27 research outputs found

    Abelian maximal pattern complexity of words

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    In this paper we study the maximal pattern complexity of infinite words up to Abelian equivalence. We compute a lower bound for the Abelian maximal pattern complexity of infinite words which are both recurrent and aperiodic by projection. We show that in the case of binary words, the bound is actually achieved and gives a characterization of recurrent aperiodic words

    Some properties of abelian return words (long abstract)

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    We investigate some properties of abelian return words as recently introduced by Puzynina and Zamboni. In particular, we obtain a characterization of Sturmian words with non-null intercept in terms of the finiteness of the set of abelian return words to all prefixes. We describe this set of abelian returns for the Fibonacci word but also for the 2-automatic Thue–Morse word. We also investigate the relationship existing between abelian complexity and finiteness of the set of abelian returns to all prefixes. We end this paper by considering the notion of abelian derived sequence. It turns out that, for the Thue–Morse word, the set of abelian derived sequences is infinite

    Abelian bordered factors and periodicity

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    A finite word u is said to be bordered if u has a proper prefix which is also a suffix of u, and unbordered otherwise. Ehrenfeucht and Silberger proved that an infinite word is purely periodic if and only if it contains only finitely many unbordered factors. We are interested in abelian and weak abelian analogues of this result; namely, we investigate the following question(s): Let w be an infinite word such that all sufficiently long factors are (weakly) abelian bordered; is w (weakly) abelian periodic? In the process we answer a question of Avgustinovich et al. concerning the abelian critical factorization theorem.Comment: 14 page