592 research outputs found

    Overview of Sensing Attacks on Autonomous Vehicle Technologies and Impact on Traffic Flow

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    While perception systems in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs), which encompass both communication technologies and advanced sensors, promise to significantly reduce human driving errors, they also expose CAVs to various cyberattacks. These include both communication and sensing attacks, which potentially jeopardize not only individual vehicles but also overall traffic safety and efficiency. While much research has focused on communication attacks, sensing attacks, which are equally critical, have garnered less attention. To address this gap, this study offers a comprehensive review of potential sensing attacks and their impact on target vehicles, focusing on commonly deployed sensors in CAVs such as cameras, LiDAR, Radar, ultrasonic sensors, and GPS. Based on this review, we discuss the feasibility of integrating hardware-in-the-loop experiments with microscopic traffic simulations. We also design baseline scenarios to analyze the macro-level impact of sensing attacks on traffic flow. This study aims to bridge the research gap between individual vehicle sensing attacks and broader macroscopic impacts, thereby laying the foundation for future systemic understanding and mitigation

    Secure Instruction and Data-Level Information Flow Tracking Model for RISC-V

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    Rising device use and third-party IP integration in semiconductors raise security concerns. Unauthorized access, fault injection, and privacy invasion are potential threats from untrusted actors. Different security techniques have been proposed to provide resilience to secure devices from potential vulnerabilities; however, no one technique can be applied as an overarching solution. We propose an integrated Information Flow Tracking (IFT) technique to enable runtime security to protect system integrity by tracking the flow of data from untrusted communication channels. Existing hardware-based IFT schemes are either fine-, which are resource-intensive, or coarse-grained models, which have minimal precision logic, providing either control flow or data-flow integrity. No current security model provides multi-granularity due to the difficulty in balancing both the flexibility and hardware overheads at the same time. This study proposes a multi-level granularity IFT model that integrates a hardware-based IFT technique with a gate-level-based IFT (GLIFT) technique, along with flexibility, for better precision and assessments. Translation from the instruction level to the data level is based on module instantiation with security-critical data for accurate information flow behaviors without any false conservative flows. A simulation-based IFT model is demonstrated, which translates the architecture-specific extensions into a compiler-specific simulation model with toolchain extensions for Reduced Instruction Set Architecture (RISC-V) to verify the security extensions. This approach provides better precision logic by enhancing the tagged mechanism with 1-bit tags and implementing an optimized shadow logic that eliminates the area overhead by tracking the data for only security-critical modules

    Drivers and barriers for secure hardware adoption across ecosystem stakeholders

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    The decisions involved in choosing technology components for systems are poorly understood. This is especially so where the choices pertain to system security and countering the threat of cybersecurity attack. Although common in some commercial products, secure hardware chips provide security functions such as authentication, secure execution and integrity validation on system start, and are increasingly deemed to have a role in devices across sectors, such as IoT devices, autonomous vehicle systems and critical infrastructure components. To understand the decisions and opinions regarding the adoption of secure hardware, we conducted 23 semi-structured interviews with senior decision-makers from companies spanning a range of sectors, sizes and supply-chain roles. Our results consider the business propositional drivers, barriers and economic factors that influence the adoption decisions. Understanding these would help those seeking to influence the adoption process, whether as a business decision, or as a trade or national strategy

    SystemC Model of Power Side-Channel Attacks Against AI Accelerators: Superstition or not?

