7,565 research outputs found

    Position statement: Inference in Question Answering

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    One can only exploit inference in Question-Answering (QA) and assess its contribution systematically, if one knows what inference is contributing to. Thus we identify a set of tasks specific to QA and discuss what inference could contribute to their achievement. We conclude with a proposal for graduated test suites as a tool for assessing the performance and impact of inference

    On abduction and answer generation through constrained resolution

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    Recently, extensions of constrained logic programming and constrained resolution for theorem proving have been introduced, that consider constraints, which are interpreted under an open world assumption. We discuss relationships between applications of these approaches for query answering in knowledge base systems on the one hand and abduction-based hypothetical reasoning on the other hand. We show both that constrained resolution can be used as an operationalization of (some limited form of) abduction and that abduction is the logical status of an answer generation process through constrained resolution, ie., it is an abductive but not a deductive form of reasoning

    Meaning and Dialogue Coherence: A Proof-theoretic Investigation

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    This paper presents a novel proof-theoretic account of dialogue coherence. It focuses on an abstract class of cooperative information-oriented dialogues and describes how their structure can be accounted for in terms of a multi-agent hybrid inference system that combines natural deduction with information transfer and observation. We show how certain dialogue structures arise out of the interplay between the inferential roles of logical connectives (i.e., sentence semantics), a rule for transferring information between agents, and a rule for information flow between agents and their environment. The order of explanation is opposite in direction to that adopted in game-theoretic semantics, where sentence semantics (or a notion of valid inference) is derived from winning dialogue strategies. That approach and the current one may, however, be reconcilable, since we focus on cooperative dialogue, whereas the game-theoretic tradition concentrates on adversarial dialogue

    Patterns for Active E-Learning in CMS Environments

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    The proliferation of course management systems (CMS) in the last decade stimulated educators in establishing novel active e-learning practices. Only a few of these practices, however, have been systematically described and published as pedagogic patterns. The lack of formal patterns is an obstacle to the systematic reuse of beneficial active e-learning experiences. This paper aims to partially fill the void by offering a collection of active e-learning patterns that are derived from our continuous course design experience in standard CMS environments, such as Moodle and Black-board. Our technical focus is on active e-learning patterns that can boost student interest in computing-related fields and increase student enrolment in computing-related courses. Members of the international e-learning community can benefit from active e-learning patterns by applying them in the design of new CMS-based courses – in computing and other technical fields

    Patterns for Active E-learning in CMS Environments

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    The proliferation of course management systems (CMS) in the last decade stimulated educators in establishing novel active e-learning practices. Only a few of these practices, however, have been systematically described and published as pedagogic patterns. The lack of formal patterns is an obstacle to the systematic reuse of beneficial active e-learning experiences. This paper aims to partially fill the void by offering a collection of active e-learning patterns that are derived from our continuous course design experience in standard CMS environments, such as Moodle and Black-board. Our technical focus is on active e-learning patterns that can boost student interest in computing-related fields and increase student enrollment in computing-related courses. Members of the international e-learning community can benefit from active e-learning patterns by applying them in the design of new CMS-based courses – in computing and other technical fields

    Increasing Consonance and Resonance in Agile Teaching Methodologies

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    In a cooperative environment technicalexcellence and high quality students’ artifacts is whatteachers strive to achieve while educating computerscience students and facing the challenges of this newcentury. When agile techniques and accelerators andinjected in the process in a cooperative environment theconsonance and resonance in groups increases. Thisspeeds up the learning process and the quality of thematerial produced by the students improves. Twoobservational studies at Kent State University at Starkand Ohio University are described in this paper. Thestudies observe the usefulness of using agile teachingtechniques and analyze the quality of deliverablesproduced. A post questionnaire gathered students’feedback. The observation shows that cooperativelearning produces better results than individuallearning however consonance and resonance must bereached before the speed is achieved
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