5 research outputs found

    On Refinements of Boolean and Parametric Modal Transition Systems

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    We consider the extensions of modal transition systems (MTS), namely Boolean MTS and parametric MTS and we investigate the refinement problems over both classes. Firstly, we reduce the problem of modal refinement over both classes to a problem solvable by a QBF solver and provide experimental results showing our technique scales well. Secondly, we extend the algorithm for thorough refinement of MTS providing better complexity then via reductions to previously studied problems. Finally, we investigate the relationship between modal and thorough refinement on the two classes and show how the thorough refinement can be approximated by the modal refinement

    Abstraction in parameterised Boolean equation systems

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    We present a general theory of abstraction for a variety of verification problems. Our theory is set in the framework of parameterized Boolean equation systems. The power of our abstraction theory is compared to that of generalised Kripke modal transition systems (GTSs). We show that for model checking the modal µ-calculus, our abstractions can be exponentially more succinct than GTSs and our theory is as complete as the GTS framework for abstraction. Furthermore, we investigate the completeness of our theory for verification problems other than the modal µ-calculus. We illustrate the potential of our theory through case studies using the first-order modal µ-calculus and a real-time extension thereof, conducted using a prototype implementation of a new syntactic transformation for equation systems

    Refinement checking on parametric modal transition systems

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    Modal transition systems (MTS) is a well-studied specification formalism of reactive systems supporting a step-wise refinement methodology. Despite its many advantages, the formalism as well as its currently known extensions are incapable of expressing some practically needed aspects in the refinement process like exclusive, conditional and persistent choices. We introduce a new model called parametric modal transition systems (PMTS) together with a general modal refinement notion that overcomes many of the limitations. We investigate the computational complexity of modal and thorough refinement checking on PMTS and its subclasses and provide a direct encoding of the modal refinement problem into quantified Boolean formulae, allowing us to employ state-of-the-art QBF solvers for modal refinement checking. The experiments we report on show that the feasibility of refinement checking is more influenced by the degree of nondeterminism rather than by the syntactic restrictions on the types of formulae allowed in the description of the PMTS

    3-Valued abstraction: More precision at less cost

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    AbstractThis paper investigates both the precision and the model checking efficiency of abstract models designed to preserve branching time logics w.r.t. a 3-valued semantics. Current abstract models use ordinary transitions to over approximate the concrete transitions, while they use hyper transitions to under approximate the concrete transitions. In this work, we refer to precision measured w.r.t. the choice of abstract states, independently of the formalism used to describe abstract models. We show that current abstract models do not allow maximal precision. We suggest a new class of models and a construction of an abstract model which is most precise w.r.t. any choice of abstract states. As before, the construction of such models might involve an exponential blowup, which is inherent by the use of hyper transitions. We therefore suggest an efficient algorithm in which the abstract model is constructed during model checking, by need. Our algorithm achieves maximal precision w.r.t. the given property while remaining quadratic in the number of abstract states. To complete the picture, we incorporate it into an abstraction-refinement framework

    Finite-State Abstractions for Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic

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    Probabilistic Computation Tree Logic (PCTL) is the established temporal logic for probabilistic verification of discrete-time Markov chains. Probabilistic model checking is a technique that verifies or refutes whether a property specified in this logic holds in a Markov chain. But Markov chains are often infinite or too large for this technique to apply. A standard solution to this problem is to convert the Markov chain to an abstract model and to model check that abstract model. The problem this thesis therefore studies is whether or when such finite abstractions of Markov chains for model checking PCTL exist. This thesis makes the following contributions. We identify a sizeable fragment of PCTL for which 3-valued Markov chains can serve as finite abstractions; this fragment is maximal for those abstractions and subsumes many practically relevant specifications including, e.g., reachability. We also develop game-theoretic foundations for the semantics of PCTL over Markov chains by capturing the standard PCTL semantics via a two-player games. These games, finally, inspire a notion of p-automata, which accept entire Markov chains. We show that p-automata subsume PCTL and Markov chains; that their languages of Markov chains have pleasant closure properties; and that the complexity of deciding acceptance matches that of probabilistic model checking for p-automata representing PCTL formulae. In addition, we offer a simulation between p-automata that under-approximates language containment. These results then allow us to show that p-automata comprise a solution to the problem studied in this thesis