1,727 research outputs found

    Incremental eigenpair computation for graph Laplacian matrices: theory and applications

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    The smallest eigenvalues and the associated eigenvectors (i.e., eigenpairs) of a graph Laplacian matrix have been widely used for spectral clustering and community detection. However, in real-life applications, the number of clusters or communities (say, K) is generally unknown a priori. Consequently, the majority of the existing methods either choose K heuristically or they repeat the clustering method with different choices of K and accept the best clustering result. The first option, more often, yields suboptimal result, while the second option is computationally expensive. In this work, we propose an incremental method for constructing the eigenspectrum of the graph Laplacian matrix. This method leverages the eigenstructure of graph Laplacian matrix to obtain the Kth smallest eigenpair of the Laplacian matrix given a collection of all previously compute

    Hearing the clusters in a graph: A distributed algorithm

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    We propose a novel distributed algorithm to cluster graphs. The algorithm recovers the solution obtained from spectral clustering without the need for expensive eigenvalue/vector computations. We prove that, by propagating waves through the graph, a local fast Fourier transform yields the local component of every eigenvector of the Laplacian matrix, thus providing clustering information. For large graphs, the proposed algorithm is orders of magnitude faster than random walk based approaches. We prove the equivalence of the proposed algorithm to spectral clustering and derive convergence rates. We demonstrate the benefit of using this decentralized clustering algorithm for community detection in social graphs, accelerating distributed estimation in sensor networks and efficient computation of distributed multi-agent search strategies

    Preconditioned Spectral Clustering for Stochastic Block Partition Streaming Graph Challenge

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    Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (LOBPCG) is demonstrated to efficiently solve eigenvalue problems for graph Laplacians that appear in spectral clustering. For static graph partitioning, 10-20 iterations of LOBPCG without preconditioning result in ~10x error reduction, enough to achieve 100% correctness for all Challenge datasets with known truth partitions, e.g., for graphs with 5K/.1M (50K/1M) Vertices/Edges in 2 (7) seconds, compared to over 5,000 (30,000) seconds needed by the baseline Python code. Our Python code 100% correctly determines 98 (160) clusters from the Challenge static graphs with 0.5M (2M) vertices in 270 (1,700) seconds using 10GB (50GB) of memory. Our single-precision MATLAB code calculates the same clusters at half time and memory. For streaming graph partitioning, LOBPCG is initiated with approximate eigenvectors of the graph Laplacian already computed for the previous graph, in many cases reducing 2-3 times the number of required LOBPCG iterations, compared to the static case. Our spectral clustering is generic, i.e. assuming nothing specific of the block model or streaming, used to generate the graphs for the Challenge, in contrast to the base code. Nevertheless, in 10-stage streaming comparison with the base code for the 5K graph, the quality of our clusters is similar or better starting at stage 4 (7) for emerging edging (snowballing) streaming, while the computations are over 100-1000 faster.Comment: 6 pages. To appear in Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference. Student Innovation Award Streaming Graph Challenge: Stochastic Block Partition, see http://graphchallenge.mit.edu/champion

    Attributed Network Embedding for Learning in a Dynamic Environment

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    Network embedding leverages the node proximity manifested to learn a low-dimensional node vector representation for each node in the network. The learned embeddings could advance various learning tasks such as node classification, network clustering, and link prediction. Most, if not all, of the existing works, are overwhelmingly performed in the context of plain and static networks. Nonetheless, in reality, network structure often evolves over time with addition/deletion of links and nodes. Also, a vast majority of real-world networks are associated with a rich set of node attributes, and their attribute values are also naturally changing, with the emerging of new content patterns and the fading of old content patterns. These changing characteristics motivate us to seek an effective embedding representation to capture network and attribute evolving patterns, which is of fundamental importance for learning in a dynamic environment. To our best knowledge, we are the first to tackle this problem with the following two challenges: (1) the inherently correlated network and node attributes could be noisy and incomplete, it necessitates a robust consensus representation to capture their individual properties and correlations; (2) the embedding learning needs to be performed in an online fashion to adapt to the changes accordingly. In this paper, we tackle this problem by proposing a novel dynamic attributed network embedding framework - DANE. In particular, DANE first provides an offline method for a consensus embedding and then leverages matrix perturbation theory to maintain the freshness of the end embedding results in an online manner. We perform extensive experiments on both synthetic and real attributed networks to corroborate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed framework.Comment: 10 page

    NFFT meets Krylov methods: Fast matrix-vector products for the graph Laplacian of fully connected networks

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    The graph Laplacian is a standard tool in data science, machine learning, and image processing. The corresponding matrix inherits the complex structure of the underlying network and is in certain applications densely populated. This makes computations, in particular matrix-vector products, with the graph Laplacian a hard task. A typical application is the computation of a number of its eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Standard methods become infeasible as the number of nodes in the graph is too large. We propose the use of the fast summation based on the nonequispaced fast Fourier transform (NFFT) to perform the dense matrix-vector product with the graph Laplacian fast without ever forming the whole matrix. The enormous flexibility of the NFFT algorithm allows us to embed the accelerated multiplication into Lanczos-based eigenvalues routines or iterative linear system solvers and even consider other than the standard Gaussian kernels. We illustrate the feasibility of our approach on a number of test problems from image segmentation to semi-supervised learning based on graph-based PDEs. In particular, we compare our approach with the Nystr\"om method. Moreover, we present and test an enhanced, hybrid version of the Nystr\"om method, which internally uses the NFFT.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure
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