general purpose computing to solve problems that can benefit from massive parallel processing. There are numerous reports confirming the effectiveness of GPU in science and industrial applications. However, there are several issues related with GPU usage as a databases coprocessor that must be considered. First, all computations on the GPU are preceded by time consuming memory transfers. In this thesis we present a study on lossless lightweight compression algorithms in the context of GPU computations and time series database systems. We discuss the algorithms, their application and implementation details on GPU. We analyse their influence on the data processing efficiency, taking into account both the data transfer time and decompression time. Moreover, we propose a data adaptive compression planner based on those algorithms, which uses hierarchy of multiple compression algorithms in order to further reduce the data size. Secondly, there are tasks that either hardly suit GPU or fit GPU only partially. This may be related to the size or type of the task. We elaborate on heterogeneous CPU/GPU computation environment and optimization method that seeks equilibrium between these two computation platforms. This method is based on heuristic search for bi-objective optimal execution plans. The underlying model mimics the commodity market, where devices are producers and queries are consumers. The value of resources of computing devices is controlled by supply-and-demand laws. Our model of the optimization criteria allows finding solutions for heterogeneous query processing problems where existing methods have been ineffective. Furthermore, it also offers lower time complexity and higher accuracy than other methods. The dissertation also discusses an exemplary application of time series databases: the analysis of zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) behaviour based on observations of the change of the gap between the valves, collected as a time series. We propose a new algorithm based on wavelets and kernel methods that detects relevant events in the collected data. This algorithm allows us to extract elementary behaviour events from the observations. Moreover, we propose an efficient framework for automatic classification to separate the control and stressful conditions. Since zebra mussels are well-known bioindicators this is an important step towards the creation of an advanced environmental biomonitoring system.W ostatnich latach przetwarzanie i badanie szeregów czasowych zyskało spore zainteresowanie. Rosnące ilości danych i potrzeba ich sprawnego przetwarzania nadały nowe kierunki prowadzonym badaniom, które uwzględniają również wykorzystanie rozwiązań sprzętowych. Procesory graficzne (GPU) mają znacznie więcej zastosowań niż tylko wyświetlanie obrazów. Coraz częściej są wykorzystywane przy rozwiązywaniu problemów obliczeniowych ogólnego zastosowania, które mogą spożytkować możliwości przetwarzania masywnie równoległego. Wiele źródeł potwierdza skuteczność GPU zarówno w nauce, jak i w zastosowaniach w przemyśle. Jest jednak kilka kwestii związanych z użyciem GPU jako koprocesora w bazach danych, które trzeba mieć na uwadze. Po pierwsze, wszystkie obliczenia na GPU są poprzedzone czasochłonnym transferem danych. W pracy zaprezentowano rezultaty badań dotyczących lekkich i bezstratnych algorytmów kompresji w kontekście obliczeń GPU i systemów baz danych dla szeregów czasowych. Omówione zostały algorytmy, ich zastosowanie oraz szczegóły implementacyjne na GPU. Rozważono wpływ algorytmów na wydajność przetwarzania danych z uwzględnieniem czasu transferu i dekompresji danych. Ponadto, zaproponowany został adaptacyjny planer kompresji danych, który wykorzystuje różne algorytmy lekkiej kompresji w celu dalszego zmniejszenia rozmiaru skompresowanych danych. Kolejnym problemem są zadania, które źle (lub tylko częściowo) wpisują się w architekturę GPU. Może być to związane z rozmiarem lub rodzajem zadania. W pracy zaproponowany został model heterogenicznych obliczeń na CPU/GPU. Przedstawiono metody optymalizacji, poszukujące równowagi między różnymi platformami obliczeniowymi. Opierają się one na heurystycznym poszukiwaniu planów wykonania uwzględniających wiele celów optymalizacyjnych. Model leżący u podstaw tego podejścia naśladuje rynki towarowe, gdzie urządzenia są traktowane jako producenci, konsumentami są natomiast plany zapytań. Wartość zasobów urządzeń komputerowych jest kontrolowana przez prawa popytu i podaży. Zastosowanie różnych kryteriów optymalizacji pozwala rozwiązać problemy z zakresu heterogenicznego przetwarzania zapytań, dla których dotychczasowe metody były nieskuteczne. Ponadto proponowane rozwiązania wyróżnia mniejsza złożoność czasowa i lepsza dokładność. W rozprawie omówiono przykładowe zastosowanie baz danych szeregów czasowych: analizę zachowań racicznicy zmiennej (Dreissena polymorpha) opartą na obserwacji rozchyleń muszli zapisanej w postaci szeregów czasowych. Proponowany jest nowy algorytm oparty na falkach i funkcjach jądrowych (ang. kernel functions), który wykrywa odpowiednie zdarzenia w zebranych danych. Algorytm ten pozwala wyodrębnić zdarzenia elementarne z zapisanych obserwacji. Ponadto proponowany jest zarys systemu do automatycznego oddzielenia pomiarów kontrolnych i tych dokonanych w stresujących warunkach. Jako że małże z gatunku Dreissena polymorpha są znanymi wskaźnikami biologicznymi, jest to istotny krok w kierunku biologicznych systemów wczesnego ostrzegania

