5,070 research outputs found

    A formal framework for policy analysis

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    We present a formal, logical framework for the representation and analysis of an expressive class of authorization and obligation policies. Basic concepts of the language and operational model are given, and details of the representation are defined, with an attention to how different classes of policies can be written in our framework. We show how complex dependencies amonst policy rules can be represented, and illustrate how the formalization of policies is joined to a dynamic depiction of system behaviour. Algorithmically, we use a species of abductive, constraint logic programming to analyse for the holding of a number of interesting properties of policies (coverage, modality conflict, equivalence of policies, etc.). We describe one implementation of our ideas, and conclude with remarks on related work and future research

    Reasoning techniques for analysis and refinement of policies for service management

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    The work described in this technical report falls under the general problem of developing methods that would allow us to engineer software systems that are reliable and would offer a certain acceptable level of quality in their operation. This report shows how the analysis and refinement of policies for Quality of Service can be carried out within logic by exploiting forms of abductive and argumentative reasoning. In particular, it provides two main contributions. The first is an extension of earlier work on the use of abductive reasoning for automatic policy refinement by exploiting the use of integrity constraints within abduction and its integration with constraint solving. This has allowed us to enhance this refinement process in various ways, e.g. supporting parameter values derivation to quantify abstract refinement to specific policies ready to be put in operation, and calculating utility values to determine optimal refined policies. The second contribution is a new approach for modelling and formulating Quality of Service policies, and more general policies for software requirements, as preference policies within logical frameworks of argumentation. This is shown to be a flexible and declarative approach to the analysis of such policies through high-level semantic queries of argumentation, demonstrated here for the particular case of network firewall policies where the logical framework of argumentation allows us to detect anomalies in the firewalls and facilitates the process of their resolution. To our knowledge this is the first time that the link between argumentation and the specification and analysis of requirement policies has been studied

    Conceptualizing Governance Decision Making: A Theoretical Model of Mental Processes Derived Through Abduction

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    The field of Public Policy and Administration is heavily influenced by the decisions individuals make regarding matters of governance. These types of decisions can affect a broad scope of government-related activities ranging from esoteric debates about political ideology to policy development to specific ways in which people directly interact with public services. Unfortunately, in the view of this research, there is no sufficient model for conceptualizing governance decision making. This creates the focus of inquiry for this work, which is to examine how governance decisions are conceived of and formulated. The purpose of this research is then to analyze the governance decision making processes. This is achieved by examining the available research on decision making processes and then contrasting the widely applied rational approaches with the more applicable nonrational approaches for decision making. This review will indicate that a nonrational conceptualization based on schemas, heuristics, and a societal-level shared mental model may be more instrumental in analyzing governance decisions than rational conceptualizations. The unique but necessary methodological approach of abductive logic is used to develop a theoretical foundation for this new perspective. An application of abductive principles is used to create a framework that anchors governance decisions. The result of these efforts is a model that can serve as a tool for analysis of these important and influential decisions in governance

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationExchanging patient specific information across heterogeneous information systems is a critical but increasingly complex and expensive challenge. Lacking a universal unique identifier for healthcare, patient records must be linked using combinations of identity attributes such as name, date of birth, and sex. A state's birth certificate registry contains demographic information that is potentially very valuable for identity resolution, but its use for that purpose presents numerous problems. The objectives of this research were to: (1) assess the frequency, extent, reasons, and types of changes on birth certificates; (2) develop and evaluate an ontology describing information used in identity resolution; and (3) use a logical framework to model identity transactions and assess the impact of policy decisions in a cross jurisdictional master person index. To understand birth certificate changes, we obtained de identifified datasets from the Utah birth certifificate registry, including history and reasons for changes from 2000 to 2012. We conducted cohort analyses, examining the number, reason, and extent of changes over time, and cross sectional analyses to assess patterns of changes. We evaluated an ontological approach to overcome heterogeneity between systems exchanging identity information and demonstrated the use of two existing ontologies, the Simple Event Model (SEM) and the Clinical Element Model (CEM), to capture an individual's identity history. We used Discrete Event Calculus to model identity events iv across domains and over time. Models were used to develop contextual rules for releasing minimal information from birth certificate registries for sensitive cases such as adoptions. Our findings demonstrate that the mutability of birth certificates makes them a valuable resource for identity resolution, provided that changes can be captured and modeled in a usable form. An ontology can effectively model identity attributes and the events that cause them to change over time, as well as to overcome syntactic and semantic heterogeneity. Finally, we show that dynamic, contextual rules can be used to govern the flow of identity information between systems, allowing entities to link records in the most difficult cases, avoid costly human review, and avoid the threats to privacy that come from such review

    Policy integration for sustainable development: Agenda 2030 meets Region Skåne

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    In an effort to promote sustainable development work in Region Skåne, the regional government seeks to integrate Agenda 2030 into their Regional Development Strategy (RUS). This paper compares the two policies, using qualitative content analysis to problematize the prospects of policy integration. Applying theories from policy integration, policy transfer and policy diffusion, the analysis covers four dimensions of policy integration: the frame, the interactive, the substantive and the motivational dimension. Key insights from the study showcase that RUS’s international character opens it to integration: both policies share a humanistic worldview, emphasize liberal market dynamics, environmental improvement, increased sciences funding and expanded infrastructure. Simultaneously, they have differing understandings on matters of openness, governance and sustainable growth. There are also substantial challenges: Agenda 2030’s qualitative indicators for sustainable development need to be concretized into the local context of Skåne. Pressing deadlines regarding Agenda 2030’s environmental ambitions must be assessed according to Skåne’s ability to match them. Lastly, the highly competitive character of RUS should be weighed according to what is best for sustainable development on a global level. The thesis concludes that policy integration would not resolve the imbalance between the economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainable development in Region Skåne


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    Master of Science Business (Siviløkonom) - Nord universitet 202
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