5 research outputs found


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    We evaluate the performance of various selection methods for the Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithm in two-player zero-sum extensive-form games with imperfect information. We compare the standard Upper Confident Bounds applied to Trees (UCT) along with the less common Exponential Weights for Exploration and Exploitation (Exp3) and novel Regret matching (RM) selection in two distinct imperfect information games: Imperfect Information Goofspiel and Phantom Tic-Tac-Toe. We show that UCT after initial fast convergence towards a Nash equilibrium computes increasingly worse strategies after some point in time. This is not the case with Exp3 and RM, which also show superior performance in head-to-head matches

    Online Monte Carlo Counterfactual Regret Minimization for Search in Imperfect Information Games

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    ABSTRACT Online search in games has been a core interest of artificial intelligence. Search in imperfect information games (e.g., Poker, Bridge, Skat) is particularly challenging due to the complexities introduced by hidden information. In this paper, we present Online Outcome Sampling, an online search variant of Monte Carlo Counterfactual Regret Minimization, which preserves its convergence to Nash equilibrium. We show that OOS can overcome the problem of non-locality encountered by previous search algorithms and perform well against its worst-case opponents. We show that exploitability of the strategies played by OOS decreases as the amount of search time increases, and that preexisting Information Set Monte Carlo tree search (ISMCTS) can get more exploitable over time. In head-to-head play, OOS outperforms ISMCTS in games where non-locality plays a significant role, given a sufficient computation time per move

    Reinforcement Learning from Self-Play in Imperfect-Information Games

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    This thesis investigates artificial agents learning to make strategic decisions in imperfect-information games. In particular, we introduce a novel approach to reinforcement learning from self-play. We introduce Smooth UCT, which combines the game-theoretic notion of fictitious play with Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). Smooth UCT outperformed a classic MCTS method in several imperfect-information poker games and won three silver medals in the 2014 Annual Computer Poker Competition. We develop Extensive-Form Fictitious Play (XFP) that is entirely implemented in sequential strategies, thus extending this prominent game-theoretic model of learning to sequential games. XFP provides a principled foundation for self-play reinforcement learning in imperfect-information games. We introduce Fictitious Self-Play (FSP), a class of sample-based reinforcement learning algorithms that approximate XFP. We instantiate FSP with neuralnetwork function approximation and deep learning techniques, producing Neural FSP (NFSP). We demonstrate that (approximate) Nash equilibria and their representations (abstractions) can be learned using NFSP end to end, i.e. interfacing with the raw inputs and outputs of the domain. NFSP approached the performance of state-of-the-art, superhuman algorithms in Limit Texas Hold’em - an imperfect-information game at the absolute limit of tractability using massive computational resources. This is the first time that any reinforcement learning algorithm, learning solely from game outcomes without prior domain knowledge, achieved such a feat