8 research outputs found

    Insights into the Mind of a Trojan Designer: The Challenge to Integrate a Trojan into the Bitstream

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    The threat of inserting hardware Trojans during the design, production, or in-field poses a danger for integrated circuits in real-world applications. A particular critical case of hardware Trojans is the malicious manipulation of third-party FPGA configurations. In addition to attack vectors during the design process, FPGAs can be infiltrated in a non-invasive manner after shipment through alterations of the bitstream. First, we present an improved methodology for bitstream file format reversing. Second, we introduce a novel idea for Trojan insertion

    Bitstream Fault Injections (BiFI) – Automated Fault Attacks against SRAM-based FPGAs

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    This contribution is concerned with the question whether an adversary can automatically manipulate an unknown FPGA bitstream realizing a cryptographic primitive such that the underlying secret key is revealed. In general, if an attacker has full knowledge about the bitstream structure and can make changes to the target FPGA design, she can alter the bitstream leading to key recovery. However, this requires challenging reverse-engineering steps in practice. We argue that this is a major reason why bitstream fault injection attacks have been largely neglected in the past. In this paper, we show that malicious bitstream modifications are i) much easier to conduct than commonly assumed and ii) surprisingly powerful. We introduce a novel class of bitstream fault injection (BiFI) attacks which does not require any reverse-engineering. Our attacks can be automatically mounted without any detailed knowledge about either the bitstream format of the design or the crypto primitive which is being attacked. Bitstream encryption features do not necessarily prevent our attack if the integrity of the encrypted bitstream is not carefully checked. We have successfully verified the feasibility of our attacks in practice by considering several publicly available AES designs. As target platforms, we have conducted our experiments on Spartan-6 and Virtex-5 Xilinx FPGAs

    HAL — The Missing Piece of the Puzzle for Hardware Reverse Engineering, Trojan Detection and Insertion

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    Hardware manipulations pose a serious threat to numerous systems, ranging from a myriad of smart-X devices to military systems. In many attack scenarios an adversary merely has access to the low-level, potentially obfuscated gate-level netlist. In general, the attacker possesses minimal information and faces the costly and time-consuming task of reverse engineering the design to identify security-critical circuitry, followed by the insertion of a meaningful hardware Trojan. These challenges have been considered only in passing by the research community. The contribution of this work is threefold: First, we present HAL, a comprehensive reverse engineering and manipulation framework for gate-level netlists. HAL allows automating defensive design analysis (e.g., including arbitrary Trojan detection algorithms with minimal effort) as well as offensive reverse engineering and targeted logic insertion. Second, we present a novel static analysis Trojan detection technique ANGEL which considerably reduces the false-positive detection rate of the detection technique FANCI. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ANGEL is capable of automatically detecting Trojans obfuscated with DeTrust. Third, we demonstrate how a malicious party can semi-automatically inject hardware Trojans into third-party designs. We present reverse engineering algorithms to disarm and trick cryptographic self-tests, and subtly leak cryptographic keys without any a priori knowledge of the design’s internal workings

    Project BeARCAT : Baselining, Automation and Response for CAV Testbed Cyber Security : Connected Vehicle & Infrastructure Security Assessment

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    Connected, software-based systems are a driver in advancing the technology of transportation systems. Advanced automated and autonomous vehicles, together with electrification, will help reduce congestion, accidents and emissions. Meanwhile, vehicle manufacturers see advanced technology as enhancing their products in a competitive market. However, as many decades of using home and enterprise computer systems have shown, connectivity allows a system to become a target for criminal intentions. Cyber-based threats to any system are a problem; in transportation, there is the added safety implication of dealing with moving vehicles and the passengers within

    AES T-Box tampering attack

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    The use of embedded block memories (BRAMs) in Xilinx FPGA devices makes it possible to store the T-Boxes that are employed to implement the AES block cipher’s SubBytes and MixColumns operations. Several studies into BRAM resistance to side-channel attacks have been reported in the literature, whereas this paper presents a novel attack based on tampering the BRAMs storing the T-Boxes. This approach allows recovering the key using a ciphertext-only attack for all AES key sizes. The complexity of the attack makes it completely feasible. The attack was mounted against previously reported FPGA-based AES implementations, taking into account the different design criteria used in each case and focusing mainly on the implementation of the final round of the AES algorithm, which plays a crucial role in the analysis. Three different final round implementations extracted from well-known existing architectures are analyzed in this work. The paper also discusses some countermeasures with regard to security, performance and FPGA resource utilization. The attack is presented against FPGA-based implementations but it can be extended to software architectures as well

    AES T-Box tampering attack

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