34 research outputs found

    Introducing two Low-Latency Cipher Families: Sonic and SuperSonic

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    For many latency-critical operations in computer systems, like memory reads/writes, adding encryption can have a big impact on the performance. Hence, the existence of cryptographic primitives with good security properties and minimal latency is a key element in the wide-spread implementation of such security measures. In this paper, we introduce two new families of low-latency permutations/block ciphers called Sonic and SuperSonic, inspired by the Simon block ciphers

    Multi-Key Security: The Even-Mansour Construction Revisited

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    At ASIACRYPT 1991, Even and Mansour introduced a block cipher construction based on a single permutation. Their construction has since been lauded for its simplicity, yet also criticized for not providing the same security as other block ciphers against generic attacks. In this paper, we prove that if a small number of plaintexts are encrypted under multiple independent keys, the Even-Mansour construction surprisingly offers similar security as an ideal block cipher with the same block and key size. Note that this multi-key setting is of high practical relevance, as real-world implementations often allow frequent rekeying. We hope that the results in this paper will further encourage the use of the Even-Mansour construction, especially when the secure and efficient implementation of a key schedule would result in a significant overhead

    Multi-key Security: The Even-Mansour Construction Revisited

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    International audienceAt ASIACRYPT 1991, Even and Mansour introduced a block cipher construction based on a single permutation. Their construction has since been lauded for its simplicity, yet also criticized for not providing the same security as other block ciphers against generic attacks. In this paper, we prove that if a small number of plaintexts are encrypted under multiple independent keys, the Even-Mansour construction surprisingly offers similar security as an ideal block cipher with the same block and key size. Note that this multi-key setting is of high practical relevance, as real-world implementations often allow frequent rekeying. We hope that the results in this paper will further encourage the use of the Even-Mansour construction, especially when a secure and efficient implementation of a key schedule would result in significant overhead

    From Related-Key Distinguishers to Related-Key-Recovery on Even-Mansour Constructions

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    We show that a distinguishing attack in the related key model on an Even-Mansour block cipher can readily be converted into an extremely efficient key recovery attack. Concerned ciphers include in particular all iterated Even-Mansour schemes with independent keys. We apply this observation to the Caesar candidate Prøst-OTR and are able to recover the whole key with a number of requests linear in its size. This improves on recent forgery attacks in a similar setting

    A Tweak for a PRF Mode of a Compression Function and Its Applications

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    We discuss a tweak for the domain extension called Merkle-Damgård with Permutation (MDP), which was presented at ASIACRYPT 2007. We first show that MDP may produce multiple independent pseudorandom functions (PRFs) using a single secret key and multiple permutations if the underlying compression function is a PRF against related-key attacks with respect to the permutations. Using this result, we then construct a hash-function-based MAC function, which we call FMAC, using a compression function as its underlying primitive. We also present a scheme to extend FMAC so as to take as input a vector of strings

    Mixed-radix Naccache-Stern encryption

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    In this work we explore a combinatorial optimization problem stemming from the Naccache-Stern cryptosystem. We show that solving this problem results in bandwidth improvements, and suggest a polynomial-time approximation algorithm to find an optimal solution. Our work suggests that using optimal radix encoding results in an asymptotic 50% increase in bandwidth

    More Rounds, Less Security?

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    This paper focuses on a surprising class of cryptanalysis results for symmetric-key primitives: when the number of rounds of the primitive is increased, the complexity of the cryptanalysis result decreases. Our primary target will be primitives that consist of identical round functions, such as PBKDF1, the Unix password hashing algorithm, and the Chaskey MAC function. However, some of our results also apply to constructions with non-identical rounds, such as the PRIDE block cipher. First, we construct distinguishers for which the data complexity decreases when the number of rounds is increased. They are based on two well-known observations: iterating a random permutation increases the expected number of fixed points, and iterating a random function decreases the expected number of image points. We explain that these effects also apply to components of cryptographic primitives, such as a round of a block cipher. Second, we introduce a class of key-recovery and preimage-finding techniques that correspond to exhaustive search, however on a smaller part (e.g. one round) of the primitive. As the time complexity of a cryptanalysis result is usually measured by the number of full-round evaluations of the primitive, increasing the number of rounds will lower the time complexity. None of the observations in this paper result in more than a small speed-up over exhaustive search. Therefore, for lightweight applications, implementation advantages may outweigh the presence of these observations

    Secret Key Cryptosystem based on Polar Codes over Binary Erasure Channel

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    This paper proposes an efficient secret key cryptosystem based on polar codes over Binary Erasure Channel. We introduce a method, for the first time to our knowledge, to hide the generator matrix of the polar codes from an attacker. In fact, our main goal is to achieve secure and reliable communication using finite-length polar codes. The proposed cryptosystem has a significant security advantage against chosen plaintext attacks in comparison with the Rao-Nam cryptosystem. Also, the key length is decreased after applying a new compression algorithm. Moreover, this scheme benefits from high code rate and proper error performance for reliable communication

    More Rounds, Less Security?

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    This paper focuses on a surprising class of cryptanalysis results for symmetric-key primitives: when the number of rounds of the primitive is increased, the complexity of the cryptanalysis result decreases. Our primary target will be primitives that consist of identical round functions, such as PBKDF1, the Unix password hashing algorithm, and the Chaskey MAC function. However, some of our results also apply to constructions with non-identical rounds, such as the PRIDE block cipher. First, we construct distinguishers for which the data complexity decreases when the number of rounds is increased. They are based on two well-known observations: iterating a random permutation increases the expected number of fixed points, and iterating a random function decreases the expected number of image points. We explain that these effects also apply to components of cryptographic primitives, such as a round of a block cipher. Second, we introduce a class of key-recovery and preimage-finding techniques that correspond to exhaustive search, however on a smaller part (e.g. one round) of the primitive. As the time complexity of a cryptanalysis result is usually measured by the number of full-round evaluations of the primitive, increasing the number of rounds will lower the time complexity. None of the observations in this paper result in more than a small speed-up over exhaustive search. Therefore, for lightweight applications, implementation advantages may outweigh the presence of these observations

    Exploring Naccache-Stern Knapsack Encryption

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    The Naccache–Stern public-key cryptosystem (NS) relies on the conjectured hardness of the modular multiplicative knapsack problem: Given p,{vi},vimimodpp,\{v_i\},\prod v_i^{m_i} \bmod p, find the {mi}\{m_i\}. Given this scheme\u27s algebraic structure it is interesting to systematically explore its variants and generalizations. In particular it might be useful to enhance NS with features such as semantic security, re-randomizability or an extension to higher-residues. This paper addresses these questions and proposes several such variants