    GPU Acceleration of Melody Accurate Matching in Query-by-Humming

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    With the increasing scale of the melody database, the query-by-humming system faces the trade-offs between response speed and retrieval accuracy. Melody accurate matching is the key factor to restrict the response speed. In this paper, we present a GPU acceleration method for melody accurate matching, in order to improve the response speed without reducing retrieval accuracy. The method develops two parallel strategies (intra-task parallelism and inter-task parallelism) to obtain accelerated effects. The efficiency of our method is validated through extensive experiments. Evaluation results show that our single GPU implementation achieves 20x to 40x speedup ratio, when compared to a typical general purpose CPU's execution time

    PU-shapelets : Towards pattern-based positive unlabeled classification of time series

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    Real-world time series classification applications often involve positive unlabeled (PU) training data, where there are only a small set PL of positive labeled examples and a large set U of unlabeled ones. Most existing time series PU classification methods utilize all readings in the time series, making them sensitive to non-characteristic readings. Characteristic patterns named shapelets present a promising solution to this problem, yet discovering shapelets under PU settings is not easy. In this paper, we take on the challenging task of shapelet discovery with PU data. We propose a novel pattern ensemble technique utilizing both characteristic and non-characteristic patterns to rank U examples by their possibilities of being positive. We also present a novel stopping criterion to estimate the number of positive examples in U. These enable us to effectively label all U training examples and conduct supervised shapelet discovery. The shapelets are then used to build a one-nearest-neighbor classifier for online classification. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics

    Sequence queries on temporal graphs

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    Graphs that evolve over time are called temporal graphs. They can be used to describe and represent real-world networks, including transportation networks, social networks, and communication networks, with higher fidelity and accuracy. However, research is still limited on how to manage large scale temporal graphs and execute queries over these graphs efficiently and effectively. This thesis investigates the problems of temporal graph data management related to node and edge sequence queries. In temporal graphs, nodes and edges can evolve over time. Therefore, sequence queries on nodes and edges can be key components in managing temporal graphs. In this thesis, the node sequence query decomposes into two parts: graph node similarity and subsequence matching. For node similarity, this thesis proposes a modified tree edit distance that is metric and polynomially computable and has a natural, intuitive interpretation. Note that the proposed node similarity works even for inter-graph nodes and therefore can be used for graph de-anonymization, network transfer learning, and cross-network mining, among other tasks. The subsequence matching query proposed in this thesis is a framework that can be adopted to index generic sequence and time-series data, including trajectory data and even DNA sequences for subsequence retrieval. For edge sequence queries, this thesis proposes an efficient storage and optimized indexing technique that allows for efficient retrieval of temporal subgraphs that satisfy certain temporal predicates. For this problem, this thesis develops a lightweight data management engine prototype that can support time-sensitive temporal graph analytics efficiently even on a single PC

    An efficient implementation of lattice-ladder multilayer perceptrons in field programmable gate arrays

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    The implementation efficiency of electronic systems is a combination of conflicting requirements, as increasing volumes of computations, accelerating the exchange of data, at the same time increasing energy consumption forcing the researchers not only to optimize the algorithm, but also to quickly implement in a specialized hardware. Therefore in this work, the problem of efficient and straightforward implementation of operating in a real-time electronic intelligent systems on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) is tackled. The object of research is specialized FPGA intellectual property (IP) cores that operate in a real-time. In the thesis the following main aspects of the research object are investigated: implementation criteria and techniques. The aim of the thesis is to optimize the FPGA implementation process of selected class dynamic artificial neural networks. In order to solve stated problem and reach the goal following main tasks of the thesis are formulated: rationalize the selection of a class of Lattice-Ladder Multi-Layer Perceptron (LLMLP) and its electronic intelligent system test-bed – a speaker dependent Lithuanian speech recognizer, to be created and investigated; develop dedicated technique for implementation of LLMLP class on FPGA that is based on specialized efficiency criteria for a circuitry synthesis; develop and experimentally affirm the efficiency of optimized FPGA IP cores used in Lithuanian speech recognizer. The dissertation contains: introduction, four chapters and general conclusions. The first chapter reveals the fundamental knowledge on computer-aideddesign, artificial neural networks and speech recognition implementation on FPGA. In the second chapter the efficiency criteria and technique of LLMLP IP cores implementation are proposed in order to make multi-objective optimization of throughput, LLMLP complexity and resource utilization. The data flow graphs are applied for optimization of LLMLP computations. The optimized neuron processing element is proposed. The IP cores for features extraction and comparison are developed for Lithuanian speech recognizer and analyzed in third chapter. The fourth chapter is devoted for experimental verification of developed numerous LLMLP IP cores. The experiments of isolated word recognition accuracy and speed for different speakers, signal to noise ratios, features extraction and accelerated comparison methods were performed. The main results of the thesis were published in 12 scientific publications: eight of them were printed in peer-reviewed scientific journals, four of them in a Thomson Reuters Web of Science database, four articles – in conference proceedings. The results were presented in 17 scientific conferences