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    As training artificial intelligence (AI) models is a lengthy and hence costly process, leakage of such a model's internal parameters is highly undesirable. In the case of AI accelerators, side-channel information leakage opens up the threat scenario of extracting the internal secrets of pre-trained models. Therefore, sufficiently elaborate methods for design verification as well as fault and security evaluation at the electronic system level are in demand. In this paper, we propose estimating information leakage from the early design steps of AI accelerators to aid in a more robust architectural design. We first introduce the threat scenario before diving into SystemC as a standard method for early design evaluation and how this can be applied to threat modeling. We present two successful side-channel attack methods executed via SystemC-based power modeling: correlation power analysis and template attack, both leading to total information leakage. The presented models are verified against an industry-standard netlist-level power estimation to prove general feasibility and determine accuracy. Consequently, we explore the impact of additive noise in our simulation to establish indicators for early threat evaluation. The presented approach is again validated via a model-vs-netlist comparison, showing high accuracy of the achieved results. This work hence is a solid step towards fast attack deployment and, subsequently, the design of attack-resilient AI accelerators

    Abusing Commodity DRAMs in IoT Devices to Remotely Spy on Temperature

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    The ubiquity and pervasiveness of modern Internet of Things (IoT) devices opens up vast possibilities for novel applications, but simultaneously also allows spying on, and collecting data from, unsuspecting users to a previously unseen extent. This paper details a new attack form in this vein, in which the decay properties of widespread, off-the-shelf DRAM modules are exploited to accurately sense the temperature in the vicinity of the DRAM-carrying device. Among others, this enables adversaries to remotely and purely digitally spy on personal behavior in users' private homes, or to collect security-critical data in server farms, cloud storage centers, or commercial production lines. We demonstrate that our attack can be performed by merely compromising the software of an IoT device and does not require hardware modifications or physical access at attack time. It can achieve temperature resolutions of up to 0.5{\deg}C over a range of 0{\deg}C to 70{\deg}C in practice. Perhaps most interestingly, it even works in devices that do not have a dedicated temperature sensor on board. To complete our work, we discuss practical attack scenarios as well as possible countermeasures against our temperature espionage attacks.Comment: Submitted to IEEE TIFS and currently under revie

    Systematic Literature Review of EM-SCA Attacks on Encryption

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    Cryptography is vital for data security, but cryptographic algorithms can still be vulnerable to side-channel attacks (SCAs), physical assaults exploiting power consumption and EM radiation. SCAs pose a significant threat to cryptographic integrity, compromising device keys. While literature on SCAs focuses on real-world devices, the rise of sophisticated devices necessitates fresh approaches. Electromagnetic side-channel analysis (EM-SCA) gathers information by monitoring EM radiation, capable of retrieving encryption keys and detecting malicious activity. This study evaluates EM-SCA's impact on encryption across scenarios and explores its role in digital forensics and law enforcement. Addressing encryption susceptibility to EM-SCA can empower forensic investigators in overcoming encryption challenges, maintaining their crucial role in law enforcement. Additionally, the paper defines EM-SCA's current state in attacking encryption, highlighting vulnerable and resistant encryption algorithms and devices, and promising EM-SCA approaches. This study offers a comprehensive analysis of EM-SCA in law enforcement and digital forensics, suggesting avenues for further research

    Built-In Return-Oriented Programs in Embedded Systems and Deep Learning for Hardware Trojan Detection

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    Microcontrollers and integrated circuits in general have become ubiquitous in the world today. All aspects of our lives depend on them from driving to work, to calling our friends, to checking our bank account balance. People who would do harm to individuals, corporations and nation states are aware of this and for that reason they seek to find or create and exploit vulnerabilities in integrated circuits. This dissertation contains three papers dealing with these types of vulnerabilities. The first paper talks about a vulnerability that was found on a microcontroller, which is a type of integrated circuit. The final two papers deal with hardware trojans. Hardware trojans are purposely added to the design of an integrated circuit in secret so that the manufacturer doesn’t know about it. They are used to damage the integrated circuit, leak confidential information, or in other ways alter the circuit. Hardware trojans are a major concern for anyone using integrated circuits because an attacker can alter a circuit in almost any way if they are successful in inserting one. A known method to prevent hardware trojan insertion is discussed and a type of circuit for which this method does not work is revealed. The discussion of hardware trojans is concluded with a new way to detect them before the integrated circuit is manufactured. Modern deep learning models are used to detect the portions of the hardware trojan called triggers that activate them
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