28 research outputs found

    Report on the 6th ADBIS’2002 conference

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    The 6th East European Conference ADBIS 2002 was held on September~8--11, 2002 in Bratislava, Slovakia. It was organised by the Slovak University of Technology (and, in particular, its Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology) in Bratislava in co-operation with the ACM SIGMOD, the Moscow ACM SIGMOD Chapter, and Slovak Society for Computer Science. The call for papers attracted 115 submissions from 35~countries. The international program committee, consisting of 43 researchers from 21 countries, selected 25 full papers and 4 short papers for a monograph volume published by the Springer Verlag. Beside those 29 regular papers, the volume includes also 3 invited papers presented at the Conference as invited lectures. Additionally, 20 papers have been selected for the Research communications volume. The authors of accepted papers come from 22~countries of 4 continents, indicating the truly international recognition of the ADBIS conference series. The conference had 104 registered participants from 22~countries and included invited lectures, tutorials, and regular sessions. This report describes the goals of the conference and summarizes the issues discussed during the sessions

    Business Models of ERP System Providers

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    This contribution will propose an analytically derived reference framework for business models of ERP system providers. First, ERP systems are defined. Further, implications from services marketing are outlined. The business model concept is defined and positioned against strategy and business processes. Furthermore, the business model framework is developed based on previous publications on business models and adapted to ERP system providers. The components of the business model framework are explained. This contribution concludes with a summary and further research questions

    OMARS: The Framework of an Online Multi-Dimensional Association Rules Mining System

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    Recently, the integration of data warehouses and data mining has been recognized as the primary platform for facilitating knowledge discovery. Effective data mining from data warehouses, however, needs exploratory data analysis. The users often need to investigate the warehousing data from various perspectives and analyze them at different levels of abstraction. To this end, comprehensive information processing and data analysis have to be systematically constructed surrounding data warehouses, and an on-line mining environment should be provided. In this paper, we propose a system framework to facilitate on-line association rules mining, called OMARS, which is based on the idea of integrating OLAP service and our proposed OLAM cubes and auxiliary cubes. According to the concept of OLAM cubes, we define the OLAM lattice framework that exploit arbitrary hierarchies of dimensions to model all possible OLAM data cubes

    Enabling Flexibility in Process-Aware Information Systems: Challenges, Methods, Technologies

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    In today’s dynamic business world, the success of a company increasingly depends on its ability to react to changes in its environment in a quick and flexible way. Companies have therefore identified process agility as a competitive advantage to address business trends like increasing product and service variability or faster time to market, and to ensure business IT alignment. Along this trend, a new generation of information systems has emerged—so-called process-aware information systems (PAIS), like workflow management systems, case handling tools, and service orchestration engines. With this book, Reichert and Weber address these flexibility needs and provide an overview of PAIS with a strong focus on methods and technologies fostering flexibility for all phases of the process lifecycle (i.e., modeling, configuration, execution and evolution). Their presentation is divided into six parts. Part I starts with an introduction of fundamental PAIS concepts and establishes the context of process flexibility in the light of practical scenarios. Part II focuses on flexibility support for pre-specified processes, the currently predominant paradigm in the field of business process management (BPM). Part III details flexibility support for loosely specified processes, which only partially specify the process model at build-time, while decisions regarding the exact specification of certain model parts are deferred to the run-time. Part IV deals with user- and data-driven processes, which aim at a tight integration of processes and data, and hence enable an increased flexibility compared to traditional PAIS. Part V introduces existing technologies and systems for the realization of a flexible PAIS. Finally, Part VI summarizes the main ideas of this book and gives an outlook on advanced flexibility issues. The attached pdf file gives a preview on Chapter 3 of the book which explains the book's overall structure

    Supporting discretionary decision-making with information technology

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    A NUMBER OF INCREASINGLY SOPHISTICATED technologies are now being used to support complex decision-making in a range of contexts. This paper reports on a project undertaken to provide decision support in discretionary legal domains by referring to a recently created model that involves the interplay and weighting of relevant rule-based and discretionary factors used in a decision-making process. The case study used in the modelling process is the Criminal Jurisdiction of the Victorian Magistrate’s Court (Australia), where the handing down of an appropriate custodial or non-custodial sentence requires the consideration of many factors. Tools and techniques used to capture relevant expert knowledge and to display it both as a paper model and as an online prototype application are discussed. Models of sentencing decision-making with rule-based and discretionary elements are presented and analyzed. This paper concludes by discussing the benefits and disadvantages of such technology and considers some potential appropriate uses of the model and web-based prototype application.C

    Algorithms for Order-Preserving Matching

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    String matching is a widely studied problem in Computer Science. There have been many recent developments in this field. One fascinating problem considered lately is the order-preserving matching (OPM) problem. The task is to find all the substrings in the text which have the same length and relative order as the pattern, where the relative order is the numerical order of the numbers in a string. The problem finds its applications in the areas involving time series or series of numbers. More specifically, it is useful for those who are interested in the relative order of the pattern and not in the pattern itself. For example, it can be used by analysts in a stock market to study movements of prices.  In addition to the OPM problem, we also studied its approximate variation. In approximate order-preserving matching, we search for those substrings in the text which have relative order similar to the pattern, i.e., relative order of the pattern matches with at most k mismatches. With respect to applications of order-preserving matching, approximate search is more meaningful than exact search. We developed various advanced solutions for the problem and its variant. Special emphasis was laid on the practical efficiency of the solutions. Particularly, we introduced a simple solution for the OPM problem using filtration. We proved experimentally that our method was effective and faster than the previous solutions for the problem. In addition, we combined the Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) instruction set architecture with filtration to develop competent solutions which were faster than our previous solution. Moreover, we proposed another efficient solution without filtration using the SIMD architecture. We also presented an offline solution based on the FM-index scheme. Furthermore, we proposed practical solutions for the approximate order-preserving matching problem and one of the solutions was the first sublinear solution on average for the problem