2 research outputs found

    Neuroevolution in Deep Neural Networks: Current Trends and Future Challenges

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    A variety of methods have been applied to the architectural configuration and learning or training of artificial deep neural networks (DNN). These methods play a crucial role in the success or failure of the DNN for most problems and applications. Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) are gaining momentum as a computationally feasible method for the automated optimisation and training of DNNs. Neuroevolution is a term which describes these processes of automated configuration and training of DNNs using EAs. While many works exist in the literature, no comprehensive surveys currently exist focusing exclusively on the strengths and limitations of using neuroevolution approaches in DNNs. Prolonged absence of such surveys can lead to a disjointed and fragmented field preventing DNNs researchers potentially adopting neuroevolutionary methods in their own research, resulting in lost opportunities for improving performance and wider application within real-world deep learning problems. This paper presents a comprehensive survey, discussion and evaluation of the state-of-the-art works on using EAs for architectural configuration and training of DNNs. Based on this survey, the paper highlights the most pertinent current issues and challenges in neuroevolution and identifies multiple promising future research directions.Comment: 20 pages (double column), 2 figures, 3 tables, 157 reference

    Methodological contributions by means of machine learning methods for automatic music generation and classification

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    189 p.Ikerketa lan honetan bi gai nagusi landu dira: musikaren sorkuntza automatikoa eta sailkapena. Musikaren sorkuntzarako bertso doinuen corpus bat hartu da abiapuntu moduan doinu ulergarri berriak sortzeko gai den metodo bat sortzeko. Doinuei ulergarritasuna hauen barnean dauden errepikapen egiturek ematen dietela suposatu da, eta metodoaren hiru bertsio nagusi aurkeztu dira, bakoitzean errepikapen horien definizio ezberdin bat erabiliz.Musikaren sailkapen automatikoan hiru ataza garatu dira: generoen sailkapena, familia melodikoen taldekatzea eta konposatzaileen identifikazioa. Musikaren errepresentazio ezberdinak erabili dira ataza bakoitzerako, eta ikasketa automatikoko hainbat teknika ere probatu dira, emaitzarik hoberenak zeinek ematen dituen aztertzeko.Gainbegiratutako sailkapenaren alorrean ere binakako sailkapenaren gainean lana egin da, aurretik existitzen zen metodo bat optimizatuz. Hainbat datu baseren gainean probatu da garatutako teknika, baita konposatzaile klasikoen piezen ezaugarriez osatutako datu base batean ere