3 research outputs found

    Absolute Radiometric Calibration of Narrow-Swath Imaging Sensors with Reference to Non-Coincident Wide-Swath Sensors

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    An inter-calibration method is developed to provide absolute radiometric calibration of narrow-swath imaging sensors with reference to non-coincident wide-swath sensors. The method predicts at-sensor radiance using non-coincident imagery from the reference sensor and knowledge of spectral reflectance of the test site. The imagery of the reference sensor is restricted to acquisitions that provide similar view and solar illumination geometry to reduce uncertainties due to directional reflectance effects. Spectral reflectance of the test site is found with a simple iterative radiative transfer method using radiance values of a well-understood wide-swath sensor and spectral shape information based on historical ground-based measurements. At-sensor radiance is calculated for the narrow-swath sensor using this spectral reflectance and atmospheric parameters that are also based on historical in situ measurements. Results of the inter-calibration method show agreement on the 2 5 percent level in most spectral regions with the vicarious calibration technique relying on coincident ground-based measurements referred to as the reflectance-based approach. While the variability of the inter-calibration method based on non-coincident image pairs is significantly larger, results are consistent with techniques relying on in situ measurements. The method is also insensitive to spectral differences between the sensors by transferring to surface spectral reflectance prior to prediction of at-sensor radiance. The utility of this inter-calibration method is made clear by its flexibility to utilize image pairings with acquisition dates differing in excess of 30 days allowing frequent absolute calibration comparisons between wide- and narrow-swath sensors

    Importance of Calibration/Validation Traceability for Multi-Sensor Imaging Spectrometry Applications

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    Knowledge of calibration traceability is essential for ensuring the quality of data products relying on multiple sensors and especially true for imaging spectrometers. The current work discusses the expected impact that imaging spectrometers have in ensuring radiometric traceability for both multispectral and hyperspectral products. The Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory Pathfinder mission is used to show the role that high-accuracy imaging spectrometers can play in understanding test sites used for vicarious calibration of sensors. The associated Solar, Lunar for Absolute Reflectance Imaging Spectroradiometer calibration demonstration system is used to illustrate recent advances in laboratory radiometric calibration approaches that will allow both the use of imaging spectrometers as calibration standards as well as to ensure the consistency of the multiple imaging spectrometers expected to be on orbit in the next decade

    Detector Based Calibration of a Portable Imaging Spectrometer for CLARREO Pathfinder Mission

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    The Climate Absolute Refractivity and Reflectance Observatory (CLARREO) Pathfinder (CPF) mission is being developed to demonstrate SI-traceable retrievals of reflectance at unprecedented accuracies for global satellite observations. An Independent Calibration of the CPF sensor using the Goddard Laser for Absolute Measurement of Radiance (GLAMR) is planned to allow validation of CPF accuracies. GLAMR is a detector-based calibration system relies on a set of NIST-calibrated transfer radiometers to assess the spectral radiance from the GLAMR sphere source to better than 0.3 % (k=2). The current work describes the calibration of the Solar, Lunar Absolute Reflectance Imaging Spectroradiometer (SOLARIS) that was originally developed as a calibration demonstration system for the CLARREO mission and is now being used to assess the independent calibration being developed for CPF. The methodology for the radiometric calibration of SOLARIS is presented as well as results from the GLAMR-based calibration of SOLARIS. The portability of SOLARIS makes it capable of collecting field measurements of earth scenes and direct solar and lunar irradiance similar to those expected during the on-orbit operation of the CPF sensor. Results of SOLARIS field measurements are presented. The use of SOLARIS in this effort also allows the testing protocols for GLAMR to be improved and the field measurements by SOLARIS build confidence in the error budget for GLAMR calibrations. Results are compared to accepted solar irradiance models to demonstrate accuracy values giving confidence in the error budget for the CLARREO reflectance retrieval