29 research outputs found

    Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization via Phrase Selection and Merging

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    We propose an abstraction-based multi-document summarization framework that can construct new sentences by exploring more fine-grained syntactic units than sentences, namely, noun/verb phrases. Different from existing abstraction-based approaches, our method first constructs a pool of concepts and facts represented by phrases from the input documents. Then new sentences are generated by selecting and merging informative phrases to maximize the salience of phrases and meanwhile satisfy the sentence construction constraints. We employ integer linear optimization for conducting phrase selection and merging simultaneously in order to achieve the global optimal solution for a summary. Experimental results on the benchmark data set TAC 2011 show that our framework outperforms the state-of-the-art models under automated pyramid evaluation metric, and achieves reasonably well results on manual linguistic quality evaluation.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, accepted as a full paper at ACL 201

    A Multilingual Study of Compressive Cross-Language Text Summarization

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    Cross-Language Text Summarization (CLTS) generates summaries in a language different from the language of the source documents. Recent methods use information from both languages to generate summaries with the most informative sentences. However, these methods have performance that can vary according to languages, which can reduce the quality of summaries. In this paper, we propose a compressive framework to generate cross-language summaries. In order to analyze performance and especially stability, we tested our system and extractive baselines on a dataset available in four languages (English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish) to generate English and French summaries. An automatic evaluation showed that our method outperformed extractive state-of-art CLTS methods with better and more stable ROUGE scores for all languages

    LCSTS: A Large Scale Chinese Short Text Summarization Dataset

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    Automatic text summarization is widely regarded as the highly difficult problem, partially because of the lack of large text summarization data set. Due to the great challenge of constructing the large scale summaries for full text, in this paper, we introduce a large corpus of Chinese short text summarization dataset constructed from the Chinese microblogging website Sina Weibo, which is released to the public {http://icrc.hitsz.edu.cn/Article/show/139.html}. This corpus consists of over 2 million real Chinese short texts with short summaries given by the author of each text. We also manually tagged the relevance of 10,666 short summaries with their corresponding short texts. Based on the corpus, we introduce recurrent neural network for the summary generation and achieve promising results, which not only shows the usefulness of the proposed corpus for short text summarization research, but also provides a baseline for further research on this topic.Comment: Recently, we received feedbacks from Yuya Taguchi from NAIST in Japan and Qian Chen from USTC of China, that the results in the EMNLP2015 version seem to be underrated. So we carefully checked our results and find out that we made a mistake while using the standard ROUGE. Then we re-evaluate all methods in the paper and get corrected results listed in Table 2 of this versio

    TGSum: Build Tweet Guided Multi-Document Summarization Dataset

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    The development of summarization research has been significantly hampered by the costly acquisition of reference summaries. This paper proposes an effective way to automatically collect large scales of news-related multi-document summaries with reference to social media's reactions. We utilize two types of social labels in tweets, i.e., hashtags and hyper-links. Hashtags are used to cluster documents into different topic sets. Also, a tweet with a hyper-link often highlights certain key points of the corresponding document. We synthesize a linked document cluster to form a reference summary which can cover most key points. To this aim, we adopt the ROUGE metrics to measure the coverage ratio, and develop an Integer Linear Programming solution to discover the sentence set reaching the upper bound of ROUGE. Since we allow summary sentences to be selected from both documents and high-quality tweets, the generated reference summaries could be abstractive. Both informativeness and readability of the collected summaries are verified by manual judgment. In addition, we train a Support Vector Regression summarizer on DUC generic multi-document summarization benchmarks. With the collected data as extra training resource, the performance of the summarizer improves a lot on all the test sets. We release this dataset for further research.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure in AAAI 201

    Deep Recurrent Generative Decoder for Abstractive Text Summarization

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    We propose a new framework for abstractive text summarization based on a sequence-to-sequence oriented encoder-decoder model equipped with a deep recurrent generative decoder (DRGN). Latent structure information implied in the target summaries is learned based on a recurrent latent random model for improving the summarization quality. Neural variational inference is employed to address the intractable posterior inference for the recurrent latent variables. Abstractive summaries are generated based on both the generative latent variables and the discriminative deterministic states. Extensive experiments on some benchmark datasets in different languages show that DRGN achieves improvements over the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 10 pages, EMNLP 201

    Abstract Meaning Representation for Multi-Document Summarization

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    Generating an abstract from a collection of documents is a desirable capability for many real-world applications. However, abstractive approaches to multi-document summarization have not been thoroughly investigated. This paper studies the feasibility of using Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR), a semantic representation of natural language grounded in linguistic theory, as a form of content representation. Our approach condenses source documents to a set of summary graphs following the AMR formalism. The summary graphs are then transformed to a set of summary sentences in a surface realization step. The framework is fully data-driven and flexible. Each component can be optimized independently using small-scale, in-domain training data. We perform experiments on benchmark summarization datasets and report promising results. We also describe opportunities and challenges for advancing this line of research.Comment: 13 page