166,635 research outputs found

    Networks of Complements

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    We consider a network of sellers, each selling a single product, where the graph structure represents pair-wise complementarities between products. We study how the network structure affects revenue and social welfare of equilibria of the pricing game between the sellers. We prove positive and negative results, both of "Price of Anarchy" and of "Price of Stability" type, for special families of graphs (paths, cycles) as well as more general ones (trees, graphs). We describe best-reply dynamics that converge to non-trivial equilibrium in several families of graphs, and we use these dynamics to prove the existence of approximately-efficient equilibria.Comment: An extended abstract will appear in ICALP 201

    Lombardi Drawings of Graphs

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    We introduce the notion of Lombardi graph drawings, named after the American abstract artist Mark Lombardi. In these drawings, edges are represented as circular arcs rather than as line segments or polylines, and the vertices have perfect angular resolution: the edges are equally spaced around each vertex. We describe algorithms for finding Lombardi drawings of regular graphs, graphs of bounded degeneracy, and certain families of planar graphs.Comment: Expanded version of paper appearing in the 18th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD 2010). 13 pages, 7 figure

    Encoding !-tensors as !-graphs with neighbourhood orders

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    Diagrammatic reasoning using string diagrams provides an intuitive language for reasoning about morphisms in a symmetric monoidal category. To allow working with infinite families of string diagrams, !-graphs were introduced as a method to mark repeated structure inside a diagram. This led to !-graphs being implemented in the diagrammatic proof assistant Quantomatic. Having a partially automated program for rewriting diagrams has proven very useful, but being based on !-graphs, only commutative theories are allowed. An enriched abstract tensor notation, called !-tensors, has been used to formalise the notion of !-boxes in non-commutative structures. This work-in-progress paper presents a method to encode !-tensors as !-graphs with some additional structure. This will allow us to leverage the existing code from Quantomatic and quickly provide various tools for non-commutative diagrammatic reasoning.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2015, arXiv:1511.0118

    Malware Classification based on Call Graph Clustering

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    Each day, anti-virus companies receive tens of thousands samples of potentially harmful executables. Many of the malicious samples are variations of previously encountered malware, created by their authors to evade pattern-based detection. Dealing with these large amounts of data requires robust, automatic detection approaches. This paper studies malware classification based on call graph clustering. By representing malware samples as call graphs, it is possible to abstract certain variations away, and enable the detection of structural similarities between samples. The ability to cluster similar samples together will make more generic detection techniques possible, thereby targeting the commonalities of the samples within a cluster. To compare call graphs mutually, we compute pairwise graph similarity scores via graph matchings which approximately minimize the graph edit distance. Next, to facilitate the discovery of similar malware samples, we employ several clustering algorithms, including k-medoids and DBSCAN. Clustering experiments are conducted on a collection of real malware samples, and the results are evaluated against manual classifications provided by human malware analysts. Experiments show that it is indeed possible to accurately detect malware families via call graph clustering. We anticipate that in the future, call graphs can be used to analyse the emergence of new malware families, and ultimately to automate implementation of generic detection schemes.Comment: This research has been supported by TEKES - the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation as part of its ICT SHOK Future Internet research programme, grant 40212/0

    Asymptotically good homological error correcting codes

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    Let Δ\Delta be an abstract simplicial complex. We study classical homological error correcting codes associated to Δ\Delta, which generalize the cycle codes of simple graphs. It is well-known that cycle codes of graphs do not yield asymptotically good families of codes. We show that asymptotically good families of codes do exist for homological codes associated to simplicial complexes of dimension at least 22. We also prove general bounds and formulas for (co-)cycle and (co-)boundary codes for arbitrary simplicial complexes over arbitrary fields

    Tensors, !-graphs, and non-commutative quantum structures

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    Categorical quantum mechanics (CQM) and the theory of quantum groups rely heavily on the use of structures that have both an algebraic and co-algebraic component, making them well-suited for manipulation using diagrammatic techniques. Diagrams allow us to easily form complex compositions of (co)algebraic structures, and prove their equality via graph rewriting. One of the biggest challenges in going beyond simple rewriting-based proofs is designing a graphical language that is expressive enough to prove interesting properties (e.g. normal form results) about not just single diagrams, but entire families of diagrams. One candidate is the language of !-graphs, which consist of graphs with certain subgraphs marked with boxes (called !-boxes) that can be repeated any number of times. New !-graph equations can then be proved using a powerful technique called !-box induction. However, previously this technique only applied to commutative (or cocommutative) algebraic structures, severely limiting its applications in some parts of CQM and (especially) quantum groups. In this paper, we fix this shortcoming by offering a new semantics for non-commutative !-graphs using an enriched version of Penrose's abstract tensor notation.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2014, arXiv:1412.810
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